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Unban Appeal - Erik - Discord

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Unban Appeal for Erik 

In-game Name: Erik

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561198057883072

Ban ID: C3.0

Reason given for your ban: Advertising

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for pm'ing some people i used to play altis life with and wanted to see if they wanted to play it again for old time sake. What i believe have happened is that i messaged the wrong guy, i think i mixed up the names. Want to clarify that the server is not mine in any ways.
Anyways it was wrong and i should have known better and i didn't realize it was bannable.

Why should we unban you ?: It was a mistake, and it stupid of me, i regret what i did. I have been in this community for 6 years soon and i dont think i have broken any rules before now.
I have been a good community member, i have been on the Twitch Team, Sherpa, i have made rpuk advertisements and hosted events on the server.
Yes i miss RPUK Altis life a lot and i mean a lot, i have spent atleast 1k hours on the server! But i work at sea now and i am gone half the year, when i get home i have to be with my gf so i dont really have much chance to play, so i wanted to catch up with some people and play it for a couple of hours for fun.
I have learned what i did wrong, and i wont do it again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Please provide your discord ID

i didn't realize it was bannable.
You´ve been here for almost 6 years. You knew... Let´s not play silly games, alright? Did you get the wrong guy or did you simply try to spread the word? 

I wanted to write some guys that used to play a lot of of rpuk altis life (police/poseidon), most of the people i msg does not even play here anymore. 

I didnt mean to write to people i dont know, i just wanted to msg people i knew and played with back in the days.

i just wanted to have some guys to play altis life with when i get back home from work in 2 weeks. Just for old timed sake. I almost dont have time to play anymore and there are not rly any rp servers anymore since its a dead game.

What i meant with that i didnt know it was bannable was that i didnt think that asking if they miss rpuk altis life was bannable and asking if they would be up to play abit for old times sake. 

I regret what i did and i shouldt have done it. 

I just wanted to get a few guys and play, for the nostalgia. I basicly quit gaming after rpuk shut down the altis life server. I have even begged to have it relaunched but i get the same answer everytime. Wont happen. 

See, it´s slightly hard to believe what you´re saying. Wouldn´t you first engage in some form of conversation to catch up properly, especially when you are told they do not recall knowing you? I personally would...

The conversations varied.

I have cathed up with a few people, asked them how they are doing, hows life, what they play, if they play arma anymore. But i mostly talked with people on snapchat, because using discord when i'm at work is a struggle since its blocked on the wifi onboard. 

If i recall corectly there was maybe 1-2 guys who didnt recognize me but then i tried to remind them who i was ofc.

See... it doesn´t make a lot of sense to me. 

If you would like to play with certain people, you´d surely be in contact with them one way or another anyway, no? Why go searching for a bunch of people that you have not talked to in ages, to suddenly ask them to join an Arma server... 
The conversations I have seen look very minimalistic in terms of catching up and very heavy on the advertising part. And quite frankly, we don´t like it.

Therefore, I will not unban you at this moment of time. Try again once some time has passed. I will not apply a new forum restriction for now, however, if just a single invite to that server pops up on here, that will change rather quickly.

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