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Unban Appeal - eggism - GTA RP

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gta rp
Unban Appeal for eggism 

In-game Name: Jack Slime

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198090293520

Ban ID: !!RPUK12123!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 G4.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Upon checking C2.3 and C4.4 rules on the forum it appears I have not been roleplaying while dead. But I am trying to find the "report a player" request on the forums and it does not appear to be anywhere? me and my friend were both banned for the same reason and neither reports exist.

Why should we unban you ?: I don't feel like I was banned fairly, there is no report made against us. I have also not been talked to about this ban whatsoever, this seems very unfair to me.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Please find the rules that you agreed you had read and accepted when joining the server. Both G4.4 and C2.3

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Please find the rules that you agreed you had read and accepted when joining the server. Both G4.4 and C2.3
Sorry what do you mean by this? I have checked the rules already as noted in my post. I had to verify which rules I have been banned for and confirmed this in the post.

[SIZE=medium](G2.3) Roleplay Everything - You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character.[/SIZE]

(G4.4) When you are downed:

  • You have been injured to the point that you have been incapacitated and you must roleplay your injuries. You have not yet been killed; this only occurs when you respawn.
  • When roleplaying your injuries, you must not make direct reference to the in-game respawn timer.
There doesn't need to be a report player made against you in order for you to be banned. 

If you want to go down the route of 'I don't think I was banned fairly' instead of actually owning up to your mistakes, then I'm not even going to bother with you. 


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