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Unban Appeal - dwilliams2118 - GTA RP

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Dan Williams

Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Police Trainer
Los Santos Firefighter
Parts unknown
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Tyler Jones
Steam ID: 76561199633508973
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17690
Ban Reason: G2.9 Transferring Items/Money
Why do you think you were banned: I know I was banned over my own stupidity by transferring money between characters this was my own fault for not reading the rules properly I admit i have made a mistake and I'm so ashamed I love playing rpuk its become a big part of my life and I enjoy it deeply being able to immerse myself into the city i will not make the same mistake again as i would not want to ruin all i have worked for.
Why should we unban you: i promise to never exploit the game again it was foolish of me to do it and i love playing RPUK i have made a great person in the city and i would be foolish to ever do something to loose it i cant apologise enough for my mistake and i hope i can get a chance to change how I've acted and get a second chance i love interacting with other people and roleplay is one of the only ways i can do this I'm sorry for what I've done and i hope you can give me a second chance to try again i have read the rules in depth and know my mistake and it will not happen again

this is my first bannable offence and i know its no excuse and i am truly sorry for it and cant stress enough how sorry i am i, it will never happen again and if i ever get the chance to prove it i would be extremely grateful my actions have made me realise how careless i have been and i just want the chance to undo it. to whoever reads this i just want to say play honestly follow the rules because they are there for a reason and if you put enough time into the city the feeling of losing it is heart-breaking don't think your above the rules and play fairly

to any staff reading I'm sorry for my ignorance and hope i can be forgiven i will never make a mistake again and hope you can give me another chance.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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I am going to get this condition agreed upon right away, as the rest of the appeal won't matter if you don't agree.

You were banned for G2.9, where you transferred a large sum of money between characters. This has nothing to do with not reading the rules, common sense would dictate you don't transfer large sums of money between characters.

As such, all characters bar one will be deleted, and one will remain but have all assets (money, cars, inventory etc etc) wiped, and you will start fresh.

First, do you agree?

Secondly, which character would you like to keep, but still have wiped?
I am going to get this condition agreed upon right away, as the rest of the appeal won't matter if you don't agree.

You were banned for G2.9, where you transferred a large sum of money between characters. This has nothing to do with not reading the rules, common sense would dictate you don't transfer large sums of money between characters.

As such, all characters bar one will be deleted, and one will remain but have all assets (money, cars, inventory etc etc) wiped, and you will start fresh.

First, do you agree?

Secondly, which character would you like to keep, but still have wiped?
In regards to the reply thank you for giving me a second chance and if I keep character Dan Williams will I keep my job in lsps?
i agree to what you have said and will never make a mistake like this again i would like to keep Dan Williams please
Locked for 3 days for bumping (05/07/24 @ 20:42)
So you've misunderstood what Phoenix had said,

He asked you to agree to the wipe BEFORE the appeal had even started.
There is no guarantee we'll even unban you yet.

You've been around a relatively short amount of time within our community.

When initially pulled for a chat about G2.9 you lied to us.

You have to understand that your credibility has been demolished after lying to us.
It is now your job to build that trust.
The reason I lied was due to panic I have never been in a situation like this before it was completely wrong of me to do so
And I am truly sorry I know I have to build the trust back up and I’m hoping I get the chance to do so
Can you confirm in total what was transferred between characters?
£600000 was transferred and it was the biggest mistake I’ve made it was stupid and foolish of me to do so and I’ve regretted ever since
Good morning @dwilliams2118 , I hope all is well! :)

What is your overall purpose on RPUK? Are you here solely for roleplay, and roleplay only?
From what I gather in regards to this ban, you've been attempting to gain an advantage over other players through exploiting for assets.

I don't fully understand why you did it? You've been on the server long enough to understand that this is a bannable offense, even if not, surely it's clearly not an intentional function of the game to be transferring money between characters else everyone would be super rich, right?
My overall purpose on role play is to have an immersive experience I’ve been a police officer for over a month now and I really do miss it what I did was shameful and I’ve regretted it every day since if I do get a second chance I will not make the mistake again as this last two weeks have been painful not being able to do my part in city I am sorry for what I have done and it won’t happen again I can’t stress how sorry I am and can only hope I can get a second chance
Thanks for the response @dwilliams2118 ,

Although it does seem as if you've not properly responded to "I don't fully understand why you did it? You've been on the server long enough to understand that this is a bannable offense, even if not, surely it's clearly not an intentional function of the game to be transferring money between characters else everyone would be super rich, right?"

Why did you transfer the money between characters? What was the motive?
The motive was trying to avoid starting over again by giving a new character money I earned I was stupid to do so and I am sorry I did it I should never of tried to cheat the system as I’ve ultimately paid for it
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Good morning @dwilliams2118 ,

You're correct. You have ultimately ended up paying for it as you're now basically starting out fresh regardless of what you had planned.
What's your plan if given another chance to return and play here? What characters will you play? What quality roleplay can you provide?
Hello @Danoo thankyou for dealing with my appeal

If I can get the chance to return I would like to go back to the police force and do what I was doing best by providing the city with some quality police RP and working to make it a better place

Also and forgive me for speaking out of turn will I loose my police character as at the start of the appeal I was told I could keep one but loose all assets
Good morning @dwilliams2118 ,

This is your first and only ban on the server so far - let's ensure we keep it this way.
Ultimately your goal was not to start fresh and by your own actions you've ended up doing it without a choice anyway.

I'd like to give you another chance on the server which will allow you to prove yourself as being here for roleplay purposes rather than gaining an advantage.
Please do not waste this chance, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS.

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