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Unban Appeal - duckinq - GTA RP

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Northern Ireland UK
Unban Appeal for duckinq 

In-game Name: Aaron Blacksimus

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198370791498

Ban ID: !!rpuk11805!!

Reason given for your ban: Speak to Staff - Open a discord ticket

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: As my ban reason instructed I have already opened a ticket on discord which has been dealt with and I now been asked to create an appeal on the forums after my unban cooldown ended on 04/03/2023.
The reason I had originally been banned is because I went AFK while I was in a bed in hospital. I believe I have now been permanently banned because the staff believe I had been fake idling to avoid a roleplay situation.
I can summarise the events that led up to the roleplay situation below –
A friend and I had been going around robbing different players who were on their own for some quick cash. The day of my punishment we had robbed four players, each roleplay situation mostly went the same with us pulling them over, asking them to get out and then would let them go once they had dropped their phone/cash/radio etc. There was only one situation where we had to shoot a player dead due to them attempting to pull a gun out.
While we were driving my car ran out of fuel, so I parked at the side of the road while my friend went to the nearest fuel station to get some. While I was parked, two guys in a bike approached me and began questioning me, as I was outnumbered and my car was unable to move I attempted to stall the interaction in the hope my friend would return. As my friend returned to the car and we had refuelled another car appeared and they pulled out their weapons. We also took out our guns but were both eventually shot down with my friend leaving one of their guys injured on the floor.
At the same time this happened, the police arrived and began to chase the group who had shot at us. I was left on the floor and was picked up by one of the police cars who took me to the hospital. While I was in the car I roleplayed being injured and answered all of the questions they had. Once we had arrived at the hospital, the roleplay continued as an officer helped mend my wounds.
At this point I expected the officer to provide enough treatment for me to be able to stand up, so that he could search me as he would have known I had been in a gun fight (Hopefully by continuing to talk to the officer this would show I didn’t care about losing what items I had on me) However once there was available beds in the hospital the officer allowed me to check in, and told me to have a good day indicating that this situation had ended.
Once I was in the hospital bed, I got up and left my PC with the intention of coming back once I had been healed to then disconnect as we planned to come back on after the 8pm server restart. The reason I did not log out while in the hospital bed is because the previous times I have done this I have spawned below the hospital and needed to wait for staff to teleport me out once logging back in.
After leaving my PC I forgot to come back to disconnect and when I returned at 8pm to play again I seen that I was banned.

Why should we unban you ?: I want to apologize for my behaviour that led to my ban, specifically for going AFK in the hospital during a roleplay session. I understand that my actions ruined the roleplay experiences of other players and wasted valuable staff time, and I want to express my deepest regret for this.
I want to take full responsibility for my actions and acknowledge that they were not only inappropriate but also disrespectful to the other players and staff members who were actively engaging in the roleplay session. I understand that my actions were disruptive and unfair to those who were committed to playing and contributing to the community on the server.
I know that being AFK during a roleplay session is not acceptable, and I understand that it can affect the game's dynamics, break the immersion, and spoil the fun for others. I can assure you that it was not my intention to ruin anyone's experience, but I understand that my actions had an impact on the gameplay.
I want to apologize to the players and staff members who were affected by my behaviour. I want to make it clear that I respect and appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into maintaining a quality roleplaying environment, and I am committed to being a more responsible and respectful player if given the opportunity to return to the server.
I understand that my behaviour has consequences, and I accept the punishment given to me. I would like to request that you reconsider my ban and give me a chance to redeem myself. I assure you that I have learned from my mistakes and will not repeat them in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my appeal. I hope that you can see my sincerity in apologizing for my actions and my commitment to being a better player in the future. I have contributed on the server for over a year now with a clear record so hopefully you can recognise that this event was a lapse in my judgement.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

@duckinqGood Afternoon, I am surprised to see you in the unban section.

I am also glad to see that you understand how your actions could have an impact on the RP and the game dynamic.

I would like for you to answer me one question, and be truthful of course, you were not kicked at just over 30 minutes but you should have been kicked in 15, so this says to me that you have either gone AFK come back and wiggled your mouse or pushed your push to talk then gone again, which one was it?

I have also reviewed the ticket your created and it does not help your case.

The ultimate question is why should I entertain this appeal and not go AFK myself?

@duckinqPlease respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.

Hi @PapaSmurphy, apologies for the late response.

I appreciate you taking the time to read over and consider my appeal, hopefully you can see that I am genuinely sorry for my actions.

In answer to your question, which was also asked in my original ticket after I had been punished. I have no explanation to why I wasn't kicked within the time limit. As I explained in that ticket, once I had checked into the hospital bed I had left my PC and room completely to get something to eat, I would not had interfered with any peripherals that could have affected myself being kicked during that time limit. As I suggested on that ticket the only thing I could think of is that I had either been kept in combat, my character pushed around, or a background application causing myself not to be kicked but as I'm not sure on how the kick feature works that would only be a guess.

Once again I take full responsibly for this incident as my action of going AFK has caused this, and I am more than happy to have my inventory cleared to remove anything that I may have lost during any roleplay situation I avoided, but I cannot admit to faking AFK as this did not happen.

I have learned from my mistake, and I hope you can consider my appeal so that I can continue to contribute to this great community.


Hi @PapaSmurphy 

I can't see what was said in the Discord ticket anymore as it has now been closed but I don't believe I agreed to a one month ban for C2.3. The staff member who had been dealing with the issue gave me the option to either continue to roleplay or appeal my issue to a different member of staff on the forums.

At the time of the Discord ticket I was confused to why I had actually been permanently banned, and felt like I was being treated unfairly (as you will see by some of my rude replies, which I also apologise for). At the time I felt like writing an appeal on the forums where I could explain my situation would get me unbanned quicker. After deciding to appeal on the forums another member of staff replied issuing me an appeal cooldown which I was unaware of at the time of my decision.

Of course upon reflection I have now realised that going AFK was my own fault and the punishment that followed is justified.

I apologise to the players whose roleplay I ruined, and to the staff members who had to deal with my ticket. 

And as I have said above I am happy to have my inventory cleared or items taken that would have been lost in any roleplay situation.  

@duckinqRight .....

I have had a look into this and I have decided that I will give you a second chance, please don't make me regret this, as it will be much harder next time.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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