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Unban Appeal - Deadbrandon78 - GTA RP

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United kindom
Unban Appeal for Deadbrandon78 

In-game Name: i cant remember sorry

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199102100640

Ban ID: !!rpuk8524!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned about a few months ago for leaving an RP scenario also known as combat logging (Rule C2.3)

Why should we unban you ?: the reason why I think you should unban me is because I have learnt my lesson, I understand there are rules for a reason and shouldn't be broken. What I did was wrong and not only did I spoil the game for me, most importantly I spoiled the game for other people. I do apologies for this this will not happen again. Now that I know what I have should’ve done, I wish to be unbanned so I can re-join this amazing community that I had a blast being a part of before I got banned. I have played on other communities before and after being banned but hands down Roleplay.co.uk is the best server that I have played on as they have the best community, and the server is well-made and balanced. After being banned, when playing on other servers, they are not as good as Roleplay.co.uk and I regret breaking the rules because I miss playing here. I have learned from my mistakes and will prove this by promising to not break any rules if I receive a second chance.
Thank you for your time and for reading my appeal. have a good day/night.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: No

@Deadbrandon78 Slight more effort in this appeal than your previous ones.

I would like you to state the rule you have broken, then explain this in your own words (in detail) and then explain why this is important to have on the server.

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I broke rule c2.3 also known as combat logging this rule exists in order to stop people from leaving during a role play situation such as leaving in a firefight, being chased by the police or being kidnapped it can also be abused in order to save any gear. it is important to have this rule as it helps preserve a high level of role play and interaction within the server which enhances the enjoyment on the server allowing for a better environment.  

So what happened that brought you to the decision to combat log in the first place? Why did you do it? Did you know you would be breaking the rules?

Hey, I cant really remember much because it was a couple months ago so I'm sorry, but I think it was when I was with one of my friends and we were talking to someone and a little bit after he left I got ran over for some reason I don't know why but he just drove off, so i just ended up leaving the game thinking I could just come back and call for the emergency services, I thought that I could leave if I wasnt in a roleplaying situation so that's why I left but I didn't know that I would get banned for it.

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so i just ended up leaving the game thinking I could just come back and call for the emergency services
Don´t you see any issues with this? Depending on the time of day, there may be more or less NHS on duty... You see what I am getting at here? Furthermore, logging out resets your re-spawn timer, which could also be a benefit for you, no?

Hey, At the time I didn't know that it resets your re-spawn timer and I didn't really think about any of the benefits for me. I just wanted to log off for a bit and do some other stuff but now I realise that was the wrong thing to do, I should've waited for the NHS or just respawned after the timer ran out, I'm sorry.

Very well. 

I will give you another chance, do not waste it. Any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent and much harder to appeal, keep that in mind. You inventory will be wiped. 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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