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Unban Appeal - davidjhales91 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for davidjhales91 

In-game Name: pat hardy

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199118177376

Ban ID: rpuk11246

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: first off id like to start by apologising for appealing my ban before the cooldown period, I thought it was outside of the cooldown when I appealed, my mistake.

I was banned for Combat Logging - C2.3 : (C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

I did lie to staff about having computer issues this was something that i was told to do by another player at the time. I can only apologise once again sincerely for my misconduct not only in Combat Logging but then lying to staff about it initially when questioned. I have taken the past 1 Month to reflect on my behaviour and disregard for the rules and how that might impact other players experiences. I didn't respect the rules of roleplay and having had a month out of the city I can say I have learnt my lesson, I have a group of friends that play on the server and through observation of their experiences I realise what I have missed out on by acting like a fool

Why should we unban you ?:  I can only hope that I get another chance to come back to the city, I have studied the rules in the past 1 month and am well aware of the necessity for the rules that are in place on the server, and how breaching those rules can ruin other peoples Roleplay Experience which having had time to study the forums/rules - seem like core values to the people at the heart of the community.

I deeply regret my decision to lie to staff, and combat logging, my behaviour was completely unnecessary upon reflection, I am really keen to become a part of the community in the right way, and share excellent roleplay experiences with everybody on the server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @davidjhales91
I hope we're doing well. 

Firstly, thank you for putting effort into your application! 🙂
Now moving on. 

I'd like to start this off with a few points and questions for you to hopefully answer to me. 

I did lie to staff about having computer issues this was something that i was told to do by another player at the time.
Why would they tell you this and who? 

What was going through your head when you decided to Combat Log? 

In the time you were away, did you think of any interesting scenarios to involve your character in? Where do you want to take that character if given a second chance? 

Since you decided to lie to staff, how do I know you're not lying to me right now? 

Any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again and much harder to come back from. 
Thank you in advance, we'll be eagerly waiting to hear from you. 

i got told that this would more than likely work and being gullible i believed this the chaps name is martin

during the time i combat logged i wasnt thinking it was a very stupid choice that i made and i will most defiantly   not make the same mistake again 

if i am allowed back on the server i would realy like to involve my charecter in rp situations where i can make honest money i.e vehicle mechanic / taxi driver 

or a shop owner as this is somthing i was intrested in before i made the very silly mistake of combat login 

i  would not lie again as i have missed being able to rp on the server and i have learnt a valuble lesson 

again i would like to apologise for lying to staff in the first place 

thank you for taking the time to read my appeal 

Hello there @davidjhales91
Glad to hear from you again, hope you've been well! 

Let's jump right into it, I've a few questions remaining for you. 

You were told that this most likely would work by Martin, why did Martin encourage you to lie and do you have any evidence of it? 
And do you recall where this has been said? (Discord, etc) 

How would you follow the idea of being a shop owner? 
Tell me something about the character you play, a scenario you were in that you enjoyed for example. 

The thing about you lying, makes it difficult for us to trust you in the future/even now, you decided to lie be it with the help of a friend or not, what's to stop you from lying again. 

hello im ok thank you yourself

 i have no idea why martin encouraged me to lie but im a gullible person and i just took his word for it . unfortunately i don't have evidence of this as this was said during a group voice call on discord

with regard to becoming a shop owner this was something i was trying to gather information on pre stupidness (combat login)  so im still unsure how to do this  but am very keen to learn 

before my ban i really enjoyed doing mechanic work and also just genrally learning more about  the city

 i tottally understand this but i can honesty say i have learnt  my lesson and whilst being banned i have realised how much i have missed playing  and i would not want to jepordise this in any way at all if i am allowed back 

again many thanks for taking the time to read this  

Hello there @davidjhales91
I hope that you're well, sorry for the day late response, was busy. 

I recommend before loading onto the server to fully re-read the rules, and try your best not to break rules again, any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again and much harder to come back from. - In the future as well, if Martin has truly encouraged you to break rules (can't prove without you giving me any evidence), try not to listen to his ideas, or, don't call with him when you're on the server. 

I am going to believe you and trust that you have truly learned from this experience and grant you a second chance, please, don't waste that chance! 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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