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Unban Appeal - d3monic_king90 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: matthew-mark chapman
Steam ID: 76561199731708492
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18307
Ban Reason: metagaming
Why do you think you were banned: try number 4, i was caught in a discord call ewith a fellow member who was ringing me on discord to help him i was talking to him explasining the buttons to press in order to use certain things and as we got to the pd i was heard giving away my location, i understand i broke a very big rule it wasnt done on purpose i honestly thought my headset was on mute but evidently not i would like to apologise for this i wouldnt do it on purpose as im very big on rules
Why should we unban you: as stated this wasnt on purpose nor was i ignoring the rules, i tried to help a friend out who i know personally get too grips with the server im aware its a major rule and i apologise id like to be unbanned so i can carry on my journey and show you all that this wont happen again so please please let me back i hope this is enough to help my cause i really love this server and would like to continue with my journey ill even start with refreshed people so i can start completly new so please server staff and owner please let me back and i promise i wont break anymore rules i think everyone should be given another chance please thank you for taking the time to read my appeal
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
no not at all i got myself here im just qouting my 4th appeal sorry if it came across that way like dont get me wrong if this was unjustified and i was appealing then id complain but... seeing as it was me that got myself into this mess then i gotta do what i gotta do to be apart of the server again..
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Hello @d3monic_king90 ,

You keep mentioning that you didn't break this rule on purpose.
I don't personally believe you're being honest here, and I'd like to ask you if you are?

If you've not been honest, please mention in your next response as if it's found out to be false then your appeal will be declined.
i promise you on my life it wasnt on purpose i honestly thought i had muted my mic but as i now no i didnt again you dont know me whatso ever all you have is this... my word to you and to the rest of the staff players and owners i didnt intentionally break thie rule on purpose... please please believe me i wouldnt do that
Okay @d3monic_king90 ,

So your friend was downed up at the Dam, and you then travelled to him to ensure he was picked up and didn't bleed out.
Whilst travelling to him, you were then pulled aside by staff which is where you could be heard speaking via Discord.

There is absolutely no way you can tell me that you didn't mean to metagame if you were literally heading to your friends location which was told to you via Discord.
i was heading that way i was in a group of 3 and my friend named jimmy had ran over members of a gang and they chased us and id managed to get away they left jimmy near the pd and my other friend charlie they had tried to fling him off the dam i watched it go down i went to the part where he was he was located near the scaffholding part near the dam and i was calling out to him as he was there but he wasnt speaking and i was trying to get to the prompt too pick him up so i rang him didnt know i had him on loud i didnt mute my mic which i should have just let the role play play out or let him bleed out or let the nhs get to him look ive apologised ive tried numerous times to appeal all i wanna do is play this server if i cant get unbanned then thats my fault ive tried to persuade you all for a second chance its now in your hands
Hello @d3monic_king90 ,

You weren't banned that long ago and for now, I do not believe it's time for you to return to this community.
If you wish to return, you may try to appeal again in a week.

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