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Unban Appeal - Chris Pasztak - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Chris Pasztak 

In-game Name: Chris Pasztak

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198079376233

Ban ID: !!rpuk12831!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Combat logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned under the rule C2.3 (Combat logging) as I quit whilst being incapacitated.

Why should we unban you ?: I quit whilst down, however, this wasn’t done to gain an advantage over the situation or to keep my belongings, I had to relog due to having an issue where a pop-up was blocking my current view of the game, it wasn’t allowing me to interact within the game. I messaged the other party involved and explained my current situation, they seemed to be understanding. However, CFX was down and I was unable to reconnect to the server immediately.

The following day I was able to reconnect to the server and was saved sometime after due to a fight between Cutlass and Coalition erupting. Looking back at this I should have notified the other parties as this was unfair as I would more than likely have been dead from the night before.

I do apologise for not following protocols correctly and not addressing the situation with the right approach by creating a ticket instantly when the issue occurred. I hope you can understand my position.

Going forward if I was to ever encounter this problem again, I would ensure to create a ticket immediately and try to reach out to the other parties to reduce the effects to rp.

The combat rule exists to prevent other parties from not experiencing a full rp situation, it exists so that people do not leave a situation whilst in active rp, ruining the roleplay.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Chris Pasztak

On one hand, you did the right thing by contacting the people that would have been affected by you logging whilst downed, good!
On the other, The story you told us in the ticket you opened and the story you went with in your last appeal, as well as now, don't line up. Why is that?

As well as that, You decided to go on a rant in the RPUK discord regarding a liaison, tell me about your thought processes there.
Surely someone in your position wouldn't risk saying something that could affect your chances of being unbanned?

Are you talking about the way I quit when you say that the stories don't line up? Regarding that, I don't recall the precise steps I took to turn off the computer, but I do recall attempting to rejoin and discovering that CFX had been offline for a considerable amount of time.

It was unacceptable for me to rage in Discord, and I should have ignored the guy who was provoking me. After all, this is an adult community, and if I have any problems, there are rules and procedures in place to prevent certain circumstances. I apologise to everyone who was affected by this.

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I vaguely remember you stating that 'My head popped' but there is no record of this, poor on me most likely so it will be stricken from your appeal.

What was the toxic argument about in Discord, I believe it was #gta-fivem-roleplay where this took place? Would you not say that it was considered OOC abuse calling another member of the community a 'scruffy cunt'. Albeit, he was arguing with you first. However, as we always say. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Hi Liam, I believe it started when Bosh was making comments OOC that I wouldn't like to repeat here which triggered me.
I couldn't agree more than  two wrongs don't make a right and I shouldn't of bit the bullet and reacted the way I did. As I said previously this is an adult community and I can only apologise for the immature comments I made in retaliation. In the future, if such a scenario was to arise I would ignore and take myself out of the situation.

C2.3 bans come with an inventory wipe usually. However, considering that you were banned after you logged back in the next day, was saved and stored your weapon. We will need to take all items off of you that you should’ve lost that day.

I.E. ( Combat PDW, 227 SMG Ammo, Knife, 11 Armour)

Do you agree to these terms?

Where are the items stored? Primarily the Combat PDW + Bullets

Items removed from container.

Alright, we'll give you another chance here. However, if you're banned within 6 month. It'll be a permanent ban.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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