Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Erik Ragnarok
Steam ID: 76561198820463052
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17824
Ban Reason: G1.2 RDM
Why do you think you were banned: Hello I was banned for G1.2 RDM after shooting a Cutlass member with out saying anything and then driving off.
It was complete miss communication from our side the com on radio was "there is a cutlass on me" so I pulled up and when I did I heard him say "I'm a cutlass" so I moved closer and did say something but I was on whisper and then shot after realising I was on whisper I knew I messed up and switched to shouting but it was clearly to late at the point , I did go to QE with kilo and spoke to him and told him what happened I even said to him from my side it looked fine but from his POV its was completely shit roleplay and that's why I put my hands straight up and didn't try fight it in the report.
Why should we unban you: I am aware that it looks worse as its two reports back to back for RDM and I hate that it has come this far and that I'm even here on this section but no one is to blame but my self I should've provided more roleplay for them but not only them for my self as well it could've played out in so many different ways like taking him hostage and torturing him or even for him to escape and call for back up but my decision cut that short , if this was to ever happen again I would make sure I go off my own calls and not others giving to me. If I was to be allowed back in to server I would make sure that this will never happen again and make sure both sides enjoy the roleplay instead of one and make sure my roleplay standards improve and not let them go so low again and take a wider perspective of everyone's roleplay experience as a whole.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes