Unban Appeal for Cekoja
In-game Name: Ceko Koja
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198410814731
Ban ID: Not Sure.
Reason given for your ban: NIL (Combat Storing as told by Stuart)
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Good morning staff. I was involved in a shootout with the police and after putting down 3 officers, I fled into my house which was nearby the scene, dropped my weapon off and exited with a different outfit all in same scenario.
Why should we unban you ?: After speaking with Stuart once my RP scenario was completed, he explained to me that I couldn't store my weapon mid RP and it was sort of powergaming/common sense rule etc. I've been in this server for a little over 10 months, have been in 2 whitelisted gangs and have met many people in the city. I'm not one to cause trouble and always try to roleplay well and correctly with no rulebreaks. In my time on the sever, I have been banned once for a day due to RDM. Following this RDM ban, I learned my lesson and I tried to steer away from any possible rulebreaks, unfortunately until today. I do apologise to staff and the officers to whom the roleplay would have been ruined.
I assure you that after reading the rules once again if given a second chance I will learn from my previous mistakes and roleplay to the best of my ability as I have always attempted. I understand that me breaking this rule goes against the core values of the server and it would mean ruining the city and the servers reputation. Once again now that I have been made aware of such rules and reading along all the other ones I understand what I must do to not break any of these rules again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In-game Name: Ceko Koja
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198410814731
Ban ID: Not Sure.
Reason given for your ban: NIL (Combat Storing as told by Stuart)
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Good morning staff. I was involved in a shootout with the police and after putting down 3 officers, I fled into my house which was nearby the scene, dropped my weapon off and exited with a different outfit all in same scenario.
Why should we unban you ?: After speaking with Stuart once my RP scenario was completed, he explained to me that I couldn't store my weapon mid RP and it was sort of powergaming/common sense rule etc. I've been in this server for a little over 10 months, have been in 2 whitelisted gangs and have met many people in the city. I'm not one to cause trouble and always try to roleplay well and correctly with no rulebreaks. In my time on the sever, I have been banned once for a day due to RDM. Following this RDM ban, I learned my lesson and I tried to steer away from any possible rulebreaks, unfortunately until today. I do apologise to staff and the officers to whom the roleplay would have been ruined.
I assure you that after reading the rules once again if given a second chance I will learn from my previous mistakes and roleplay to the best of my ability as I have always attempted. I understand that me breaking this rule goes against the core values of the server and it would mean ruining the city and the servers reputation. Once again now that I have been made aware of such rules and reading along all the other ones I understand what I must do to not break any of these rules again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes