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Unban Appeal - Cekoja - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Cekoja 

In-game Name: Ceko Koja

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198410814731

Ban ID: Not Sure.

Reason given for your ban: NIL (Combat Storing as told by Stuart)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Good morning staff. I was involved in a shootout with the police and after putting down 3 officers, I fled into my house which was nearby the scene, dropped my weapon off and exited with a different outfit all in same scenario.

Why should we unban you ?: After speaking with Stuart once my RP scenario was completed, he explained to me that I couldn't store my weapon mid RP and it was sort of powergaming/common sense rule etc. I've been in this server for a little over 10 months, have been in 2 whitelisted gangs and have met many people in the city. I'm not one to cause trouble and always try to roleplay well and correctly with no rulebreaks. In my time on the sever, I have been banned once for a day due to RDM. Following this RDM ban, I learned my lesson and I tried to steer away from any possible rulebreaks, unfortunately until today. I do apologise to staff and the officers to whom the roleplay would have been ruined.

I assure you that after reading the rules once again if given a second chance I will learn from my previous mistakes and roleplay to the best of my ability as I have always attempted. I understand that me breaking this rule goes against the core values of the server and it would mean ruining the city and the servers reputation. Once again now that I have been made aware of such rules and reading along all the other ones I understand what I must do to not break any of these rules again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You've been banned further for RDM, would you like to append this to your appeal?

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.:


Why should we unban you ?:

Side note, you were spoken to before your ban was actioned regarding why this is considered Powergaming but you were also told by Ballas members that you aren't to do this....so why did you when you knew it was not allowed?

Hello Liam,

The day prior to the day of the RDM and the Combat storing, the officer involved in this scenario was harrasing and behaving very unprofessionally with my wife in RP. She explained it to me when I picked her up from prison and she went and filed a police complaint against him to action to be taken upon (All in RP). They had RPed for hours that night, and I was aware of it with a little RP with myself with him as I had stabbed him during a police escape which started the whole scene between them. Following that day (the day of the ban), as I was getting off after defending turf, on the way back I had noticed a police car that in my "eyes" was ramming into the back of her car and what looked like to me was bothering her again. We had ran into the forum block where my house is, and I asked her who it was and she mentioned it was the same officer which had been harrassing her the previous nights in cells, and was asking her on a date (in RP). So I decided to help my wife, and I asked her to lure them out and see if they would continue. I had taken out my AR, got set up on the roof and had shot the three officers. I spoke with Officer KIP after the situation on discord, and he felt like he didnt believe there was enough RP whilst on my side I was just doing my duties as a husband to protect my wife. He sounded quite mad on discord and it felt like he was just sick of me and felt hurt that I had killed him two days in a row to which he was just fed up and wanted to see me deal with it on the forums which I allowed it to happen. 

Now, going back to the combat storing situation. As I killed the officers, honestly I didn't know what to do. I kind of panicked and in this intense situation since my house was right next door I quickly went inside to drop the weapon off, change outfits and come outside. It is true that I had asked on radio if it was allowed to drop things off in the house and come back out and I got a mixed response, whilst on discord I was told no. Truthfully told, I was not 100 percent certain and I believed it was a grey area however I could guess that it probably wouldnt be allowed. Once again, I sort of panicked into making this decision and I was not even thinking at the time that I was breaking any rules and I do apologise for the distruption of RP it turned out to be. As this happen, I got pulled into discord when officer KIP wanted to speak to me about the "RDM". Fairly to say, I was also a little bit tilted in-game towards the officer as it was even recommended by fellow officers (IN RP) for my wife to report and file a complaint due to him harrasing, being unprofessional and straight up trying to stick fake charges on her and give her a ridiculous amount of months. Also, with the way we spoke on discord and how he was very adamant on "Refusing to solve this in discord and to see him in the forums" I was tilted at the conversation but once again I do apologise for it. 

I do believe that in the 10 months i've been here, I have been a good member of the community as to where I do not cause trouble and I tend to just meet people, talk and do what a criminal would do. I do provide roleplay, and I am not one to just go around fragging crims and officers for no reason. I'm here for a laugh and here to make other peoples roleplay enjoyable. I am sorry to officer KIP and all the other members of the police department who was involved and because I dropped the weapon off in the house, it might of ruined their RP scenario as I wouldnt of had any gun on me which had defeated the point of it all. 

If I get given a second chance in the community, I will do better to maintain the core values of the server. I have been informed about all the rules, and I have read them once again to ensure that I will be following them and staying within the lines to not ruin RP. I had plans in RP, within the gang and out of it where I could have created some enjoyable RP experiences for everybody. For example, within the gang we had the car wash RP and the F-Block RP to establish a "legal front" and the "illegal side" of the gang. Outside of gang RP, after speaking with Stuart, I was looking to hold a big wedding (not the traditional ones we have had in churches etc). We was gonna hold a slightly different one hopefully involving a mosque and an Imam whilst attempting to show off Albanian and Turkish tradition within the city and server with traditional music and events that we would of held it sometime after the current Azteca and Ballas war had ended so it wouldnt be ruined / or crashed by any other gangs.

I do apologise to Staff and everyone involved as I never had any malicious intent to ruin any RP or ruins anyones days in general. I hope that I will get awarded a second chance in the city so I can prove to you that I can stay within server rules and provide great RP. Personally, I wouldnt want to RP anywhere else as I do believe this is one of the better servers, if not the best UK one in FiveM and I would like to continue my time here, expand my RP and meet new players.

I've had a look at your history here, I will list these below.

  • 27/05/2022 - G2.3 [Warning]
  • 02/06/2022 - G5.1 [Kick]
  • 06/09/2022 - G1.2 [Ban]
  • 07/02/2023 - C2.4 [Ban]
  • 09/02/2023 - G1.2 [Ban]

This to me looks like you're slowly but surely going downhill when playing here, why should we allow you to come back?

Thanks for the reply Liam,

First and foremost, I sincerly apologise for all of my past hiccups and rulebreaks. To give some backround info on the bans prior to the last 2 on my last day, the first warning I had recieved was me not staying in character and I believe this was within the first month or two of me playing and as this was my first server I was new to roleplay in general and since then I adapted and have not gotten in trouble for that since. The second kick was a mistake on my part where I was making a police character and I had used my real life name. I went into the forums, and asked for a name change which was granted as I did not want my information out there which is the reason for this kick.  Lastly the last ban was for a silly RDM I regret as it wasent even a scenario I had just kicked someone off a bike and he died. 

Since the first RDM, and this most recent one I have now learned that needs to be alot more RP involved before killing or being involved in a murder and I can only promise to be better and learn from these. My main focus if I return is to abide by the rules so that I can enjoy my time in the community and more importantly give everybody else a good experience aswell. As mentioned before, I will be trying to create some fun RP scenes in gang and out of gang. 

I know it is not an achievement but I do believe I rarely have any slip ups and the ultimate goal is for me to have no slip ups but I am learning, even from the initial warning in 27/05/22 from being out of character and being new to RP, im only just trying to improve and become a really good roleplayer. I do hope for a second chance and I will be always looking to improve and better my roleplay.

So lets talk about your in RP wife, did she follow you to your house? was she already there? did she log on to take the items from your house storage before she logged off...stopping cops from getting them?

Hello Liam,

She was already in a scenario with those officers as let alone that she was in the city for a good hour or two prior to me seeing her. We had RPed with them the previous night, and that last day. I was returning from my defense against the Aztecas, to where I saw her and the other officers ramming into her. After the whole situation had happend, when I had left the house after depositing she had went in and logged off with whatever gun I had inside because she didnt know what to do and was kind of just stressed at everything. Quickly to sum it up, shes my friend irl and shes new to roleplay and gaming in general (having recently just bought a pc). Her time in RPUK has looked somewhat like this, she had played for a few days on the week she bought her PC but due to having no time she stopped gaming. Her schedule has changed to where shes able to game now, and this is when she started playing RPUK again since about 1-2 weeks ago. It's not to make an excuse that shes new but I am trying to teach her the rules and how RP works properly and she has apologised to me and is aware that its bannable. I also gave her apologies to stuart for her when I got pulled after and shes waiting to make an appeal when possible. 

She was not aware that combat logging still placed effect into the house nor that she realised even was she still in that scenario because she was not involved in the shooting. I do also apologise for her actions, she didnt mean anything malisiciously. Hopefully you can understand, as we have all been there when we have first ever tried roleplay as shes never known roleplay in any other games let alone played games before. It's a learning curve for her, but she is trying and once again did not mean to do anything intentionally. I have gone through rules with her post ban and she has read them without me because she really does enjoy the server. 

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Let me run a scenario past you and tell me what you think of it -

Ballas had a shootout with Aztecas, Police came ( as they usually do ), all the Ballas members run inside the clubhouse and store their guns inside the gang safe then walk out to speak to the police. The Police have seen Ballas members with these firearms as they had numerous Firearms officers scattered around, and also had NPAS-99 and or the Blackhawk out observing the fight.

Does this scenario seem okay to you?


Do you have any thoughts about it?

When put in a bigger scale as mentioned it is clear to see how this is disruptive to RP and essentially wasted the time and enjoyment of all the officers involved. 

Good answer.

I am willing to give you another chance, however this comes with conditions. Given your record, if you are banned again within 6 months. You will be given a 6 month cooldown, do you agree?

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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