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Unban Appeal - Candice - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Candice 

In-game Name: Candice

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198807273955

Ban ID: dont know cant find it

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because of player report - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/137322-report-a-player-candice-long-298-gta-rp/#comment-785129

I used the F6 menu to see if michael mason was in a gang or not, breaking G3.1 OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

Why should we unban you ?: I have pasted what I have written in my previous appeal 6 months ago as I spent a good amount of time and effort writing it up, and I don't really feel as if I can word it much better than I did. If you guys want me to fully rewrite it, I can, but it will have the same points. I have patiently waited the 6 months and would like to be given another chance after my silly rule break.

I have taken some time away from RP and I miss RPUK, and I am missed also. RPUK has a special place in my heart, and I don't want this foolish mistake to be the end of my journey within this community. I fully understand and agree that what I did was wrong, and I would like to highlight that I immediately knew, and didn't take Michael hostage because I knew what I did was wrong. Although I did it and said it in game, I realised the error and didn't action it. I didn't mean it in any malicious way, nor did I allow it to affect the course of roleplay, and continued to role play as if I wasn't certain that Michael was a hustler. I also informed all triads OOC that what I did was wrong and we must not use it in game and allow it to affect roleplay.

The rule I broke is such an important rule, as it has the potential to ruin RP scenarios. It is in place to ensure that RP scenarios go as they should do, and to stop players from affecting the course of roleplay by acting upon information that they have learnt OOC. It keeps the server a fair place to play.

I am so sorry for breaking this rule, with it being such an important one too, but also because I should bloody know better being in the position that I was in. I spoke before I thought, and when my brain caught up, I realised how wrong what I did was. I assure you I wouldn't dare be silly enough to metagame, and that this was a split second idiotic decision that will not happen ever again.

I spoke to Michael in TS, and although he did accept my apology and respect that I didn't take him hostage as I knew that I shouldn't have done what I did, he unfortunately kept the report up which lead to me being banned.

I have no ill intentions, I honestly regret what I did so much and I can't stress how sorry I am. I'm sorry to Michael, and I'm sorry to staff that have to spend time dealing with me, and I'm sorry I've ended up in this section of the forums again.

I dearly miss playing on RPUK and I miss having a laugh with the friends I have made on there, and meeting new people to RP with. I want to express the regret I feel and want to be able to be given a chance to come back and prove myself. I understand that I have said similar things before in previous appeals, but they were very different circumstances, and I learnt my lesson there, having being robbed and taken hostage multiple times since I got unbanned. I hope that this can show that I do learn from my mistakes.

Moving on from this, in the future I will be extremely cautious, and do my upmost best to ensure I don't break any rules. I strive to create good RP and make situations fun for people. I was such an active member of the community, playing daily, I was very invested in and dedicated to RPUK. With being so active, the chance to make mistakes are increased, and unfortunately I'm only human and not perfect, and I made this silly mistake. I don't want this incident to mean that I am never allowed back. In the grand scheme of things, I don't believe that this incident was too severe because I realised my error straight away and didn't let it affect roleplay, but regardless of how severe it was or wasn't, I understand shouldn't have done it at all, I certainly won't make this mistake again and I think it would be such a shame to keep me banned for it.

Furthermore, I would like to talk about my discord ban. It was late at night the day I was banned (I think, maybe the day after) and there was a person spamming in the discord and being offensive to women. Discord mods were tagged but didn't respond, and the person carried on. I said "fuck it" and tagged staff leads to sort it, knowing I was already banned and willing to take the hit so others didn't have to. In the end, I told Bowen to bite me, and he banned me. I'd like to apologise to staff leads who I pinged at 1am, and Bowen specifically for being childish and immature to him. I raised a point saying that maybe more staff should have the discord tag mod, or people shouldn't be allowed to tag staff leads, and that I would have tagged staff if I could have, but I should have taken the appropriate action and made it a suggestion on the forum, moaning to Bowen in discord wasn't the way to go, especially in am emotional state of mind.

Thanks for reading.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

 https://www.roleplay.co.uk/?app=cor...ontent_id=140626&content_commentid=802342On 19/07/2022 at 11:36, Candice said:
Why should we unban you ?: I wont tell Bowen to bite me again, nor will I tag staff leads or in fact anyone in the discord anymore

Have you actually learnt from this? Do you know why it was stated to not tag staff leads at 01:30am. I mean do you not have respect for people, it's 01:30 and you expect people who have jobs lives etc to just be on call for when something pisses you off? 

Someone was being abusive I fully understand how annoying that is you simply tag a discord mod and move on, you don't have to read what the person is saying do you? You don't have to get involved, you don't have to respond back to this abusive person. You chose to continue reading and involving yourself. In future I'd recommend just ignoring the trolls and moving on.

As for today Appeal up for 12 hours and surprise surprise you have already gotten yourself forum restricted for ignoring rules and trying to cause problems. Not exactly something you should be doing ESPECIALLY when you have an appeal up asking for another chance...


So since you copied and pasted your appeal from 6 months ago. I responded to your last appeal a month ago which hasn't been addressed in this appeal. Could you explain why you decided to cause issues on the forums despite trying to appeal a ban which resulted in you getting forum restricted? Why did you do this? 

I wasn't really trying to cause issues, I just got a bit cheeky on a reply calling out the hypocrisy of the post. I wasn't mean or abusive, I just got myself involved on a forum thread where my opinion wasn't needed and I do apologise about that. 

Hello there.

Looking at your history here, You have gotten plenty of chances already, have you not?

Let´s have a look... 

Warnings for:
Bans for:
2x G2.4

These are all the things that you have racked up since 04/2021. That is less than a year, up to when this current ban was placed.... I already know your reply will be something about only having been warned or banned for these rules once and then learning from them, but to be quite frank, that does not matter much. When will it end Candice? When you have worked yourself through both rule pages and broke every rule "only once"? The second thing that concerns me, is the fact that this shows a majority of your rule breaks are community rules. Most of those not being something that could be done by mistake easily... Bans for those kind of rules are usually being handed out when someone is breaking them maliciously, not so much for slip ups. What are we going to do with you? 

Also I would like to know where you would go with your character, if we did decide to unban you. Are you planning on picking it up where you left it or do you have something else in mind?

Hey Sammy thanks for your response.

I can only recall receiving one warning, which was for exploiting. I was crafting some bags, accidentally pressed space and jumped up above the bench, then I used /crawl to get near a wall to press Q. I was then pulled for staff where they explained that I should be at the bench whilst crafting. I explained the space bar pressing was an accident and they explained how it wasn't acceptable, took the bags off of me and let me know they will place a warning on my account. This is fair enough, I've learnt from it, if something similar was to happen again I would cancel the crafting and reposition my character.

The other warnings I have no idea? If you could shed some light on them that would be great. A 1.7 community leader warning but I am not a leader? Some further info on these warnings would be useful. Nor do I ever remember baiting or being warned for it.

Now for the bans.

There's been a couple NVL bans which was completely my wrong doing. I admit full wrong doing  in both the following incidents: 

Now these 2 NVLs were way back as you can see, over a year ago on both, I was still fairly new to RP back then and being in those situations helped me learn. I fully regret those and see clearly how poor it was from me.

The NVL that got me 3 monthed was very controversial as to whether it was actually NVL or not, I know there was extended discussion about it in staff chat where some of you said it was NVL and others said it wasn't. I have seen some reports go up, almost identical, yet very different outcomes. Quite confusing. 

The most recent Ban for Powergaming I think I have spoken enough about as this is what my appeal is directly relating to. If anything I could argue that I didn't actually break the rule because of realising my mistake instantly and leaving michael mason there, not taking him hostage and driving away, so it didn't really affect roleplay did it?

The rule states :

 (G1.5) Powergaming - Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win. Example: Roleplaying superpowers, roleplaying fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with the emergency services, sealing buildings with cars to prevent entrance of other players, using knowledge of the rules within roleplay..

I kinda have a feeling I was meant to banned under metagaming not powergaming btw :

(G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

I used the f6 to see if he was in hustlers or not. Said something about inviting him to triads within RP. I realised the mistake instantly and we didn't take him because even though we knew OOC he was a hustler, we respected the rule and left him, pretending to still not know in character, yet he still felt the need to report me, accept my apology and continue through with the report.

Now, for the "malicious" stuff. I got banned for the following 4 rules: 

(C1.1) Bullying - Permanent Ban.

(C1.3) OOC Abuse - Swearing at someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent, will not be tolerated.

(C1.4) Any threat to, or harassment of, any person, or the community, will not be tolerated. Depending on the context of the threat we will fully assist the UK police with their enquiries. - Permanent Ban

(C1.7) Common Sense - As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense.

I was in a twitch chat and I made an inappropriate comment about a female, leading to me to get banned for all those 4 rules by that single comment. I understand it wasn't kind, but to say it is malicious and counts as bullying is a bit much, and it certainly wasn't a threat. I was responding to people being a bit piss takey and sarcastic in a twitch chat as people often are. I have had several conversations with her apologising since also which TBJ has seen all of. I understand you concern for community rules being broken, but every single community rules ban was this single incident, it wasn't several incidents or issues over time, just this one single event, which was also over a year ago now.

As for the last ban, genuinely no idea. Are you able to shed some light on that for me please so I can respond? It's for (G2.3) Roleplay Everything - You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character. As far as I can remember, I have never been banned for this.

Overall, my 2 recent bans have been questionable, not an outright clear obvious rule break, and I do think you should take that into account. This proves that I am learning, and improving.

As for what I plan on doing when/if I return, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I figure it's not worth getting my hopes up and planning things to do if I get unbanned because what if I don't.  I'll just go with the flow and see where it takes me. What I will do with my crim character will depend on what happens to triads tbh, which is at the moment unknown. I will pick up my police character again and try to get her through the ranks. I will probably play another character I have just to be silly and have fun on. I've actually been enjoying other games atm so I don't think I will be as active as I used to be, I would just like to choice to chose to be able to play if I want to or if there is an event or something.

I can only recall receiving one warning, which was for exploiting.
So you don´t remember being warned for playing audiobooks instead of roleplaying when taking a hostage? Or baiting police, very much like the verbal warning I gave you at some point, which does not even count into this. https://gyazo.com/73a39a7de4609e6608108da640f86272

community leader warning but I am not a leader?
You are right, officially you are not. However, you have been seen as one and you have been acting as one, have you not? Unfortunately, we don´t get to pick and choose the best of both worlds here. You continuously presented, even during the last 6 months,  yourself as the leader of Triads, alongside Ju Long and by doing that, you made the expectations people have for you jump up a couple bars.

When it comes to that 3rd NVL, controversial or not,  it was and still is deemed NVL. It is still a ban on your record. 

I kinda have a feeling I was meant to banned under metagaming not powergaming
Your current ban is under metagaming (G3.1). The Powergaming ban was your very first ban on this server.

I was in a twitch chat and I made an inappropriate comment about a female, leading to me to get banned for all those 4 rules by that single comment. I understand it wasn't kind, but to say it is malicious and counts as bullying is a bit much, and it certainly wasn't a threat.
Inappropriate is very lighthearted for something like that said to someone OOC, no? Not kind... You do remember what you did say to/about her, correct? Is is not something that was eventually said about your character in game and made you feel upset? The fact that you believe what you said was simply unkind leaves me baffled Candice... 
C1.7 - Common sense
It was simply something that should not be said to someone OOC, especially in front of other people. That´s how silly rumours start.
C1.1 - Bullying
We all know you are not stupid. You said what you said in front of a bunch of other people, knowing they would carry this on and not know when to stop. With the backstory to the whole incident, this was not a jokey comment or a little pisstake. 
C1.3 - OOC Abuse
That one does not need explaining, I believe.
C1.4 - Threats/Harassment
No, it´s not a threat but spreading rumours about someone does make it harassment 

When it comes to the G2.3, you are correct. The wrong rule was added to your ban there and it was a G2.4 instead. This does not change much however.

We can debate back and forth about your previous warnings and bans and whether or not any of these were justified all we want, it will not change the current situation at all. The issue we have is simply the fact that you have been here since 1.5 years now, of which you were banned for 9 months in total. Which is pretty exact half the time from since you joined this community up to now... 

Now on to why I asked what plans you have for the future, if you were to get unbanned. Not too long ago, you seemed to be planning on coming back to lead the Triads, were you not? What happened to those plans? 

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In regards to my plans if I return on my triad character, as I said previously, I can't be sure yet as we aren't in the loop with Triads as we once were and are uncertain as to what it is like within RP. Coozer was removed as official lead, and another one hasn't been assigned since which leaves things very up in the air. I believe in the F6 Coozer is still there as the lead, so everyone is a bit uncertain as to what the plan is from the staff teams end. 

Candice was second in command and was quite a well developed character, and with being the ex-leaders wife, she naturally will likely be seen as a higher up in triads if she returns, in the same way Jet Shinoda is always seen as a higher up within Triads, despite internally this not being the case. 

A lot will also depend on Coozers unban, if he is allowed another chance or to even return to the server let alone Triads. This will obviously affect what my plans within roleplay will be as our characters are very much a duo, being together for so long and also married. At the end of the day the decision of to who is leader is ultimately made by staff, it is not my choice nor my place to assume either of us would come back as lead. 

Ultimately there are a few variables which makes coming up with a solid plan difficult, however the main plan is to figure things out within RP and go with wherever the story takes me, whilst creating and being a part of fun and enjoyable RP. Whatever happens with Triads will happen regardless, but my top priority is just to enjoy the server again and to be able to have a laugh and lose yourself in silly and fun RP. Even if Triads were no longer a gang one day, I would still want to log on to reconnect with old friends, make new ones and just generally be a part of the community again. However Triads has been what I have enjoyed and based my character around, so still being involved with them, whether it be as a higher up placement or not, would be ideal for me.

At the end of the day the decision of to who is leader is ultimately made by staff, it is not my choice nor my place to assume either of us would come back as lead.
And yet assumptions and statements have been made, with your exact words being "A gang that I´m coming back to lead in 6 weeks time" not too long ago. This shows very clearly that you not only still believe yourself in a position of power within Triads, but also do not seem to question at all whether staff has any say in your return. I have given you two chances within this appeal to be honest, yet you continued to tell me what you thought I wanted to hear in order to let you come back. 

Your responses seem neither genuine nor do they insinuate that you are here because you care about this community above your own agenda. After this current ban was placed, you remained disruptive in discord and made snarky and inflammatory comments on the forums. Perhaps that was you showing your true colours, either way it´ll not be entertained any longer. 

You have shown an incapability of following simple rules and being banned for half of your time within this community, does not fill us with confidence to let you back again.
Not only were you banned for this duration, you do not appear to be taking this seriously as seen in your replies on this appeal, where you seem to be watering down the previous bans and warnings given to you as merely "questionable" and "controversial".  

Thus, we will give you more time to consider the severity of your actions and show us that you want to be here to better this community. You have successfully shut the doors for the foreseeable future and another appeal will not be entertained for yet another 6 months.


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