Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Caldo Sharkmandoo
Steam ID: 76561199303841423
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17386
Ban Reason: C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I was shooting in third person and was caught on multiple occasions.
Why should we unban you: Thank you to which ever staff member dedicates their time on this appeal. I want to apologise for last appeal for seeming like I had not put enough effort into it that wasn't what I intended I struggle with writing and putting my thoughts into words and will try my best on this one. I was caught using the third person shooting exploit which I am sincerely sorry for. At this time on the server I let my frustration get the better of me as I knew other people were also using this exploit which is no excuse for these actions But this is how I was justifying myself back then which I now know was completely wrong. From also being on the receiving end of this exploit I can understand that it created a massive unfair advantage and wasn't enjoyable to go against there for I can see why this ban wave had to happen and the length of my ban has given me the time to understand my actions and look at them from an unbiased point of view. I was definitely too emotionally invested in the server and I wish I had been prioritising all the fun and enjoyable roleplay that had been given to me and that I had given. I am not going to make any excuses and I've tried to explain my thought prosses at the time to show that I understand how wrong I was and how the ban came to be. from being to absorbed I let my standards slip to a low point that should have never happened and is not acceptable on the server. I always tried keep I high standard of roleplay and in this situation I did not put roleplay first and didn't think how much of a negative effect my actions were having on the community and I can only apologise to those that were affected by my wrongdoing. The time that I've had away had been heathy for me and really showed me how much fun I was having on the server before I allowed my self to break this rule. Its allowed me to see how bad my actions were from an outside prospective and truly understand that I should have been focusing on the enjoyment of everyone and not just myself.
This is the wake up call I needed to realise what I was doing wrong how much it was effecting others. I really am sorry to the staff for how much time you've have to spent finding the rule breaks that were happening and I shouldn't have done it in the first place but also I should have held my hands up before the ban came into place. I know its easy to say sorry once you've been caught but these last six months really have helped me understand and I want to take accountability for my actions so am writing this appeal in hopes that am able to have a chance to prove that I've learned from my mistakes and rectify my wrong doings and bring a healthier mind set to the community that I loved being apart of. Thank you for even entertaining another appeal from me and I can only thank who ever takes their time reading through this.
Thanks Caldo.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes