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Unban Appeal - bslater354 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for bslater354 

In-game Name: bslater354

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199102600325

Ban ID: rpuk#4467

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I killed someone and did not role play it off so I think I was banned for that

Why should we unban you ?: Cause I love your server and will not break any rules ever again, I'm so sorry for being stupid and braking the rules

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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You're going to need far more effort than that to even be considered to be unbanned. 

Lets try again shall we?

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned?

Why should we unban you?

I think I was banned because I broke the rules and dint play proper role play I'm so sorry for what I did words cant even explain. I kept committing murder and was not roleplaying it off correctly.

I think you should unban me because I've  dedicated so much time into your server and it really is the best server the is out there many thanks

3 bans in less than a month. If we decide to actually give you another chance what is in it for us? What is something you can actually bring to the server?

I can bring lots of opportunities to the newer people to the server I can offer them jobs for people as I am a leader of my own gang and can offer lots of stuff to people like a family, I would really appreciate if you un-banned me and I would not break and rules and there would not be any problems from me I can promise that. many thanks.  

I was sending my last one and it bugged out and my computer had some problems so I restarted it, but I would really appreciate if I could get unbanned your server really is the best out there and will never be beaten, I can promise to not break any rules. I hope you can allow me the opportunity to prove to you I can do it.

You computer had some problem so you made a new appeal and hope to get unbanned faster ? 

No I don’t care about how long it takes me to get unbanned I would just really really like to be unbanned 

Look I’m really really sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you guys I appreciate everything you do for the server and when I was on your server I knew it was the best out there by far I’m sorry for breaking your rules I really am and i promise to not break them again if you allowed me the opportunity many thanks Billy 

sorry for bumping, I'm sorry for all the inconvenience I've caused and for lying about my computer playing up I would really appreciate it if I got unbanned and was able to play your amazing server again I understand if you don't want to allow me back to the city. many thanks

Your inability to follow the most simple of rules, breaking multiple server rules and giving nothing more than "i would appreciate playing your amazing server again" is just not going to cut it today.

You have had enough chances and the fact there are multiple player reports on you for the same thing just shows me how much time you have wasted.


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