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Unban Appeal - Bradley Jonathan - GTA RP

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Bradley Jonathan

New member
Unban Appeal for Bradley Jonathan 

In-game Name: Bradley Jonathan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198450002857

Ban ID: !!rpuk8765!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hello, I'm gravely sorry about hurting the people involved in this incident. But it was an accident. I didn't mean to run them over. I was driving up the hill, i cant see over the top and they just appeared out of nowhere. It gave me a shock and i said sorry they said something else which made me scared so i just drove off as fast as i could without looking back. It was a scary situation. In conclusion I'm very sorry. I spent a lot of time on the server and ended up losing all my hard work. It would be very nice and id be very thankful if you were to unban me so i can play on this server once more with my friends. I wont do it again

Why should we unban you ?: I think you should unban me because i spend a lot of time on the server and i mean a lot like everyday. The only game i play is this server. I'm helpful to the community, I teach my friends how to play and also help people who are new to the server, people I've never met before. I also commit a lot to the community. After a lot of time off this server due to this ban I've realised the consequences of my actions and what i did was a bad idea. I will refrain from any future bans coming to my name.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

This is a ban for combat logging so it comes with a mandatory 1 month ban before appealing. Your ban was placed 19/05/2022 so you may appeal 19/06/2022.


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