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Unban Appeal - Boon445123 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Boon445123 

In-game Name: Bingo Wier

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198990475240

Ban ID: !!rpuk9097!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I've been banned as I combat logged

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should be unbanned as I’m sincerely sorry about what I have done and didn’t think anything would happen but now I’m aware of the consequences, ever since I’ve been banned, I’ve been thinking over what I’ve done and realised how stupid I was. I’ve been playing many other Roleplay servers trying to improve my roleplay. If you could unban me, it would be greatly appreciated I’ve wanted to play throughout the six months as many of my friends have started playing over the Christmas holidays and I’ve been looking back at clips that really made me appreciate the server and how much I took advantage of being able to play and now I want to get back in the swing of things a pc has just not been the same. I want to show you all how much I've improved over these last six months. Please take this time to look at my Ban appeal. Thanks.

Continued as The last ban appeal was timed out.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

To whichever staff member is reading this I will like to just say that I am really sorry for being unresponsive on the ban appeal. I know that I wasn’t great on getting back to yous before but a few things have just happened in the time, like work experience I had for 2 weeks and I had to revise for an A level exam that I had. I will try to fulfill you’re requests in this appeal and as I have said before I am really sorry for being unresponsive, and I will now try my best to fulfil your requests for my ban appeal

Let us carry on from the question my colleague asked in your last appeal before it timed out -

You say you wouldn't have gone through the effort of appealing, yet from where I am sitting you've got two inacitivty notices on this one appeal. I understand it was the festive period however you've already got one appeal that's been timed out.

Is this even worth our time?

You say you've learnt your lesson... explain...

I have learnt my lesson by knowing if I were to break any rules of rp it would make the game more unenjoyable for other players and that is not fair as I would have an advantage. Breaking rules in the server beat the purpose of the game aswell by making it very unrealistic as you are meant to play the game like it is real life and in real life you cannot combat log. I also understand not to do it because if I were to break a rule again I fully understand that the staff will have power to ban me again and not have respond to me in anyway. I do not want this as I really want to play again and I miss playing it months ago by meeting new people and creating memories on it. I’ve also been playing other servers in the time being and I have discovered other people breaking the rules in that server and I now understand that it makes it less fun for the other players as it is very unrealistic and is ruins the fun for everyone.

Continuing from unanswered question from previous appeals, this was asked by Drex, also

In your initial appeal, you tried to lie to us, so why should we give you another chance?

Furthermore, this is now your second time combat logging. You're claiming to have learnt your lesson, how did you not learn it the first time?


Please respond to the appeal otherwise it will time out.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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