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Unban Appeal - Bobby Stanley - GTA RP

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Bobby Stanley

The Great British Isles
Unban Appeal for Bobby Stanley 

In-game Name: Bobby Stanley

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198405160763

Ban ID: Ban ID: !!rpuk13729!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: From being banned it was all down to a silly judgement and a silly action to be truly honest, from what happened, Me (Bobby Stanley) and my friend (Alexia Carter) were just simply putting around and punching each other I did mention her prior that I would need to pop my head and therefore would eventually need to leave this was due to my friend coming round and I was going to help him out with some stuff (Not going to divulge further) of which when Alexia and I were around a corner my friend had called me and stated he was outside so I told alexia I needed to go, in an attempt I tried to perform a backflip of which me not knowing the command delayed it further of me leaving and of which Alexia knocked me down not truly knowing it would incapacitate me of which I told her I was just going to pop my head while I was down and of which resulted in the C2.3 ban being placed.

Video of what happened: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1oBakN4wl2Bxdp/d1337V62etO6?invite=cr-MSxabXcsNzgxMDQxNTMs

Why should we unban you ?: I have been on the server for quite a while now and have discovered new people and a fondness for the server in itself. At the same time, I have been banned I have searched for a new alternative for a FiveM server however nothing has come close, in the server I do believe I have been a light to people and helped them out whenever necessary and therefore pushed myself to try and become a staple in the community by joining the Police force, however since becoming banned it has made me rethink on some minor details of which need to be fixed and that in the situation that actually happened, I should of thought about just going to the hospital and getting medical treatment there. This entire situation would have been avoided.

After a month of reflection I do simply believe that due to my actions of taking a shortcut in roleplay and not fully roleplaying it out led to my downfall and eventually to my ban, of which am sorry for the current situation and hope to reenter the server a new and refreshed.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good afternoon @Bobby Stanley,

Upon making your character you had checked a box to say you've read and understand all of the rules?
Had you actually read them or did you just check this without doing so?

Ultimately what I'd like to know is why it's taken for you to receive a permanent ban to then want to go ahead and read our rules? 

Hello @Danoo

I have played this server for a few months now and I did read the rules prior to joining the rules are similar to many other servers I have played, however sometimes simple things can be forgotten and mistakes can be made, which prior to this being my first offense and it being a permanent ban does look quite significant, through my 1 month of waiting to appeal I have been checking up on rules and have been making it my aim to come back fresh and renew, the way that I would like to see it as it was a little mistake which cost me a lot and has made me want to further my knowledge upon and the rules and that simple mistakes can happen.

Hi @Bobby Stanley,

This may be your first offence on the server but ultimately you've bypassed the fair ban system and grabbed yourself a permanent ban straight away due to the severity of the rule you've broken. 

Please do the following for me:

- Explain the rule you broke in your own words

- Explain to me how combat logging can impact other peoples roleplay on the game

Hi @Danoo,

I would like to state that I was banned due to the fact I needed to leave and go do something with a friend of the person who knocked me down knew I needed to leave but did not know I had low HP which resulted I'm me becoming incapacitated they knew I was going to leave hence its not truly combat logging it was a simple mess around of which lead to me becoming incapacitated of which resulting in a "Combat Log"

Technically It would more be a rule break of G2.3 of which I did not roleplay anything out such as my injuries and needing to go to the hospital.

However, the rule I got banned for was C2.3 which is combat logging, Combat logging is where once been initiated or become into an altercation hence that be being shot at or stabbed or even punched This would then make the start of the combat phase commence logging out in this phase would be classed as combat logging as it would mean you have left to not lose anything or not lose the fight and only benefit yourself.

If a player combat log it ruins RP in the hence that whatever the reason was for the altercation and or the combat to start therefore cannot be carried on further and just simply ruins the environment for both parties involved.

Hello @Bobby Stanley! 🙂

I was hoping you had brushed up on the rules during this appeal but I can reassure you that it is a breach of C2.3 and not G2.3, let's have a look at the rule.

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

You had logged out whilst downed awaiting a medic.

If you need to leave the server due to IRL then that is absolutely fine, but there are multiple things we ask players to do which would make us aware of said situation to avoid exactly this.
Why did you not attempt to do any of those things? 

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@DanooThe person I was with and the person who eventually made me incapacitated knew for at least an hour at some point I would need to leave, however Like I have stated this was all due to a simple messing around.

I did not intend to be banned for combat logging nor did I intend to me incapacitated at all.

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Hello there.  

In your next reply, please, explain how you would deal with this situation if you could go back in time? 

Hello @Mike,

With the situation if I could go back in time I would aim to not be placed in the same situation again if I know I will need to leave just simply leave at the next opportunity I can and not keep going until the last minute just to be put into a situation where I need to leave asap, of which now knowing I my lesson and the reason to why I got banned for combat logging, what I should of done once incapacitated was to let either my friend take me to hospital so I could of received treatment and completed the RP scenario that way and then have left or I should of just waited for the medics to arrive and of which once been treated I should of found a way to leave from there.

Obviously, when I was downed there were a lot of people around me and only one person truly knew I would need to leave I should have mentioned in OOC what was going on to therefore not ruin the Roleplay for others for me to just simply vanish.

Hello there @Bobby Stanley
How are we? 

I'm glad to hear you're learning from this, I recommend that if next time you're in a situation where you've to log off mid rp, make a ticket, explain your situation, make staff aware either in OOC or said ticket, be granted a permission to basically leave, after all we all have a life outside of this and sometimes emergencies happen as well. 

I will give you a second chance, given your clear record I am more than happy to give you said chance. 
- Any ban in the next 6 months will be a permanent ban. 

Welcome back, I do hope we won't see each-other here again and you keep to your high quality rp. ^^

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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