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Unban Appeal - Bobby Stanley - GTA RP

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Bobby Stanley

The Great British Isles
Unban Appeal for Bobby Stanley 

In-game Name: Bobby Stanley

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198405160763

Ban ID: !!rpuk13729!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 (COMBAT LOGGING)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned : 

Me (Bobby Stanley)(IGN) and my friend (Alexia Carter)(IGN) were having a fake fight and a considerable amount of punches were thrown although we were fighting for a joke, which I told my friend that I wasn't 100% in terms of which referring to my HP However they did not believe me and punched me again of which then incapacitated me of which while I was incapacitated I needed to leave the city and go help with stuff outside of playing on my PC however I did not actually know about combat logging when it happened and of which once I came back to my PC and to hop onto the server I was sadly informed about the ban.

Why should we unban you?: 

After I was banned it did feel like a pain to the system judging by me not realizing that it counted towards a combat log, which is no other problem but mine, I wish to not leave the city as it is where I game quite a lot and leaving the city so quick and so simple due to a silly mistake on my behalf, the city has been somewhere I have grown to love and meet new people I will thoroughly read the rules and hope to not represent myself in the wrong light again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello @Bobby Stanley

You've been apart of this community for quite a few months now, how come you didn't know about this rule?

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Hello @OneShot,

So it's not the thought of me not knowing about the rule it's the context behind the combat logging, in the case of which I was perma banned for it was simply me and a friend fucking around which I told them I needed to go and not to punch me otherwise I will be needing to go to the pillbox, hence the fact we were fucking around before obviously they thought I was joking and of which led to the current situation we are at, I do not wish to state I am above the rules however I do not believe that the ban was just as the only issue I broke about combat logging was, while dead awaiting a medic and I did not believe that it was perma ban worthy of needing to leave however my friend incapacitated me while leaving, I did not leave to keep any items, nor leave to benefit in any way shape or form.

You mentioned that you told your friend you needed to leave and not to punch you, which could lead to needing medical attention. Did you communicate this in character (IC) or out of character (OOC)? How was it interpreted by the other players involved?

I told my friend IC that I needed to pop my head and I would not be in the city once I have popped my head, referring to popping my head as its hard to communicate to IC that you are leaving to go do something else, also I mentioned to my friend STOP STOP don't keep punching me otherwise I will be needing to go to the pillbox.

As staff, it is our responsibility to maintain fairness and ensure equal treatment for all players within the community.

We recognize that misunderstandings can occur, and miscommunication might lead to unintended consequences. While we appreciate your explanation of the context behind the incident, it is essential for all players to be well-versed in the rules especially common ones like combat logging.

We do have a 1-month cooldown policy before appealing a C2.3 ban, which is basically in place to allow for a period of reflection, during which you can review the rules and reflect the possible impact of your actions that could of had on the roleplay.

We understand that people can learn from their mistakes, and we hope that you will use this opportunity to reflect. After the cooldown period, you will have the chance to appeal your ban. We will carefully assess your appeal, taking into account the context you've provided.

Can re-appeal in 1-month time (12/09/2023)


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