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Unban Appeal - Bmav - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Grove Street

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Bruno Clark
Steam ID: 76561198058638505
Ban ID (just the numbers): 168133078869344256
Ban Reason: Common sense
Why do you think you were banned: 6 Months ago in the main RPUK discord stuff started getting heated and people started arguing with each other to which i kept out of it during the most arguments that were going back and forward between some grove members and some staff, after some time of seeing it i decided to post one comment explaining a similar situation to a scenario that happened a while back with one of our members, it was not meant to be a remark or anything like that i was trying to have a normal conversation about the scenario that got someone that was hanging about for us banned for what i thought back then that it was a similar situation because i felt like the teaming rule was unclear and with alot of holes at the time since it was a new rule (the rule of 6 people is the one i am mentioning in this), i know i will probably be told again in a reply to the unban appeal that i should report these situation but,at the same time i got told in one of my reports that i should stop reporting or bad things would happen by stuart if i am not mistaken(i dont know the exact lingo that was used but thats the way i understood it) i sent the screenshot of the comment to the staff member that dealt with the previous appeal originally which was Psianarama if i am not mistaken.

Now i know that during that time when we were fighting cutlass i put my opinion forward alot and i will say it was probably not warranted even though my intention is not to cause drama i am someone that just says whats in the heart and its not with the intention to create drama but with the not being able to report any rulebreaks or not being able to speak about it in tickets in a civilized conversation i felt like i needed to say something about it but couldn't with the fear of being banned myself with no choice but to let people break rules on myself and my gang and seeing the frusturation of everyone in the gang at the time to borderline quitting the game i felt pressured to do it out of not wanting to see people leave the server in general not just the gang which was the wrong choice, it just felt like a one sided affair at the time and i didn't know how to deal with it at the time. Now i do see that what i should have done at the time was probably wait for the inevitable to happen which did happen after a while which was the opposite group got banned for the rulebreaks that were mentioned across the spam of the war with cutlass at the time.
At the time we got told we were Witch Hunting the opposing gang OOC but that wasn't the intention and eventually proved to not be the case but i do agree that we should have probably just reported it once for the occasion and let it be after that and let staff resolve it over time. I don't report someone unless i do feel like someone is doing it to gain an advantage over the opposite side and if my history of reporting is visible it can be seen i am not someone that goes on a whim to report someone in fact i don't like reporting because i am bad at writting anything (i am mentioning the third person shooting which was the situation i reported at the time if i am not mistaken).
To be honest i already mentioned this alot of times but i don't like gangs dying and it don't matter which gang it is even if its the one that i am having RP beef with, all the gangs are essencial and are some part of the server and their little communitys within RPUK so hence why i don't like reporting unless absolutely necessary and not only that in an RP prespective the way i look at it is if i would like if this happened to me (when i say this i mention the RP i am doing to the opposing party) because i don't want everyone to feel miserable playing the game hence why i act like a dumbass in game sometimes to try and make some people crack up a bit (i know sometimes it ins't serious RP but we all playing a game and sometimes losin it up a bit helps with the mood).

To clarify the comment i quoted was "it doesn´t help when you and sammmy yourselves done imo worse than say 2 things on a radio thats the only comment i am giving but i feel like honesty is key thats it"
Why should we unban you: Like i said previously at the start of this appeal and in the other one, i was not trying to make remarks or anything like that, my intention was to understand the rule like i mentioned above and i was with Drex and Sammy when i questioned the situation that they were involved in and even on that conversation it could be understood that i was still a bit confused on how the rule worked, when i do speak to staff about a situation you can see i can be calm in a conversation and want to understand the other side its not the case of trying to be a dickhead but i can fully see how the chat was going it was perceived that way and pushed the barrel over the edge has sammy mentioned.

With all this time gonne i realized that if i see alot of drama going on best stay clear of it and just ignore it instead of getting involved and if i feel like anything is out of order in any type of drama or anything similar i would contact staff about it instead of giving my own input on things in the middle of the drama which wont help anyway since tensions are high and it will most likely end up in a ban.

I know this appeal looks very similar to my previous one on certain parts but i didn't know any other way to describe it and sometimes when i type stuff i repeat myself alot and make it harder for the opposite party to understand what i mean so i apologize for any grammar errors or anything that's repeated and if there is anything thats not clear i don't mind speaking to the staff member dealing with this about it if it looks to confusing.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
If I recall things were quite tense for you all,

Last year was a mix of some good moments and some awful moments.

Should you be let back,
What are your plans?

If you were asked to commit to a legal character such as police, ambulance or solicitor, would you be open and willing to that?
If I recall things were quite tense for you all,

Last year was a mix of some good moments and some awful moments.

Should you be let back,
What are your plans?
First off happy festivities and New year hope it was a good one, So, to start off yes things were quite tense and i got myself involved in some beef between some grove members and staff to which i should have stayed quiet yes definitely should. At the time i think i spoke to DMs about my reasoning for the outburst and i think i also explained it earlier in this unban appeal and regardless of my reasoning i should have definitely taken another approach about it.
As for my plans i am going to be honest there is only a few things i have in mind to start off but obviously i would like to give you more information about it but RP doesn't always go as we want it to go and ends up being quite dynamic so the only things i can say i plan to do for sure would be explore stuff that has changed such as the drugs and food system and also continue my RP job at luxury those are the things i have in mind as a start off, as for gangs i am not certain on what to do quite yet so it's something i will have to figure out if i end up being unbanned. Since August i have kept a distance from RPUK in general while still speaking to some people, i have only started talking about it like about a month before this appeal when i got messaged by someone from the community asking me stuff and the occasional suggestions that got posted but besides that not much else.
If you were asked to commit to a legal character such as police, ambulance or solicitor, would you be open and willing to that?
I will be honest with you Gee i am not really willing to play a legal character atleast for now, i have multiple reasons as to why but the main ones are:
-My character Bruno Clark has itself underwent multiple times when it went legal for some time i could highlight some of the timestamps but when grove only had about 3 members in its F6 at one point back in 2022 (if i aint mistaken) my character went legal for like a month or 2 working at tirenutz when ghost was given the bussiness and also working at mirror park at the time which i even ended up starting a little RP beef with Chris's noble shop. (not illegal beef of fighting each other or anything, it was more like throwing jabs at each other)

- I have had a Police character at one point and while i did enjoy it at the time, i felt like it was only fun if you had someone to enjoy it with and even with someone i felt like the environment was very toxic at the time i played it (don't know if this changed) but it had something to do with people always taking the piss out of people that liked to play frontline to the point that even the training officers at the time kept giving a warning to us that you will be treated like "shit" if you play frontline.

- As for a solicitor or a NHS character i believe it wouldn't be something i would enjoy at all for the simple reason i would have to use technical terms if i want to do good RP and i feel like thats my Achilles heel not only that i feel like i would stumble on everything i say and lose my train of thought.

-If i eventually want to play a legal character i would create it myself and do it if i feel like i need a change of pace from crim life like i done in the past but i feel like forcefully doing so will just end up making me do half-assed RP which is not my intention and i doubt it is yours as well in all honesty (when i mean half assed is more like i feel obligated to RP a legal character without enjoying it and it will be noticed in my ability to RP as such).

I would also like to say yes what i did was bad and i shouldn't have been a drama queen and follow the rest of the group and jump on the conversation in discord but thought my time in RPUK i feel like besides that year i have not really had any issues in terms of reports, warnings and bans (at least that i remember) and the 2 out of the 4 bans (if i aint mistaken) i had were pure accidents that could have happened to anyone and were genuine human error (these were the 2 RDM bans i had) as for the other 2 which i believe one was a 1 day for OOC and the other one was Permanent for OOC aswell which these were purely my fault and completely deserved but what i am trying to say is i have been here since 2021 and have been banned for 6 months and haven't thrown the toys out of the pan or anything, i have kept it to myself and been completely quiet, not making any remarks or anything like that, i already know what to do to avoid such issues and that is messaging staff personally about any issues instead of starting discord drama.

Again another disclaimer, sorry for my English if anything gets misunderstood or need any clarification with it just message me if needed.
Good afternoon @Bmav

I hope all has been well?

I have some questions and I hope you can provide some answers to clear some things up for me.

Not long before your ban your rp standards had dropped, why was that?

I appreciate the honesty with Gees question about what legal roleplay, I would like to propose some other legal roleplay to think about, what about G6, Park rangers, Mechanic work or even something like restaurant work?

I would also like to say yes what i did was bad and i shouldn't have been a drama queen
Why were you a "drama queen"? And what would stop this from happening again if you were to be unbanned?
Good afternoon @Bmav

I hope all has been well?

I have some questions and I hope you can provide some answers to clear some things up for me.

Not long before your ban your rp standards had dropped, why was that?

I appreciate the honesty with Gees question about what legal roleplay, I would like to propose some other legal roleplay to think about, what about G6, Park rangers, Mechanic work or even something like restaurant work?

Why were you a "drama queen"? And what would stop this from happening again if you were to be unbanned?
I am well thanks to ask I hope you are to.

To start off with the first question, i will be honest i think my RP didn't really drop to be completely honest (atleast right at the time i got banned) i do think that my RP during the war between grove and ballas which was before cutlass was in my opinion where it was at its lowest because there wasn't many RP scenarios as for the cutlass beef which was when i was banned i don't think it was bad we had alot of RP scenarios even the ones where i was kidnapped that i enjoyed not to mention meetings with multiple gangs, lost ETC.. Which to none of them i had a fragger mentality or anything like that. During my time in RPUK i have not relied on "fragging mentality" to play the game and i can say this with confidence to the fact i always used the following logic to going into situations which was if you don't like it done to you in RP don't do it to others (The reason why i always used this logic is because as much as most people want to fuck each other over to get the other gang gonne or disband etc.. i have never had this type of objective, and i will always stand by that). As for the 2 RDM bans i got, like i said in my comment above they were pure honest mistakes due to in game miscommunication which ended up with me shooting the wrong person due to wrong callouts on radio.
During my time in grove both as lead and member I have never been the first to escalate things into gunfights not to mention the only war grove truly started was against marabunta the rest was all self-protection.

As for the legal roleplay, i think the best way i can put it is i like to do both at the same time, its hard to say exactly i want to do just this or just that thats why above i mentioned the fact i still have a legal job (working at a dealership) which i used to do before i got banned and wish to continue regardless if i do join a group or not that as always been my intention since i joined the server to balance it out and because in my opinion it makes sense even for a crim character to have a normal job and the crim job (just my opinion on it), a real crim isn't truly just a crim not to mention someone unemployed getting money from other sources would make no sense RP wise hence why i like that balance.

As for the "drama queen" incident, like i mentioned above in the other reply to Gee, at the time i felt like i was in a crossroads, my group was feeling frustrated at the fact the other group was breaking rules so we reported it as advised and in the report that we have done on cutlass for third person shooting out of vehicles we got told to stop doing reports or we would be dealing with consequences for wich hunting, my idea to solve that from happening again is quite simple that i am confused as to why i didn't think about it at the time which is just message a staff member and have a civil chat about the situation.

I would prefer not to play a solely legal character, but if its the only way i wouldn't mind playing an additional character besides my Bruno solely for legal jobs.
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Thank you for your honesty and your responses

I am getting better after having that horrible flu going around, thank you

If you were to be unbanned how would you handle any OOC drama, that being from yourself or a member of a gang you are in?
Thank you for your honesty and your responses

I am getting better after having that horrible flu going around, thank you

If you were to be unbanned how would you handle any OOC drama, that being from yourself or a member of a gang you are in?
Like i said above i would message a staff member involved and explain the situation that way i could have a calm and collective chat about the situation, and as for other type of drama i would probably just disable my OOC in game and mute the discords in case of anything coming out of them that looks incendiary i think those are the only ways i could avoid it.
Good afternoon @Bmav

I hope all is well?

After speaking with other staff I am happy to give you a second chance on the server but this will come with conditions

1 - You won't be forced to play a legal character But any any character you make you will not join any gang for 3 months
2 - After these 3 months have passed you will not hold a senior position or higher in any gang
3 - If you are seen displaying the same attitude that got you banned in the first place for the next 6 months, you will be sent back here. This is restricted all RPUK platforms
4 - Any bans within the next 6 months you will be back here.

Do you agree to the following?
Good afternoon @Bmav

I hope all is well?

After speaking with other staff I am happy to give you a second chance on the server but this will come with conditions

1 - You won't be forced to play a legal character But any any character you make you will not join any gang for 3 months
2 - After these 3 months have passed you will not hold a senior position or higher in any gang
3 - If you are seen displaying the same attitude that got you banned in the first place for the next 6 months, you will be sent back here. This is restricted all RPUK platforms
4 - Any bans within the next 6 months you will be back here.

Do you agree to the following?
Question just to clarifiy, If i am not in a gang am i still allowed to get involved in 6 man situations like robbing banks, Pharmacys etc... aslong as its not F6 related like ?
Just that questionto clarify besides that i Agree.
Thank you @Bmav for your responses

I appreciate the honesty in your appeal, it has not gone unnoticed.

I am happy to unban you today, I will put your conditions below

1 - You won't be forced to play a legal character, but any character you make cannot join any gang for 3 months
2 - After these 3 months have passed you will not hold a senior position or higher in any gang
3 - If you are seen displaying the same attitude that got you banned in the first place for the next 6 months, you will be sent back here. This is restricted all RPUK platforms
4 - Any bans within the next 6 months you will be sent back here.

Please do not waste this

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