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Unban Appeal - bm7t - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for bm7t 

In-game Name: Thomas Hare

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198144507232

Ban ID: !!rpuk10911!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was kidnapped by 229 after they spotted me out of colours at pillbox. 3 cars pulled up on me and they proceeded to point guns at me, I valued my life and listened to them. They then ziptied me and took me to a random parking lot in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't be able to find this parking lot if I was simply driving around, it's just a very secluded spot. After some conversation and a sketchy "roleplay reason" for killing me, they left me in the parking lot and drove off. I was laying there for approximately 5-10 minutes, I was waiting to see if they'd come back and pick me up so they can possibly dump me or continue the roleplay. After waiting I decided it was too late, I had to wake up early the next day, this may not be a reasonable excuse but it was definitely one of the reasons I got off. I do understand that in principles it is a rule break, I was downed and instead of waiting 30 minutes for nothing to happen, I logged off, but it does seem a little weird that an admin was simply looking through the logs, however I did still break a rule.

Why should we unban you ?: I know that technically what I've done does fall under combat logging, and I genuinely know that it was a stupid mistake but it was completely out of roleplay. Initially I wasn't really provided with very good roleplay which isn't something I want to complain about, but there wasn't really any roleplay from after my death. 229 left me in a parking garage in the middle of nowhere after stripping me off of my phone and radio so I couldn't even call for the NHS and continue the roleplay. The most sane response to this scenario would be to log off for the night (as it was approaching a late hour), and try to see if it will continue off of where it left off. The fact that the ban wasn't even due to a player report shows that I didn't interrupt anyone's roleplay and therefore it wasn't truly combat logging. I know I've been banned before but I do really try to avoid breaking any rules, and the last ban was years ago, when I was a lot younger and stupider. To summarise, I know I did combat log however I didn't have a complete understanding of combat logging at the time, since then I've familiarised myself with the rule and I won't be banned for such a stupid mistake again. Yes I've been banned before for a huge offence against the server, since then I've learned from my mistakes due to it occurring years ago, so although I may deserve another perma ban for a rule break, I know that I won't break anymore rules and this was a one off, in my mind it wasn't a rule break but I do acknowledge the fact that I did break a rule.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Since the appeal is pretty much the same as the previous where it was denied due to you not taking responsibility for your own actions, Lets try this another way. 

You explained the situation you we're in that lead to you being down however have also mentioned the RP provided wasn't good. If this was the case why not make a report if you believe a rule had been broken? 

As for your phone and radio being taken, Indeed you couldn't inform the NHS where you we're, This would of been the point of them being taken and you being downed as the only option if you we're taken to a secluded spot is to simply respawn no ? (I.e roleplaying the death out). 

You've mentioned this ban happened without a player report being made, You are correct however this doesn't excuse you from breaking the rules. So why do you believe you should be able to break rules unless you are reported for them? Since how you have worded your own appeal makes it come across in such a way. 


I made changes to my appeal accordingly, clearly taking responsibility for my actions. I don't like making reports unless I've lost something due to the fact that I simply don't have the spare time to sit there writing up reports for hours. I don't see respawning as actual RP, if anything it seems to be a scapegoat for getting out of RP, I was expecting a message or a tag or smth in the chat when I got on the next morning but I was banned. And bans only make sense if I've genuinely causes harm to the community (such as with exploits) or ruined someone's experience of the server, I've done neither. This isn't me using it as an excuse for why I should break rules but if you really want respawning to be the only action I could've taken in that situation then you literally just want me to waste my time afking until I can respawn. I would've been open to continue the rp if I got called into discord and told to do so or if I was tagged in chat after I came on the next morning, but I didn't get the chance to.

Reports aren't there simply if you lost an item, They are there for all players to use if they believe another player has broken a rule. If so we will review and deal with that and in turn makes the community a better place no? Whilst I understand making a report could take a little bit of time, Going over past reports I've made the most it took was maybe 10 minutes. It's always worth making a report if a liaison doesn't go right ect is the point I'm trying to get at. 

If you don't see respawning as RP, Help us understand what you believe should happen after you are downed and are in a situation where you would in turn die over being saved?

You claim bans are for someone harming the community, Now look at it from our point. You are in active RP, You we're dumped and no items on yourself so you could be saved. You then decided to leave the server and not return. To me this can be seen a few ways, One you are trying to save yourself and might break another rule to get saved, Two you are trying to extend the bleed out timer. In both cases they cause harm so to be on the side that you've done neither is a bit disingenuous no? 

If respawning isn't an option explain to me what you would of done whilst laying on the floor and having no one "In game to get help"? 

The final part of your sentence "I would've been open to continue the rp if I got called into discord and told to do so or if I was tagged in chat after I came on the next morning, but I didn't get the chance to." If people break such a rule as you have, Should the staff team go around tagging everyone to go back and deal with the situation they decided to break a rule to leave in? 

@bm7tPlease respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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