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Unban Appeal - Bluefort - GTA RP

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Mr Reznikov

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter
Unban Appeal for Bluefort 

In-game Name: Bluefort O'Conner

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198065345888

Ban ID: 11410

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: On January 15th 2023, I was on my police character (Bluefort O'Conner) and my criminal character (Ares Hale). On this day I decided to try and help a friend out by being corrupt and to RP a scenario of him buying police equipment off me. The person i was doing this with was late and didn't know if or when he would fly into the city. Because of this I wanted to stash the gear I had already taken and with doing so was not thinking of my actions and this has what lead me to break 2 rules within the RP community. I transferred money and equipment over between my other character so i can stash it. During these actions i wasn't thinking at all but as soon as i realized of what i had done, i tried to correct my mistake but it was too late and the damage was already done.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe with my record i have only been banned once and that was for 24 hours (I could be wrong). This is the first time i have been perm banned over breaking 2 RP community rules. When i was banned, i did panic and tried to reach out to staff members (Which i later found out that i wasn't allowed to do) about being banned. I would like to deeply apologize towards those staff members that i contacted regarding my ban and i promise never to do that again. Like i said because i panicked, i rush into my appeal and didn't realize i wasn't allowed to contact staff members and should of let the appeal run it's course. I hope those staff members can accept my apology.

I haven't been a member of this community for long but because i had a police character and was a Training Officer, i should of known better and should of known the rules a lot better. Especially being a Training Officer, i had to lead by example. Since my time being in the RP community, i quickly found out that this server was different in many ways but was a great community to be around and apart of. I see why a lot of people play on this server and want to be apart of the community. i never lied about my actions on that day and the rules i had broken but with all this said, i should of known better of my actions of what lead me to break 2 RP community rules. I sincerely apologize for breaking 2 major rules on the RP server and hope with those that help run the RP community can accept my apology.

Since the day I got banned and from onward. I have read up on the rules many, many times and promise not to break these rules ever again in the future. If i was to have the opportunity again to be able to become part of the community. i promise to do better with my actions, Not to rush into things without thinking first, provided better RP for everyone within the RP community to enjoy and promise to make sure I'm following all the rules. i hope you give me a 2nd chance and be allowed to come back into the RP community.

Thanking for taking the time to read my appeal.


Mr O'Conner

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Before we get into this appeal,

These types of bans come with the following conditions if you were to have a successful appeal -

  • Deletion of all character Except One
  • Full Wipe of the selected character that you wish to keep (This includes but not limited too, Houses, Cars, Money in Bank, Money in Cash)

Do you accept these terms?

I accept the conditions if my appeal is successful. If i am successful with my appeal, i would like to keep my main character Ares Hale but also if possible my 4th character. This character is very new and hasn't done anything. If i can't keep this character. Can i please have the name so i can use it again.


It would only be one character you would be allowed to keep, I'd be careful with the name overall since we wouldn't want it to interject into the current RP storyline with the other one with the same name (Even though it would be deleted). 

Now in your main appeal you mention "On this day I decided to try and help a friend out by being corrupt and to RP a scenario of him buying police equipment off me", However you told me differently in a DM did you not? Wasn't the reason you did this due to and I'll quote "I transferred money over to my gang character because he was low on money." So what's the truth?

You joined back in August last year. You've said that you we're unaware of the rules, Now why didn't you take the time to read the rules when you first joined, After you received warnings and when you had your last ban? 

Thanks for getting back to me Stuart.

Thats fine, i would just like to just keep Ares Hale

Yes, i did say to you that i transferred money to my other character because he was low on money. Not going to lie i panicked and wanted it to be resolved quickly because after my actions i know a made a mistake. So that's why i gave the full story in my appeal. I wasn't trying to cut corners, i just rushed into getting it resolved and that lead to waiting a month. Definitely learnt not to do that again. 

I did go over the rules but the day i got banned for 1 day was because of combat logging (I believe). That was the rule i went back and read. I should of been a lot smarter with my actions and should of know better about what i should and shouldn't do. Trust me on that i have learnt my lesson because of the mistake i made. I'm not perfect but as of my characters i have and how long i had been apart of the RP community. I should of know better. The cost of my actions lead to me in the position on which i never want to be here again if i am given the chance to come back. I apology's for my actions that lead to me not thinking and breaking the rules and will never do it again.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this reply and i hope to hear back soon

I would also like to point out that i never said i wasn't aware of the rules. In the moment of my actions, i wasn't thinking and rushed into the actions i made which lead me to breaking 2 RP Community rules. Like i said in my first statement "During these actions i wasn't thinking at all but as soon as i realized of what i had done, i tried to correct my mistake but it was too late and the damage was already done". I generally made a mistake and i would not break the rules on purpose. I have enjoyed the server and the community and wouldn't jeopardise that. I know you need trust towards everyone that plays on the RP community and for those to be responsible of there actions because of otherwise it can ruin other members roleplay experience.

I apologise towards staff and official members of the RPUK Community of my actions that lead to me being banned. I hope you take the time to reconsider allowing me to come back into your RP Community and been given the chance to be able to earn your trust back. I hope to hear back from staff soon regarding a decision.  

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Locked for 3 days due to bumping.

To ensure you have read the rules this time, can you quote the rules that you have broken and tell me why you think we have them, what purpose do they serve?

Hello Lunar, 

Thank you for taking the time to reply and sorry for the delay in responding. 

(G2.9) "Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method."

This rule is in place to prevent players from gaining a monetary or asset advantage over others and to encourage development of ones "character" in line with the actives provided by the server (jobs, criminal activities etc) It is also there to protect the servers economy as if players able to transfer money or possessions between characters then this removes the need for things to be gained in game by grafting and transacting/trading with other players.

(C2.2) Exploiting - "Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future."

Similar to the above if this were to purely be related to moving items between characters, this itself is an abuse of the multiple character slots available to players and also an abuse of the item persistence mechanic as one could easily stash something in a bush to be collected later, 

When I have typed the above, it has also dawned on me that that in theory, these actions would also be in breach of rules G3.1 and G3.5 which are use of OOC information and Character separation as players other "characters" would have no way to know the location of these items. Whilst on the topic of other rules, I would also like to apologize for not following the ban appeal rules set out on the wiki. I'm my haste to be unbanned I contacted staff about a time-frame via the ticket system and also bumped my appeal (although this was not the intention, it is what happened and I am sorry) At the time of this I again did not think and was only looking at a quick outcome for the appeal and in hindsight, this was wrong. At the time I didn't feel I had done anything wrong but after speaking with a friend and rereading the rules for the tenth time I finally understand that what I did was wrong.

What I have learned overall over the last month is that I need to take a step back from time to time and think about my actions before I do indeed act. This way I can ensure I am following the rules which in turn keeps me in the clear and also protects the server and other players and keeps things fair. 

Thank you for your time

Hello there, @Bluefort
I hope we're doing well tonight. 

I'd like to ask you a question in regards to the ticket and bumping the appeal, you claim to have acted in haste, or wanting to be quickly back. 

At the time of this I again did not think and was only looking at a quick outcome for the appeal
Isn't this the same way you acted when you were transferring items between characters? - You claim to have acted in haste, in wanting to give yourself some money as you were on the "low" side for your criminal. 

Yes, i did say to you that i transferred money to my other character because he was low on money. Not going to lie i panicked and wanted it to be resolved quickly because after my actions i know a made a mistake.
Are you sure you've learned your lesson to take a step back and think before taking such quick actions? 

Just to confirm if you were unbanned, you want to keep Ares Hale, correct?
Thank you for your time and the effort you put in your appeal. 🙂

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the reply, its appreciated. 

To answer your questions
Q - Isn't this the same way you acted when you were transferring items between characters? - You claim to have acted in haste, in wanting to give yourself some money as you were on the "low" side for your criminal. 

A - My apologise for bumping the post. It wasn't my intention to bump my appeal at all and accepted it was looked for three days. I wanted to edit my last statement i posted and on believing i was indeed editing it. When i was ready to save i realised i in fact added a post which bumped my appeal. That's how it got locked for three days which is fair. I know the appeal rules and that's why i have been waiting very patiently for a reply. 

Q - Are you sure you've learned your lesson to take a step back and think before taking such quick actions? 

A - Yes, I am certain of this now. In the future I will take a step back and think about the actions I am planning and if I am in doubt as to whether or not something is or isn't against the rules, I will consult the rules page first and if I cant come to a conclusion I will then contact staff via ticket if I feel it is necessary. 

Yes i would like to keep Ares Hale due to the fact that i believe my police character (Bluefort O'Conner) has been fired from MRPD

Thanks for your time

PS - I would like to thank staff for taking there time with my appeal. I know you have lot going on and busy with other appeals including mine. I have learnt my lesson from the very stupid mistake i made that lead to me in this position. 

Deletion of your 3 characters and full wipe of Ares has been requested. Will update when its complete. 

Wipe complete.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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