Billy Hillbilly
- Location
- uk
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Buck Redd
Steam ID: 76561199047771204
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17832
Ban Reason: RVDM, Exploiting
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for Rdvm and Exploiting
Why should we unban you: Hello staff, I Hope all is well.
I was banned for running a person over that where robbing my friend (RVDM) And I tried pushing that guy into the water USING my friends car which is classed as (EXPLOITING)
In the heat of the moment when i committed these 2 rulebreaks. I didn’t think running the guy over would be Random Vehicle Deathmatch as I didn’t think it wasn’t a random thing to do. I thought that them 2 robbing my friend was a valid enough roleplay reason for me to go and run him over which clearly wasn’t a valid reason now that I have ended up here. In that moment it was quite clear to me to run them over as I was the only one of my friends at the scene and I needed a fast action to buy kieffer time to hopefully fight off the second aggressor which I think kieffer did. So to me that wasn’t random as they clearly was robbing my friend with weapons. Second heat of the moment mistake I did was trying to push him into the water off the pier with a car. To me it didn’t seem as a rulebreak. I only thought that “If i where to dump someone over the pier IRL and he was to heavy, I would just push him in with my car” Which was my thought on it and didn’t really think much of it as a rulebreak. Now that I have deeply read through the rules. I can totally understand that I did something wrong here.
When it comes to the RVDM part I would of instead waited for backup and maybe surround these 2 aggressors, ziptie them and maybe do some torture roleplay or something like that, Because I do think the roleplay was a bit shitty for me to just run them over. When it comes to the exploiting part I would’ve done that part a bit better by just trying to put him in the passenger seat and then drive beside the edge of the pier and take him out the seat. instead of pushing him with the car. These 2 rulebreaks is a thing that i completely understand now that i actually sit back and reflect and think from his point of view ( that guy that reported me ) .
Since I have been banned I have sat back and really thought through on how I can avoid end up in these situations again. I have read through the rules more focused this time because this is a server I would deeply wanna continue playing on as It’s the server I enjoy roleplaying on the most and streaming on as well. If you guys where to give me another chance I would take a break from the gang life. Probably do some homeless roleplaying again. And just really focus on doing that until I feel confident enough to enter the gang life again to make sure I don’t repeat any of these rulebreaks.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this appeal again and i hope this leads to another chance at the server.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes