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Unban Appeal - Basik69 - 01/12/20

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In-game Name
Abdullah Ahmed

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Forum Report 2.2 (Perm)

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
At 12/11/2019 I had a perma ban on the Server 1 of Altis Life for breaking a rule (Rule 2.2) RDM (Random Deathmatch).

The RDM had happen on 2/11/2019, I had a acident at Advance Weapon and me a friend were looking to buy equipment and must-have stuff, my friend was on the other side covering me all the time, meanwhile 3 players joined us and a minute had passed and they pull out their guns, aiming at me and one of them talked to me and said me to place my hands on my head otherwise they shoot. I said "What" not obeying his word and quickly took my pistol and shooted him. I was immediately took down by his friendss and we both stayed in the ground, my friend them came to help but died too.

Why should we unban you ?
As I was very active player I played at Altis Life day by day, So I miss this and I really want to play with my friends and have a High Quality RolePlay and have lots of Fun. I regret this perma ban so I read all the rules again, multiple times, my english is not that great, but I'm sure if I start having a High Quality Roleplay I will learn a lot. I'm sure I will be active again and follow all the Rules, to avoid getting another ban, this is the only Altis server I had fun playing and I love it.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

Why is so hard for you to follow server rules. Banned 4 times with few months 

Why is so hard for you to follow server rules. Banned 4 times with few months 
Hello @DELETER , You're right, I didn't follow the rules, but I really feel bad for not playing and i'm willing to follow them, unfortunately I'm very influenced by my friends, I figured it out that I should not troll and mess with the other players Experience just for fun, as this breaks my own fun. I actually want to have a High Quality Roleplay now, And I think I deserve a second chance to prove to myself that I can be humble and a high quality RolePlay player. I miss so much Altis...

03/11/2019 banned for 2.2 RDM 
12/11/2019 banned for 2.2 RDM again... 
Dont you learn from your mistakes? 

unfortunately I'm very influenced by my friends
You are still responsible for your actions. You pulled the trigger not them.
So how will you proceed next time? at least if we give you a other chance again.

03/11/2019 banned for 2.2 RDM 
12/11/2019 banned for 2.2 RDM again... 
Dont you learn from your mistakes? 

You are still responsible for your actions. You pulled the trigger not them.
So how will you proceed next time? at least if we give you a other chance again.
Hey @SI Jefke V you are right, I'm 100% responsible for my acts and I really deserved this ban, I had a bad initiation with the players in this case and I'm sorry for it. I wasted their time and fun with that bad Quality Role Play by saying "What" and shooting right after, I recognize all the mistakes I did... Next time I will correspond with the server expectations and be a more understandful player and be a "hostage" and commit for everything they say.
I really want to get back into this community and be a example for the Server as a Player!

@Basik69 Looking at your record getting 5 bans in just over a month shows to me your not ready to follow the rules here. 

Appeal Denied.

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

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