Barry Skinfade
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Barry Skinfade
Steam ID: 76561199064077999
Ban ID (just the numbers): 112795
Ban Reason: Combat Logging / RDM
Why do you think you were banned: At this moment in time I'm not sure as to the Combat Logging rule break and when this occurred, so if I could be told when I did this It'd be much appreciated, I recognise the rule break of RDM and have already held my hands up to this and am accepting of any punishment coming my way for said offence.
Why should we unban you: I think I should be unbanned because I feel as if I can provide quality RP to the server, I know I have done wrong and hold my hands up completely to my offence(s) , This is my first offence on the server and feel as if a Permanent Ban is harsh , contrary to that I do also understand that it is a deterent so other players won't commit the same offences and can see the severity of the punishments for people who do, I love playing the server and the interactions are unbeatable at times, and the people are also great! I appreciate the time you've taken to read my appeal, Kind Regards.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes