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Unban Appeal - Baaz_ - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Baaz_ 

In-game Name: Johnny Fennah

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198873363915

Ban ID: !!rpuk9443!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Reading into it G2.9 seems to be the transferring of money and or assets, I have been away on holiday for a week so wasn't aware of my ban until today. Before I left the city I was transferred 4 cars from two people leaving the city Ben and Essie. I paid 80k for key transfers and then gave them 200k for one last hit at the casino... Other than that as of recently nothings springs to mind. Casting my mind back further than that I literally can't think of what it could be. I have made tickets trying to get an answer, but ive had no luck.

Why should we unban you ?: I have quite a good player record as far as I am aware, as far as RP goes Ive always tried to maintain the best and highest quality RP I physically can. I think I bring a lot to the server like my overall enthusiasm and general positivity. I have made a lot of character progression from working in dealerships and being in a whitelisted gang and am a key factor in a lot of roleplay scenarios around those. Mistakes happen from majority it just so happens this time I cant give you a definitive answer as to why and what mistake i have made. I thoroughly enjoyed my time being apart of this community and have enjoyed meeting new people and even made friends along the way. Thank you for giving me the time and day to read through and I can only apologise for not being able to expand on why I think that I was banned.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

so what you are saying is that on 04/03/2022 you did not make a new character, transfer the money to a friend who then transferred that money back to your main character, then delete the new character?

Thank you for the reply, as I stated I could not remember what it could of exactly been which is why I guessed. The two staff I contacted told me to make the appeal regardless and then find out why. This would of been a friend called Stuart I believe that was new to the city, at the time we were helping to get him an apartment and my pure misjudgment and laziness just got in the way and rather than make the money for him which is what like 70k? I had the 35k transferred to me so that it was a much quicker process then say jumping in a taxi for 20-30 minutes. I now understand the severity of the situation and what I’ve done exactly and for that can only apologise, it was literally pure laziness more than anything but regardless should not of been done by myself. 

So you are claiming that you sent your friend money for them to send it back to you because they needed money for an apartment? I'm trying to wrap my head around this one, Surely if they needed to buy something they would need the money not your other character no? 

It's a good idea as a whole to be honest, Since making things up or lying to us simply won't get you anywhere. So should we try again and work out why you decided to break the rules we have in place. You mentioned other staff told you to make an appeal to find out why you we're banned, Whilst yes you can make an appeal in an attempt to return to the community, The reason for the ban was always there for you to look up, G2.9 is why you are banned. Did you not read the rules to see why you was banned prior to making the appeal?

Thanks Stuart for the reply. As my initial appeal states, I was aware that I’d broke the G2.9 and I’m aware it’s the transferring of money and or assets. I made it clear in my initial statement that I understand the rule broken, what I didn’t understand is what I had done exactly, although the rule was broken in March and March isn’t exactly long ago, it wasn’t exactly fresh in my mind. That’s why I went about making discord tickets to find out what I actually did to break the rule itself, I was advised to just appeal and find out here, which I have done. Now that I know the exact date and what had occurred, yes I remember. So I knew why I was banned the whole time in terms of G2.9, I just had trouble remembering what and who I exactly did the transferring with. Now that I know obviously I’ve made myself aware how serious of a rule that is to break and why the rule is in place, to stop people gaining an unfair advantage… this goes for even the smallest transactions like the 35k received. Any money gained unfairly at the end of the day is one up on any player and an advantage🤷🏻‍♂️ As for why didn’t I send it to him straight away? I don’t actually think he made a return to the city at all after that at all, he may of once or twice? But as far as I am aware March was the last time he ever came into the city.

Within this response you've said "I know obviously I’ve made myself aware how serious of a rule that is to break and why the rule is in place" Does that mean in your thought that the other rules we have are less serious?

Indeed you did mention about G2.9 within your initial post however did contradict the statement within the second response, So leaving us with not knowing what the truth is as a result. So what's the truth into why you broke this rule overall? As I outlined what you mentioned the reason was in your previous statement doesn't make much sense into the why. 

I’d say that all rules are in place for their own reasons and each as important as each-other. But seeing as this is a RP server, the main focus should be RP so cheating to earn more money, which in the long run will be used on cars, houses, guns etc etc, that doesn’t really value the RP side of things and is done for personal gain. So to answer that in short, no I think each rule is in place for their own specific reasons, the use of the word serious rule could of been used for any rule break really as I think they all hold their own value. I’m not gonna sit here and not take accountability as discussed now that I’m aware of what I did I fully own and take all accountability for my own actions. As to why I did it, as mentioned he was new to city and yes it doesn’t make sense as to why I took the money when he could of just had it so for that I myself don’t even understand my thought process behind that I don’t even think he ever returned after that either, Regardless money should ultimately be made through your own character and not making and deleting a ALT and as I’ve said for such a low amount of money, it could literally of been a 20 minute taxi job. 

So having a look over the story you are providing 'You sent money to your friend because he wanted to buy a house' isn't the truth overall as the money was transferred back to your other character. As mentioned it doesn't make sense as you wanted the money on another character not your friend. Being honest is one of the things that we all should do as we do trust players won't break the rules for their own gain, However you haven't been honest fully within the appeal. 

With that being said I will be denying this appeal based on that and also placing a one month cooldown for you to think about what you've done and with some luck be honest in your next appeal with us. You may reappeal on or after August 31st 2022.


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