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Unban Appeal - Axis24 - GTA RP

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Ben Elias

Active member
Unban Appeal for Axis24 

In-game Name: Ben Elias

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199160959720

Ban ID: N/A

Reason given for your ban: IRL Money Trades

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for trading in game items for IRL money

Why should we unban you ?: Hey Staff

hope your all well,

Firstly i would like to greatly apologise for my actions. There were childish, wrong and selfish. I can assure you this will never happen again.

At the time i wasn't thinking about anyone else and the ramifications of my actions towards other players and to be fair the TS calls made me realize that. I am genuinely very sorry for my actions and appreciate a chance to appeal. I recognise by only thinking about my self i took away opportunities, fun, items and experiences from other players and i can only extend my apologizes. I have to admit it did take a TS with staff but i am fully aware and the time I have spent banned has allowed me to think on my actions and now I can see that my actions were wrong i have to except my actions can have consequences. I have made sure to read the rules again and will make sure I wont do the same mistake a second time, it was wrong of me for doing it and I fully take the blame for my actions.

Moving forward i know not to do this did again and i want to be a positive person in the community. I have never been banned for any RP break and i feel my RP has always been to a high standard. I want to come back and make things right. Be a better person for the community. I have really missed my friends in city and i can assure you i will never do this again as i don't want to miss more time away from my friends and other in the community. I will make sure that i commit myself to staying within the rules and playing fairly to provide everyone in the city with the same fair chance i have.

I know what i done was wrong. I genuinely am so sorry for doing it. This wont happen again.

Thank you,

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

How can you assure us it will never happen again ?

We're you honest and forth coming when you found someone to RLT with? Or did you take advantage of it. Doesn't fill me with confidence. Take time and convince me to even bother. 

Hi Stuart

Hope your doing well,

Simply, no! This will never happen again, Ever. After my TS call and having it explained to me, i fully understand the hurtful nature of my actions and know the negative impact i had on the city. Because of the amazing community i have had the luxury to be apart of i can only apologise, promise do better and be the best i can be when being a part of the community going forward. In regards to how i can assure you this will never happen again is my honesty. In the multiple calls i have had with staff about this i have been very honest, admitted what i have done and owned up to it. If given another chance i will prove this by my consistent high quality RP and continued honesty with staff going forward. I miss the city, a lot! The city and the community that comes with the city is why i have spent so much time over the last year dedicating time to it. I love it. I love the people, the RP and the friends i have made along the way. I have never been banned for RP related issue and i think the fact i have tried to provide a good constant level of RP for the year and a half i have been year proves i want to come back and is willing to do anything to get back. I'm already really missing it.

I know you mentioned to take time and convince you to be honest i don't need time. I have been thinking since the second i had that TS call what i wanted to say in my unban appeal if i was given the opportunity to do one. When it comes to straight up proof of my not doing this again the only way i can assure you is to proof it going forward. you wont see me in here again. I just want to go back to creating memories with good people in the server and hopefully be able to be apart of good memories for others. I will prove it by my consistent strive to be better for the community. I know how bad my actions were to the community and to everyone it did effect I'm really sorry.

I never went looking for it (i think by RLT you mean real life trading). I never had the opportunity to take advantage of someone as i never went looking for a trade. As discussed in TS i was approached and took the offer due to a pervious event. I have only ever traded with one person who was discussed in TS. I never took advantage of anyone. I love the people in city and would not want to bring anyone down to my level of behaviour. I have got someone indirectly involved by allowing them to have some things in my container which they no longer have access to. Even indirectly involving someone like this has made me feel like shit. I have taken away from others and I'm sorry for doing so.

I did it in a time when i thought i illegitimately lost a lot of stuff and not only lost tens of million of my own stuff i also ended up owing someone money because of the lost stuff. I brought what i brought to regain what i had lost and pay back the money i owed. I felt like i lost my stuff unfairly and at the time even when putting a ticket felt like i wasn't heard out enough or helped enough. i understand now there wasn't anything you guys could have done but that was why i did it. The Reason i never came clean about this is because i simply owed a lot of money and i also needed to recoup some of my own stuff. To be honest as well no one wants to get caught. It had been months since i last did it and to be honest i thought it was over. The stuff was in the past i was hoping it would never come up. Also to why i didn't come forward when i got the opportunity was when i lost all my shit it was over a year of dedication which i could only do because of a knee operation which gave me 10 months of freedom. I did what i did cos i felt hard done by , i lost my shit unfairly and going back into work i simply wouldn't have the time to get my stuff back, so i took the chance to trade when it was presented towards me. The cars i have are years of genuine hard work and its why i joined the city. worked in a dealership and even came to manage it for a few months. I have already been made aware of what might happen and the thought i risked everything i have makes me feel so stupid. I will most likely loose the reason i joined the server in the first place. I will never do this again because if i ever get chance i will never risk loosing what i worked hard for again. with the time i have left in the week to play the city i will never be able to own what i used to. I was living over a year of free time on my hands. The thought of me wasting more time by doing this again and thinking of loosing all my shit again over this makes me feel really pathetic. I can assure for my own sanity alone i will never do this again. I'm not going to waste any more opportunities if i get one.

Obviously when someone breaks the rules and trust like this to such a high degree it will be hard to ever trust them again. I get that, but I'm begging that i get another opportunity in the city. I really want to prove my self  and show how positive of an impact i can make. I wont ever do this again or break any rule again. I will earn my trust and prove that i can be trusted in city. No matter how long it takes. I'm just hoping my complete honesty in the TS calls shows that I'm willing to except what i did was wrong and prove i can eventually be trusted again. 

I know this ban is just a huge inconvenience and getting an opportunity to appeal is rare. I fully get that. That's why i wont waste any opportunity i get given. I will prove myself.

Many thanks,

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You were part of what I consider theft. Our VOLUNTEER dev and staff team work around the clock, purely for the love of the community and yet people seek to profit off of their hard work. Why should we entertain this any further? How much did you spend IRL and what did you buy, just out of curiosity?

Hi Bowen

Hope your well,

First of all  i would like to state i never profited of this at all. As stated in my previous reply i did this because i felt at the time i lost my stuff unfairly and at the time even when putting a ticket i felt like i wasn't heard out enough or helped enough. I understand now there wasn't anything you guys could have done but that was why i did it. It was never to profit. To just get back a years worth of grind. That's all. I know the harm i have cause. I cant apologise enough. I felt guilty about it when i was brought to TS i admitted it straight away. No bullshit. I wasn't going to waste anymore time and i wanted to be honest about it. It may not seem like it but i do have a huge love for the community and knowing the damage i have caused and the time i wasted. I am genuinely sorry. Please though understand my intentions were to never profit of anything. I earned all my stuff legitimately with a year plus of grinding while i was of of work due to medical reasons. So knowing i didn't have the time to get it back that why i spent IRL. I also owed a friend money as the stuff in the container wasn't all mine. So part of it was to also pay back some money. I didn't really much anything off but they were my intensions. However i do know my intentions don't really matter because i still caused damage to the server in a horrific way. Which again i am really sorry. 

In regards to what i bought it was containers and cars. Mainly containers. One of the containers i own right now is one of them. Reason for containers is because they was easy to flip and had a rising market value. The ZR1 i own is also a car i brought for IRL. I just loved it so much and never flipped it. In the TS call money was mentioned but if I'm being honest and i said this in the TS call i don't remember buying it or spending it. If i remembered i promise i would say but on my life i don't remember the money.

In regards to why this be entertained further is simply I'm begging. I have been honest from the start. In the TS call I'm sure that staff in there can vouch i never denied and anything and felt really bad about the whole thing. I still feel really bad. All i have done is cause issues waste time, ruin others enjoyment in RP and be selfish. I really want to come back to the community and prove that i can be a good member of it. I miss my friends inside RPUK so much. I have made so many friends in this community and i feel so ashamed that i have done nothing but hurt it. I know i done wrong on a big level but please give me one chance to prove i can be better. Its ironic that i did all this because i lost all of my stuff and now imma loose literally everything to my actions. I have learnt from my mistakes. Trying to cut corners was not the way to go about it and i acted stupidly. I should have come clean a long time ago and I'm sorry i didn't.  I betrayed your trust, simple. But this wont happen again. If given another chance i will prove that i can be good for the community.

To be honest as time goes by I'm really missing the city. My actions were not worth this and i cant believe i did this. To all the staff and people i have affected I'm genuinely really sorry. I just want to really come back and be a positive personal and be a good member of the community.  Nothing compares to the city. I love it. Absolutely love it, I'm so sorry for ruining it with my poisonous behaviour. I just wanted to add this on to express how sorry i am and just how much i miss the city. Please allow my to prove my self again.

Many thanks, 

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Here's a question for you, and please answer it by dming me either here or on discord, how much did you spend on these items and who was it from? Again, reply in DMs only please
Sorry for the delay in the response to the ticket @Ben Elias

So we get to it in the appeal as it has been a good few months at this point.
I never went looking for it (i think by RLT you mean real life trading). I never had the opportunity to take advantage of someone as i never went looking for a trade.
But you still did it.... There isn't any attempt you can try and make me think otherwise.

Looking over this you did RLT (Real Life Trade) with others, Now you say you didn't benefit from it however I don't believe that at all.

I've been sitting here and I always wonder why people would do something so stupid and waste money on virtual things you can just work for. Time apparently has a price and in turn comes with severe consequences. I am aware of the talks that we're had and we as Staff Leads and Management did need to come to a decision and we have done so.

Because you decided to try and one "Cheat your way to things in essense" and try and ruin the server economy, Your time here is over. This ban will not be lifted and you won't be welcome back in the community.

I do however wish you all the best for the future and if you do find somewhere else to be, I suggest not breaking the rules and don't repeat what you did in our community.

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