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Unban Appeal - Ant Toe - GTA RP

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Ant Toe

Unban Appeal for Ant Toe 

In-game Name: Ant toe

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199241219818

Ban ID: !!rpuk14176!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.2 C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: C1.2 - on the day of my ban, I was told to go to a location to buy drugs. When I got there i sat on a vehicle and a gang of people rushed out of an apartment and started pointing guns at me. I complied to everything they said and I was shot anyway. The boys were shouting over me when I was trying to explain myself and I got angry and said something racist which I deeply regret.

C2.3 - out of all of us that were there I felt as though I was being singled out and didn’t want to lose the very little I had because I was new to the city. I combat logged after he’d driven a long way because I was pissed off and I guess I wanted to waste his time, which again is a stupid thing to do for everyone trying to enjoy a role play experience.

Why should we unban you ?: I know it doesn’t count for much, but the day I was banned, I was brand new to the city and the roleplay scene in general, I’d just bought my pc to play with a couple of friends who are enjoying the city. I didn’t really fully understand what was allowed and what wasn’t, I knew fine well that racist remarks were strictly forbidden and I’ve regretted it ever since because that’s not me in real life so I don’t want it to ever come across that way! As for the combat logging, that was strictly out of stupidity, it was late at night, I was angry and I acted with too much emotion in the moment. During the time I’ve had away from RPUK, I’ve tried other cities and learned all of the general roleplay rules and feel like I’ve grown as not only a role player but as a person. I know what I’ve done is more or less unforgivable but if I was given a second chance then I feel I could be a good member of your community. I sincerely apologize for breaking the rules and I’m sorry for lack of effort in my previous appeals, I just didn’t really know how to explain myself. If it’s possible, I could speak to someone in a private call and talk it over. Also if I’m unbanned, I can assure you that I’ll never break another rule or step out of line…. Thanks for listening

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good afternoon @Ant Toe
I hope we are well?

I hope in your time away from the server has given you enough to process the weight of your situation and ban. Especially as I look through your appeal history, so lets start with that;

If I am to entertain this appeal, tell me why you decided to lie on your previous appeal? Mainly about claiming it was your friend that was playing on your account - and the fact you attempted to use an AI written appeal?

Further, onto the bans;
You mentioned that you lost your temper when trying to explain yourself - how can we be so sure that this won't happen again in volatile situations?
Had you not considered reading our rules before playing, especially as you said you were new?

Can you tell me in your own words what rules C1.2 and C2.3 are, and why we have them?

Hi violet and thankyou for taking the time to hear my appeal.

I understand the severity of my situation and have done since I made them stupid mistakes.

I have no excuses when it comes to why I lied on my previous appeals and said it was a friend. I guess i just didn’t want to be portrayed as someone who’d use such vile abusive behaviour towards another human being because that doesn’t reflect who I actually am as a person.

as for the AI appeal, I sometimes struggle with expressing what my brain wants to say and actually putting it down in words. I googled for help to write an apology and saw a suggestion to use an ai. Looking back I now know you’d have appreciated me making a little effort myself.

I’ve now learned that when words are said in hostile situations it’s roleplay, its character to character and it’s not aimed at me in real life so i know not to get hot headed and I need to act in roleplay and not with personal emotions when roleplay scenarios happen.

I had flicked through the rules but there was a lot to take in, but I, as a normally good hearted human know that I shouldn’t have said the horrible things I said. I wasn’t really 100% about when I could F8 quit but since then, I’ve recapped a lot of rules and I now know that you have to play out all roleplay to the absolute highest level to maintain a fun experience for everyone.

The rule C1.2 and what I think it means - this rule is here to make it a fun place for everyone regardless of ethnicity, religion and gender. Discrimination doesn’t belong in roleplay or anywhere else for that matter.

C2.3 and what I think it means - leaving the game/server during roleplay scenarios. I think you have this rule to stop people leaving after other players put a lot of effort into certain situations, also to stop people saving inventory items that they would’ve otherwise lost in active roleplay, therefor using it for their own advantage when the odds are stacked against them.

i was new and uneducated on roleplay when i was banned and feel like I’ve learned my lesson and educated myself more in depth on your rules and how to play out roleplay situations with even more care and attention. I can assure you if I’m given a second chance that I’ll try my best to make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved in the city!

thankyou for your response.

Good evening, @Ant Toe! I hope all is well with you this evening 🙂

This is your chance to prove to us that you're ready to come back into the server. We're now on your 5th appeal so it's not exactly going well so far.
You've since lied to us twice which has just completely destroyed all trust we had in you.

You say you acted out of anger due to the fact you were going to lose the situation. 
This to me displays a win/loss mentality which is the absolute opposite to what we're wanting to see here. Considering this is a roleplay server, we are looking for players than can embrace and enjoy any given situation rather than getting annoyed.

Would you say you're a racist/sexist person? I ask this because this is the behavior displayed by you on that evening.

Do you often get annoyed/frustrated at games?

Hi @Danoothanks for your reply, 

im sorry for lying in my previous appeals but the most recent one is the absolute truth.

as I’ve previously mentioned before, I never discriminate anyone and I absolutely hate myself for doing so on the day I was banned. I’m not racist, nor sexist. I have friends who are of different races and that’s why I’m so disgusted in my own actions because it really doesn’t reflect who I am!

As I said, the day I was banned I was very very undereducated on how roleplay actually works because I was brand new to it. I didn’t really grasp all the rules, but since then I’ve tried another city and watched a few people play your city so I’ve picked up a lot of rules and learned how to play out scenarios. I’ve also since read through rules so i know exactly what I can and can’t do if I’m given a second chance.

i wouldn’t say I get angry or frustrated at video games but would say I’m a very competitive individual. I now know that roleplay is just like acting and I should not use personal feelings or emotions in roleplay situations and try to be the best role player I can be to maximise the experience for everyone. I really want to be a part of your community and I promise I will always try to be the best version of myself.

you can’t imagine how disgusted I am in myself about the comments I made and from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry.

thank you for your response and I hope you’re having a great day 👍 

Hello @Ant Toe, thank you for the responses so far! 🙂

What are you plans if you are lucky enough to be given another chance on this server?

Are you here to roleplay?
What character(s) are you looking to create?
What interesting character storylines do you have?
What roleplay can you provide that'll be beneficial to the server?

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Hi @Danooand thanks for the speedy response.

if I’m given a second chance I’d be grinding trying to make money as a good guy mostly on the right side of the law with maybe a few illegal activities on the side (drugs etc). I’d also like to try and get a job as a mechanic or car salesman in the city as it would allow me to gain some more experience with basic roleplay and also hopefully meet connections in game. If possible and after I’d spent a significant amount of time in the city, I’d love to make a second character and one day be a traffic cop or officer although I understand this could take a very long time which I’m willing to work towards. I’ll always try to be friendly and helpful to people I meet and I’ll always give my absolute greatest effort in each roleplay situation in which I’m involved.
I know I didn’t give a good first impression but I can assure you I will be better going forward if you gave me a second chance.

thankyou and I hope you’re well.

Very well, this is currently the only ban being held on your record and I am indeed inclined to give you a second chance on the server to prove yourself considering you're still new here and to roleplay.

You've breached 2 rules which bypass the FBS with your first ban being a permanent, then lied, you've not exactly painted the best picture of yourself so far.
Please, read over the server rules before joining to ensure we do not continue making silly mistakes. Please know that you will not last very long here at all if you come back with the same awful attitude and foul mouth.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent taking you right back here.
Please do not waste this chance.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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