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Unban Appeal - Andrew1981YT - GTA RP

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Reggie Veggy
Steam ID: 76561199508725287
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18655
Ban Reason: G2.9 Transferring Items/Money
Why do you think you were banned: I transferred Money , phones and repair kits from 2 new different characters to my main character with the intention of a 3rd character before I was trapped in an invisible building on the 3rd character. Me getting scared , logged off that character to my main and picked up the box with what i recall was $72,000 , 2 phones and 1 repair kit. I then was curious so I went to the 24/7 to take the next 36,000 out of my account where my 3rd character was stuck in the invisible building so I asked for help and then I was then teleported to the top of maze bank and asked why I thinks I was teleported up there. Me guessing it was due to the character swap I continued to play it off and said because I was stuck in the building. Then the admin asked how I have been gaining money recently , at this point I was really worried of being banned and lied, I played it off by saying "you mean the car I sold recently?". Then when she said "what about the box filled with money?" I knew I was called out so I confessed. The admin told me how the lying I had done now has broken her trust and she couldn't believe anything I said anymore and who can blame her no one wants to believe a liar just like "The boy who cried wolf". I was then helped to find the page so I could see what rule I had broken (as I didn't know which will be explained in the box below) and then asked to disconnect so no one in my gang or others I have met would ask why the notorious Reggie Veggy was banned.
Why should we unban you: Now I will explain why I did what I did. My friend had been playing on the server with me for a month now with his sisters PC and his sisters discord account meaning that when his sister built him a new gaming PC for himself he could play with her and with me all together. So on his new PC he made an identical character (but changed the name because he didn't like it) and transferred all his money and cars. After doing so he deleted the character on his sister's PC. This was when I was on holiday on the 2nd of August to the 9th of August and I returned to my friend's new character and then the idea struck me that if he could do that and not get caught than maybe , I could make new characters and transfer money to my main character , so yesterday I did it. I'm going to be 100% honest even if you don't believe me. This is my first ever GTA 5 RP server that I've played and I have had a lot of fun on it. When joining I read the important rules and skipped over the rules that weren't relevant to me at the time like Gang rules (as i thought I would never join a gang but I guess I should probably re-read those If I am unbanned and some others , I'm also assuming that I read over the rules with ban warnings on the side as I had no intention of ever being banned and If you can check my FiveM records (if that is a thing) or check my discord (monke3442) I have not been banned on any other Roleplay servers (with me assuming you have connections) as I have never played on any other Roleplay Server. I want to deeply Apologise for lying to the admin about what I did as I should have just told the truth from the beginning. If you do decide to let me back in I will return all that was taken from the separate characters and I will read over the rules again just to make sure as after all this time I have forgotten most of the less important ones. Also next time I ever have a "great idea" (which probably wasn't so unique as there is a rule on it lmao , lots must of done it before) I will read the rules to make sure its allowed. I know I am appealing for something that is a Permanent Ban so If a Unban is too generous feel free to grant me a 3 day , 7 day or whatever you see fit for me to reconsider my actions as I have a lot of friends made who I don't want to lose. I also vow to never lie to another admin as now I know this makes me look not trustworthy. Rest-Assured I read the rules for the ban appeals just to make sure I have done nothing wrong this time. If you have any other requests for me to gain access back please just let me know.
Thank You,
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @Andrew1981YT

I hope all is well today?

Why did you lie to the admin at the time?
You were asked about "the box filled with money" and you tried to play it off twice with "I don't know" and you have "just found it"
Hi , Thank You for the reply.
I Admit I did lie to the admin mostly because I was scared of getting in trouble as I had been teleported and was being questioned so I lied to play it off , looking back I wasn't thinking straight and that was probably dumb as if they had asked about the box they obviously knew the truth. Also I lied because I was worried that I had broken a rule and was going to get in trouble for it (banned). The admin then informed me of the rule I had broken which I skipped most of them over on my first day. I should've looked over all the rules including the police and NHS ones as even if they don't apply to me , they are mandatory.
Here's my problem, you got banned Monday at 11pm, where you lied.

Less than 24h later you're on the forum appealing with a completely different story.

I can't trust you at the moment to not lie to us again. The fact you lied shows you knew what you were doing was wrong and even if you didn't, it's common sense.

I am not willing to have you back at the moment. Try again in 2 weeks.
