Server: GTA RP
Character Name: GETTZ GRITTY
Steam ID: 76561198820834663
Ban ID (just the numbers): 1287
Ban Reason: IT was a while ago and dont want to lie and say i can remember
Why do you think you were banned: as i said it was a while ago and genuinly dnt remember i think i was arguing with some one in the jail because they kept beating me up it was about 3-4 yrs ago
Why should we unban you: its your city your decsion but i have been in other citys no trouble and i thought this bwas my 1st ever rp on gta would be nice to go bk see if any one i used to play with was on and jus a bit of nostalgia really either way i will respect your descion
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)