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Unban Appeal - Aldyz - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Aldyz 

In-game Name: Aldyz Deku

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198018594121

Ban ID: !!rpuk8396!! C1.4

Reason given for your ban: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/community-rules/ C1.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: C1.4 Swearing & making excessive threats about someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent

Why should we unban you ?: First and for most. nothing to this nature will ever happen again. it's my intentions, that I hope you will not hear from me again in the future or my name for anything in regards to even the most minor of violations to your Community, Rules & Term and Conditions.

I have taken the advice of staff leads that they HIGHLY recommended I take a few days break and think about the SERIOUSNESS of my actions before even considering to try write another appeal. Since the situation happened I have only had nothing but time to think about the seriousness of my actions and there far reaching consequences.

from disregarding trusted members of the communities warning when spoken to in TS prior to my actions. disrespecting people and places trust and loyalty in which I was fortunate enough to have found myself being allowed into there social circles and places of work. to letting down and showing basic disregard to my place within the best and only roleplay community worth being a part of. trust me I know to which I spent over a month searching and city hopping to find and settle with your community and 3 - 6 months so far getting to know and building relationships and an overall positive level of mutual respect and good standing with members inside of the community. to disregard for the access and maintance of a growing emotional relationship, colleagues, friends and even a small group of members of the community in which I myself have brought over into the city all left unsure what is going to happen next and disgusted in my actions and behaviour due to the entire situation and what I'm going to be able to do to try and make any of this right going forward. Even to the point of my actions originally leading to consequences of others being temporally banned and even still having to go on to contest and fight to keep there hard earned positions in certain places of work and social circles as well as being removed from F6 menus due to the far reaching consequences of mine and my own actions alone even being beard out onto consequences for others. reaching as far as to the falling apart of two in city social events that were meant to take place over this last week alone since my ban which have been unable to do so successfully due to the untimely choosing of my stupid actions. an the role in which I was meant to and expected to have been playing in there running and organization of the events.

Which is why I really am truly deeply sorry and ashamed of my behaviour and the disgusting language and actions that I enacted in the city. I do not stand by a single word and or statement I made. I would never do the things I said so why I said them is beyond me as there was most definitely no real malicious intent intended behind the stupidity of my word and actions. I can only apologize I'm not going to try to look to make any excuses for my behaviour as they were well out of order. I am only looking to try take and accept responsibility for my actions. I have since reached out to some of the effected parties of my actions to apologize and I can only try to do the same here. in saying I am really deeply sorry and apologize for my behaviour and language used in the situation leading up to my ban and any additional work or distress caused due to my words and actions. sorry to every single person involved or that this may have effected. I really am ashamed of my behaviour and can only apologize and promise it will never happen.

which is why I am writing in begging to be considered to be able to discuss this matter further in the near future with staff leads to discuss not even being unbanned but a potential considered timeframe for a ban to have been in place for my actions that is at the very least less permanent than my current situation.

If this was to have ever been considered I wouldn't be intending to be aiming to try to eventually return to the city to the same form and amount of time spent in city but to return in a lessor fashion than before to begin with while in hopes of trying to slowly rebuild and make right as much of the consequences of my actions as humanly possible while continuing to go forward with all my actions with the intent to have only a positive and productive input and role inside of the city and community going forward. to the point of even while I have had time away due to my ban I have still been reached out to by via discord from active members of the community looking for help with digital work. posters and promotions for there in city advertisements for there businesses. which I have continued to try assist and be as much of a positive input to the cities ever growing community as much as possible free of charge, even while I have been banned. as it really does mean that much to me the city and community which I find myself positioned on the outside of currently for the long term due to the pure stupidity of my actions. most of which I'd naively been taking for granted up until the point of my ban and being made to have to taken time to step away and take everything in and think about it all due to the consequences of my actions. which is why I can whole heartedly assure you nothing to this nature will ever happen again and how consciously aware I will be of my every thought feeling word and or actions going forward I make if ever considered to be allowed entry back into the city and it's community.

Lastly there is still a lot I have yet to be able to attempt to make right about this whole situation due to the consequences of my actions though I beg to be give the consideration of the chance to attempt to do so and put right my actions and mistakes further if allowed re-entry into the city and community to do so as I do think I could still be a active positive input on the community going forwards for months and or years to come if given the opportunity offered to me. thank you for any and all replies regardless of the outcomes of your decisions in regards to this situation.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there.

Quite frankly, your behavior was disruptive, vile and simply disgusting. We all need to vent once in a while but the vast majority of people would never even think of coming out with the things that you voiced. Why would you? There must be something fundamentally wrong for you to even consider saying what you said, even as an "a heat of the moment" thing. 

Is that your normal state of "just venting"? What happens the next time someone does or says something that upsets you to this degree? Have you reached out to the person you made those violent comments towards? If so, what is the current relation between the two of you? Is this situation resolved or will it just burn up again? 

To be quite honest, and I think I am speaking for the majority of staff when I say this, I do not feel confident with playing alongside someone spitting out abuse like it´s cherry stones and it will be a lengthy process for you to be allowed back. 

The seriousness and multiple far reaching reports in regards to this whole situation is why I was not looking to be immediatlly unbanned by staff but to open a further staff lead ticket at the very least to continued my converstion with the members of staff, mangement and leads (stavik) I spoke to last week.

who knows neither party personally and was completely impartial to the whole situation. for them to therefore consider the full context of the matter which were contrubuting factors which i'm trying to outline lead to my stupid actions and not an isolated incident likely to just happen again.

''the vast majority of people would never even think of coming out with the things that you voiced. Why would you?'' because I was stupidly trying to speak in a way of highlighting what had happened to my colleague in which some of his comments had been made in regards to, while trying to highlight the point how would someone else feel to been in a position like that to then have others go on to target them for abuse they were subject to and did not choose willingly. again stupid and insensitive even to the victim.

''just venting'' this was me trying to outliine the intent of my actions was nothing more than verbally offensive intent and nothing more. which was why there was no direct target and oposing party present and involved in the incident and they were thing I was sayin in a personal converstaion with the abuse victim and not done directly to the oposing party.

is this your normal state of ''just venting'' absolutely not the context of the matter was there had been 2 incidents reported and dealt with in TS and 2 + weeks of issues and personal attacks towards myself and the abuse victim.

in which started with an issue with him and his friends with in the community trying to make life inside the city difficult for me. because one of his friends had a crush on the abuse victim and I for some reason as a work colleague was seen as a threat to the growth of that dynamic. which on her part was never gonna happen as he was being very full on towards her and making her feel unconfutable.

this carried on to the point of us having to go to TS as the person I made the comments in regards to had even gone to the point of all of a sudden making a new character and using metagaming from his main character to try cause issues in city for myself to which the nature of the timing and arrival of this new character to the city has even been highly questioned by others within the staff team and managment.

which it was after this was unsuccessful that instead, all of a sudden the target shifted to targeting my colleague in regards to invoking some sort of a response instead of myself. which yet again ended up leading to the opening up of a ticket against the opposing party due to his preserved behaviour and actions around and towards the my colleague.

which he had been made fully awear of and acknowledged in city at the time of being told about the matter. only to go on to try say he was not awear and persent at the time of being spoken to and responding in regards to the situation when he went on to act out the situation he did after the fact leading to the report against him.

which we were then spoken to the night of my ban and which was what lead to my stupid words and actions in city. as we were pulled to TS for individual conversations on how my colleague can exit the city safely & myself was spoken to about what terms to use and not use when trying to refer to stuff in city. but we were not all pulled in together to talk about what had gone on leading to the reports for the last 2 weeks like it was original put to us all would be the case that at the very least we would all be brought in to a TS meeting together to make sure the issue had been resolved and ended or at the very least was not going to continue.

however I will say on my part I was acceptant of the fact nothing more was going to be done in regards to mediating the situation further but wasn't bothered so long as that was the end of it.

however when leaving TS and re joining the city the opposed party and his friends were already where myself and my colleague had been in head while dealing with the matter in TS to which straight away the comments started and a continuation on the opposed side started with varies off hand comments being made in regards to the whole situation which had meant to be staying and been dealt with out of city in TS. however this was to the point when I went to leave the area I had an issue with one of his friends chasing me down and trying to ram me off of the road. which lead to me reaching out to two member of the staff team to ask was this meant to have been put too bed or still classed as something fair too have continued via RP as that is what was seeming to be the case on the opposed side even if not by himself just via his friends.

as I will say on his part everything seemed to have all but dropped directly. we had even spoken prior to being pulled into TS which is why I was so frustrated at the preserved continuation of the situation. as it's one thing to say you simple did not hear and weren't aware of the full situation in regards to my colleague even though was told and responded at the time of being told I could accept that being the case. but then why is it continuing.

which is what lead to me making my comments which were made in a personal conversation ''venting'' to my colleague due to my frustration at what seemed to be the still ever continuing targeting of myself and my colleague in regards to the whole situation.

''Is this situation resolved or will it just burn up again?'' like I said most of the continuation was not coming from the opposing party directly as since his return to the city as far as we were concerned we had spoken and resolved most the issues to the point I even went on to buy yet another car this time a merc van v250 off of the opposing party which on my part was a way of me trying to say lets move on from this whole situation.

however as the off hand comments and actions I went on to make of which some of were in regards to the opposing party due to the preserved indirect continuation via other parties close to him over the whole situation I have since also reached out to them as thought they maybe aware of the whole situation leading to my ban I felt it was only right I went on to reach out and reassure them that I am really very sorry about my actions and comments made and sorry for any distress they may have brought to them or anyone else involved directly or indirectly sorry.

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I very much appreciate the effort you have put into this so far, but I also fear that it is a little too soon to lift that ban of yours. Things need to properly calm down first for us to feel confident letting you back in... Especially in situations like this, it is very hard to keep rp and irl separated and there will always be situations that might seem directed at yourself but are actually just part of rp. How will you be able to keep those things apart? 


Thank you for the consideration of my efforts made concerning the situation. I hope my appeals so far have made enough sense in regards to what I'm trying to say & outline, as I suffer from a serious form of migraine dyslexic. so even though I have the intelligence to fully articulate my thoughts and feeling verbally my literature abilities are somewhat to be desired and takes me multiple hours and breaks to write and structure these replies... 

''I also fear that it is a little too soon to lift that ban of yours.''

yeah even though almost 2 weeks now have gone by since the initial ban I'm not looking to have the ban immediately lifted to let me straight back into the city if this wasn't felt best done right away. but to have the ban on my account adjusted to a pre-determined allotted timeframe going forward. to also give me that extra level of separation over the entire situation by allowing me an allotted timeframe of me dealing with everything in regards to the ban appeal and the whole situation leading up to my ban and some time between the initial lifting of my ban if considered going forward. 

''How will you be able to keep those things apart?'' 

in regards to this question even leading up to my ban I feel I was seeing the separation between the two RP & IRL situations and trying to maintain as much separation as possible.

some if not most of my frustrations were at the fact that sensitive information that had to be put to the other party only and no one else in the city via staff and work colleagues as an IRL conversation not to be brought into RP due to their fears of how they felt the other party specifically only out of the rest of the colleagues that he may be the one to try to further miss use this information. which then actually went on to seem to be done so via the other party and their friends in the situation which lead to the initial report against the other party by my colleague.

which like I outlined in one of the previous replies above I actually after leaving TS and being told this was not something to be carried on via fair RP. I actually tried to reach out to a member of the staff team and a member of the management team to get further clarification on if this was something acceptable for me to have had to deal with going forward via RP this was an hour before my being banned. 

which is why at the time of my ban even tho in the city the conversation I had leading up to my ban was intended as an IRL-related one and not RP and even mentioned the potential re-elevating of the report ticket to which we had just spoken about in TS. As I was awaiting further confirmation on how to proceed over the matter as I was hoping by bringing up this matter to staff it maybe would have been pushed back to TS to make sure all parties were on the same page and in the agreement of the ending of the entire situation and forgetting of not just the initial sensitive information they had been made privy to and the continuation of references in regards to the entire situation including its relation and elevation into a TS matter. 

another example I can give relating to the matter is after the situation led to a report against the other party. due to what was perceived as the misuse of sensitive information given to them due to their position in the city and the fears of how they would miss use this information and possibly had done so. 

both myself and my colleague were told not to mention the situation any further in the city in regards to what was still looking to be an ongoing investigation into the actions of the other party. to which we did not do so with others or even between ourselves in the almost 5 days of the other party taking a break from the city. the situation and report were all but forgotten about and we were busy organizing a large car auction for the following week. even the other parties' friends had stopped all continuation at this point and throughout the other party's time away from the city. 

it was only the day of my ban at the time of the re-arrival into the city of the other party that all of a sudden the situation which was almost a week past had not been continued or even mentioned going forward. started to re-erupt via the other parties' friends mainly, rather than them themselves at the point of their return example of this and their action given in previous appeal replies. 

however, I would like to try to claim that this was not ever done so directly via an RP situation by myself or the abuse victim. which was why even in the initial conversation leading up to my ban I did not intentionally take this matter to the other party directly whether via RP or otherwise as this was not my intention to further fuel the situation. which was why instead I'd reach out to staff and management. then looked to voice my frustrations to the abuse victim rather than the other party directly whether via an IRL or RP conversation even though we had been in very close direct proximity multiple times throughout the day since his re-arrival into the city and the leading up to my ban.

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As sammy has said. Its all too soon for me.

You have made comments, you have threatened someone you have consistently lied throughout this whole thing and for me to let you back only 11 days later would be absolutely desperate of me. YOU are the one that has done this and not once and regretted it. On multiple occasions you have played gangster with your threats and such and i aint having that to someone else in this community.

You will have to wait a minimum of 6 months from your ban date before appealing this. Then if you put as much effort in as you have here we may consider you.. 

Reappeal from 16/10/22

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