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Unban Appeal for Aldyz
In-game Name: Aldyz Deku
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198018594121
Ban ID: !!rpuk8396!! C1.4
Reason given for your ban: C1.4
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: C1.4 Swearing & making excessive threats about someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent
Why should we unban you ?: First and for most. nothing to this nature will ever happen again. it's my intentions, that I hope you will not hear from me again in the future or my name for anything in regards to even the most minor of violations to your Community, Rules & Term and Conditions.
I have taken the advice of staff leads that they HIGHLY recommended I take a few days break and think about the SERIOUSNESS of my actions before even considering to try write another appeal. Since the situation happened I have only had nothing but time to think about the seriousness of my actions and there far reaching consequences.
from disregarding trusted members of the communities warning when spoken to in TS prior to my actions. disrespecting people and places trust and loyalty in which I was fortunate enough to have found myself being allowed into there social circles and places of work. to letting down and showing basic disregard to my place within the best and only roleplay community worth being a part of. trust me I know to which I spent over a month searching and city hopping to find and settle with your community and 3 - 6 months so far getting to know and building relationships and an overall positive level of mutual respect and good standing with members inside of the community. to disregard for the access and maintance of a growing emotional relationship, colleagues, friends and even a small group of members of the community in which I myself have brought over into the city all left unsure what is going to happen next and disgusted in my actions and behaviour due to the entire situation and what I'm going to be able to do to try and make any of this right going forward. Even to the point of my actions originally leading to consequences of others being temporally banned and even still having to go on to contest and fight to keep there hard earned positions in certain places of work and social circles as well as being removed from F6 menus due to the far reaching consequences of mine and my own actions alone even being beard out onto consequences for others. reaching as far as to the falling apart of two in city social events that were meant to take place over this last week alone since my ban which have been unable to do so successfully due to the untimely choosing of my stupid actions. an the role in which I was meant to and expected to have been playing in there running and organization of the events.
Which is why I really am truly deeply sorry and ashamed of my behaviour and the disgusting language and actions that I enacted in the city. I do not stand by a single word and or statement I made. I would never do the things I said so why I said them is beyond me as there was most definitely no real malicious intent intended behind the stupidity of my word and actions. I can only apologize I'm not going to try to look to make any excuses for my behaviour as they were well out of order. I am only looking to try take and accept responsibility for my actions. I have since reached out to some of the effected parties of my actions to apologize and I can only try to do the same here. in saying I am really deeply sorry and apologize for my behaviour and language used in the situation leading up to my ban and any additional work or distress caused due to my words and actions. sorry to every single person involved or that this may have effected. I really am ashamed of my behaviour and can only apologize and promise it will never happen.
which is why I am writing in begging to be considered to be able to discuss this matter further in the near future with staff leads to discuss not even being unbanned but a potential considered timeframe for a ban to have been in place for my actions that is at the very least less permanent than my current situation.
If this was to have ever been considered I wouldn't be intending to be aiming to try to eventually return to the city to the same form and amount of time spent in city but to return in a lessor fashion than before to begin with while in hopes of trying to slowly rebuild and make right as much of the consequences of my actions as humanly possible while continuing to go forward with all my actions with the intent to have only a positive and productive input and role inside of the city and community going forward. to the point of even while I have had time away due to my ban I have still been reached out to by via discord from active members of the community looking for help with digital work. posters and promotions for there in city advertisements for there businesses. which I have continued to try assist and be as much of a positive input to the cities ever growing community as much as possible free of charge, even while I have been banned. as it really does mean that much to me the city and community which I find myself positioned on the outside of currently for the long term due to the pure stupidity of my actions. most of which I'd naively been taking for granted up until the point of my ban and being made to have to taken time to step away and take everything in and think about it all due to the consequences of my actions. which is why I can whole heartedly assure you nothing to this nature will ever happen again and how consciously aware I will be of my every thought feeling word and or actions going forward I make if ever considered to be allowed entry back into the city and it's community.
Lastly there is still a lot I have yet to be able to attempt to make right about this whole situation due to the consequences of my actions though I beg to be give the consideration of the chance to attempt to do so and put right my actions and mistakes further if allowed re-entry into the city and community to do so as I do think I could still be a active positive input on the community going forwards for months and or years to come if given the opportunity offered to me. thank you for any and all replies regardless of the outcomes of your decisions in regards to this situation.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In-game Name: Aldyz Deku
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198018594121
Ban ID: !!rpuk8396!! C1.4
Reason given for your ban: C1.4
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: C1.4 Swearing & making excessive threats about someone outside of roleplay with malicious intent
Why should we unban you ?: First and for most. nothing to this nature will ever happen again. it's my intentions, that I hope you will not hear from me again in the future or my name for anything in regards to even the most minor of violations to your Community, Rules & Term and Conditions.
I have taken the advice of staff leads that they HIGHLY recommended I take a few days break and think about the SERIOUSNESS of my actions before even considering to try write another appeal. Since the situation happened I have only had nothing but time to think about the seriousness of my actions and there far reaching consequences.
from disregarding trusted members of the communities warning when spoken to in TS prior to my actions. disrespecting people and places trust and loyalty in which I was fortunate enough to have found myself being allowed into there social circles and places of work. to letting down and showing basic disregard to my place within the best and only roleplay community worth being a part of. trust me I know to which I spent over a month searching and city hopping to find and settle with your community and 3 - 6 months so far getting to know and building relationships and an overall positive level of mutual respect and good standing with members inside of the community. to disregard for the access and maintance of a growing emotional relationship, colleagues, friends and even a small group of members of the community in which I myself have brought over into the city all left unsure what is going to happen next and disgusted in my actions and behaviour due to the entire situation and what I'm going to be able to do to try and make any of this right going forward. Even to the point of my actions originally leading to consequences of others being temporally banned and even still having to go on to contest and fight to keep there hard earned positions in certain places of work and social circles as well as being removed from F6 menus due to the far reaching consequences of mine and my own actions alone even being beard out onto consequences for others. reaching as far as to the falling apart of two in city social events that were meant to take place over this last week alone since my ban which have been unable to do so successfully due to the untimely choosing of my stupid actions. an the role in which I was meant to and expected to have been playing in there running and organization of the events.
Which is why I really am truly deeply sorry and ashamed of my behaviour and the disgusting language and actions that I enacted in the city. I do not stand by a single word and or statement I made. I would never do the things I said so why I said them is beyond me as there was most definitely no real malicious intent intended behind the stupidity of my word and actions. I can only apologize I'm not going to try to look to make any excuses for my behaviour as they were well out of order. I am only looking to try take and accept responsibility for my actions. I have since reached out to some of the effected parties of my actions to apologize and I can only try to do the same here. in saying I am really deeply sorry and apologize for my behaviour and language used in the situation leading up to my ban and any additional work or distress caused due to my words and actions. sorry to every single person involved or that this may have effected. I really am ashamed of my behaviour and can only apologize and promise it will never happen.
which is why I am writing in begging to be considered to be able to discuss this matter further in the near future with staff leads to discuss not even being unbanned but a potential considered timeframe for a ban to have been in place for my actions that is at the very least less permanent than my current situation.
If this was to have ever been considered I wouldn't be intending to be aiming to try to eventually return to the city to the same form and amount of time spent in city but to return in a lessor fashion than before to begin with while in hopes of trying to slowly rebuild and make right as much of the consequences of my actions as humanly possible while continuing to go forward with all my actions with the intent to have only a positive and productive input and role inside of the city and community going forward. to the point of even while I have had time away due to my ban I have still been reached out to by via discord from active members of the community looking for help with digital work. posters and promotions for there in city advertisements for there businesses. which I have continued to try assist and be as much of a positive input to the cities ever growing community as much as possible free of charge, even while I have been banned. as it really does mean that much to me the city and community which I find myself positioned on the outside of currently for the long term due to the pure stupidity of my actions. most of which I'd naively been taking for granted up until the point of my ban and being made to have to taken time to step away and take everything in and think about it all due to the consequences of my actions. which is why I can whole heartedly assure you nothing to this nature will ever happen again and how consciously aware I will be of my every thought feeling word and or actions going forward I make if ever considered to be allowed entry back into the city and it's community.
Lastly there is still a lot I have yet to be able to attempt to make right about this whole situation due to the consequences of my actions though I beg to be give the consideration of the chance to attempt to do so and put right my actions and mistakes further if allowed re-entry into the city and community to do so as I do think I could still be a active positive input on the community going forwards for months and or years to come if given the opportunity offered to me. thank you for any and all replies regardless of the outcomes of your decisions in regards to this situation.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes