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Unban Appeal - AFROMOE - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Appeal for AFROMOE 

In-game Name: stanley lambo

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198415533920

Ban ID: !!rpuk8861!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I alt f4 in order to avoid being killed while fleeing from a rival gang and getting involved in a car chase. Due to combat logging, I was banned

Why should we unban you ?: I won't attempt to tell lies; I was being pressured by another gang and was battle logging, and it was all my responsibility. It has been a while since my ban, and I have thoroughly reviewed the regulations throughout that time. Honestly, I was new to this server at the time and jumped right into playing without completely understanding the rules. I promise not to repeat the same error or breach any other rules if granted another opportunity. I will not flee from RP situations if it doesn't benefit me. If given another chance, I will never again do anything that will force me to return here.

I love this community because of all the friends I've made and wish to rejoin it, once again and with the knowledge of the rules.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there.

Your honesty is a good start. We all know what consequences you had from combat logging, correct? Let´s talk about the consequences the other people involved had... Why do you think the punishment for this particular rule break is as harsh as it is?

The other players involved were combat logging aswell, so they got the same punishment as me. I think this type of punishment is fair because I can see how combat logging can ruin the roleplay experince for other people and deter players from coming back to the game which can negatively affect the community as a whole.

Right... what made you think it was okay to do what you did? Did someone encourage you to do so? 

Also, let´s talk about your apparent incapability of following instructions, shall we? Staff has had to reset your name 5 times within the span of 2 days because you kept on coming back with the same silly name combination. Why?

To be honest, I knew it wasn't okay to do it but the reason for doing it was so i didn't die or get robbed and no one encouraged me to do it.

For the name change situation, I thought the names I put for the first few time were acceptable so I kept on trying to use it until I was told you have to use some-what real-life names but thats my fault for not looking at the instructions properly and im sorry for that. 

So not only did you purposely break our rules, you also can not take a hint when staff is giving you chance after chance? 

What are your intentions going forward? What would you like to do in rp? Also, quote me the rule you broke and explain in detail why you think it is in place and what would happen if it was not.

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@AFROMOEPlease respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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