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Unban Appeal - Advisedmjb88 - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Tam Mcredin
Steam ID: 76561199121858367
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12589
Ban Reason: G2.3,g1.2 then Pegi
Why do you think you were banned: Shooting someone who was Nvling Without giving them enough interaction back in return
Why should we unban you: first off ive had to make a new account because i cant remember the passwrod to the old one : https://www.roleplay.co.uk/members/tam.223001/

i was banned around a year and a half ago , since then i have been on many different servers , doing many different things , in taht time and on those servers i ahve never been banned on a permenent basis like this , just a wee lad not entirely thinking right .

For the Nvl , in the initial report i beleive i excused myself quite nicely for what i was initially banned for so ill leave it here : https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-tam-mcredin-gta-rp.420206/

For the Pegi ban , all i can do is hold my hands up and say i was a wee boy trying to play grown up and i apoligise for that , thinking back on it ive kinda realsied ive betrayed the trust of everyone ive ever interacted cause if they had interacted innapropriately towards me at any point during that period they would not be looked favourably on with the added context , i dug myself a deeper grave but because i didnt want the fun id had to end .

I would say since then ive matured , playing a variety of different RP servers and games to explore what i can do better

if allowed back i would be meeting up with soem people id made friends back when i played on the server to create some good RP , i can link any highlights you would liek to see that i ahev doen with RP since my time away

But yes that doesnt take away from my initial rulebreak , and the lying i did to hide it , if you denied me rn and told mt GTFO i wouldnt blame you but i hope that a sincere apology would at least get my foot in the door to plead my case

Thank you
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Right you had a relatively short time within the server and have consistently shown you had/have no intention to comply to the rules.
I won't point blank refuse as everyone deserves a chance but I'm gonna need more.

Tell me in more detail, why we should entertain this appeal?

thank you for replying to it , i probably dont deserve it but i appriciate you giving me a chance as you said

as i said in the initail part , it has been a very long time since my ban , and i have truthfully better'd my RP in other places since

The reason i want unbanned is mainly 2 things

1) is because i want to get back in touch with people ive known for a while and havent seen in a very long time

and 2) i havent really touched FIveM RP since ive left the server

The reason being that while i did try some servers after RPUK i never really found any that i liked or the community that this place had .

As prevously mentioned i went to other RP places after this server , Mainly on RedM , where i found what the RP experience actually was like , whereas before i found it more as a playerinsert type thing where i have some fun with new people and creating like a strong standing amongst people .

Even while i was here in RPUK i feel like i did a not bad attempt at what RP is , but ive defiently honed on my skills and actually understand what rules are and stuff

If i was to be unbanned id love to show what that actually means , by creating scenes that would prove that since my time away from RPUK i actually understand and respect the RP enviorment thats been created here

I would even consider bringing some characters over that ive created away from here that i enjoy and putting them into places within RPUK , though my main concern will be continuing on with the character i initially created , which i have continued to play in other servers and enhance what that character actually is

Again thank you for giving me the chance as you put it and i hope to hear back from you soon

- Bred
Hello there @Advisedmjb88 , I hope you are well.

You talk a big talk and I appreciate the effort, but I am not entirely convinced.

Explain to me the rules that you broke and why they are in place. Also, give me a detailed example of what you would like to do/where you would like to take your rp should you be unbanned.
Please respond soon or your appeal will time out.
Appreciate the fast reply,

g1.2 AKA RDM - "Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) this is what it says in the rules"

i had issues with RDM when i first joined , not knowing it was to do with the scene at hand , not prior build up before it. this is what got me first ban when i said 3 words to someone and started hitting them with a machete , in my mind i was in the right to do what i done due to prior incidents with that group in particular but since then ive realised that i absolutely was in the wrong in that instant .

The charge of RDM was under a complete different set of circumstances this time around , due to the the player i shot NVLing and trying to run away i thought that i had enough interaction involved to shoot , i personally believe i could have been given a bit of BOD on that one as it could have gone either way , but i had a long chat with a staff member after where we discussed what could have went different and i agree that i shouldn't have pulled the trigger and instead attempted to do something , ideas given to me where ti chase him down and then kill him or to shoot tyres , etc , but due to me instead shooting him straight away , i killed him , and thus killed the scene with that player and any future interactions i could have with him that day if i instead chose to no shoot and for that

g2.3 AKA roleplay everything - "You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character."

i didnt even realise i had done this until a looked back on it in the appeal , i think i can see looking at it now that it was a spur of the moment thing due to me being shocked by the situation , i believe it was only for the brief 5-10 seconds while my brain was still computing and trying take in and understand what was happening , but all i can do is say now that i shouldn't even if it was very brief

I believe ive gotten much better at this , since my time away ive mainly played RedM , which in most servers you have to pretend that your back in time at a certain era , like very late 19th century to very early 20th century , meaning most things that exist today that if i were to talk about wouldnt exist , so ive gotten very good at knowing what it is that im talking about and the parameters of the world im in that i would know that its happening

Pegi - the rules state : "Because GTA5 is rated Mature/17+ by ESRB, and 18+ by PEGI, and our server's location is kind of 'in-between' those jurisdictions, for safeguarding reasons we have elected to adopt an 18+ policy for players on our FiveM server. Players discovered below this age may well find themselves banned, and due to the intricacies of privacy law, identity-fraud and commonsense, may not be unbanned for significant time. We accept no liability for ensuring players are old enough, nor do we get into the minefield of 'proof of age'... it's sufficient to say that if you're under-age, and you get found out, you're gone, once we know. This is for everyone's protection."

with all the other things , i at least have an excuse , was i right in what i did , no . do i regret it , sure . was i trying to do the right thing in the first place by reporting that player , absolutely , would i have done the report in the first place if i actually thought i broke the rules , probably not .

However with this all i can do is hold my hands up and say im sorry , there is no excuse for what i did . i know that , you know that , all i can do is try and show that i can do soemk good with a second chance

what you would like to do - if i was to be unbanned , i would try and pick up where i last began , i would awake on my Tam Mcredin character , not knowing what had happened to my friends from before , i would most likely join them in their new gang , where i would involve myself in whatever they have going on , an OG returning to find his family had moved on without him and evolved into something else bigger than him and now having to come to them broke and in need of money , people he taught how to live on these streets , bigger on the food chain than him , is a really fun dynamic i would like to explore

i also would liek to try my hand at police work , i have a long standing character that ive played in more government sorted roles and i have wanted to try out police on fiveM for a while so i was thinking of doing once i have my feet on the ground
If you don't mind sharing, which gang would you be looking to join back into?

back when i was on the server i created a gang called The Bampots , as i understand that gang no longer exists but many oif the members still play actively on the server so what i would try to do is roudn up those people i knew and try to see if the would be interested in coming back . alternatively i would see what they are all doing an join the crews they are apart of or try and get more familiar with the server in genereal and see if i can make up my mind when i get there

To be completely honest im more excited about trying to become a cop on a new character , i have played law before but as i said that was on RedM , which is completely different to actual Police , so i would probably throw myslef at taht more

Thank you , and i look forward to hearing what you think of my plan
Alrighty, put that police application in :)

Merry Christmas.
