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Unban Appeal - Advisedmjb88 - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Tam Mcredin
Steam ID: 76561199121858367
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12589
Ban Reason: G2.3,g1.2 then Pegi
Why do you think you were banned: Shooting someone who was Nvling Without giving them enough interaction back in return
Why should we unban you: first off ive had to make a new account because i cant remember the passwrod to the old one : https://www.roleplay.co.uk/members/tam.223001/

i was banned around a year and a half ago , since then i have been on many different servers , doing many different things , in taht time and on those servers i ahve never been banned on a permenent basis like this , just a wee lad not entirely thinking right .

For the Nvl , in the initial report i beleive i excused myself quite nicely for what i was initially banned for so ill leave it here : https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-tam-mcredin-gta-rp.420206/

For the Pegi ban , all i can do is hold my hands up and say i was a wee boy trying to play grown up and i apoligise for that , thinking back on it ive kinda realsied ive betrayed the trust of everyone ive ever interacted cause if they had interacted innapropriately towards me at any point during that period they would not be looked favourably on with the added context , i dug myself a deeper grave but because i didnt want the fun id had to end .

I would say since then ive matured , playing a variety of different RP servers and games to explore what i can do better

if allowed back i would be meeting up with soem people id made friends back when i played on the server to create some good RP , i can link any highlights you would liek to see that i ahev doen with RP since my time away

But yes that doesnt take away from my initial rulebreak , and the lying i did to hide it , if you denied me rn and told mt GTFO i wouldnt blame you but i hope that a sincere apology would at least get my foot in the door to plead my case

Thank you
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes