Active member
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: emil roche morris
Steam ID: 76544198063832700
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17558
Ban Reason: G1.2 , G3.1
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for RDM and "Metagaming".
This is because I flew in and went into casino, there was an altercation going on between a few people and I was interested in seeing what was going on, I then proceed to hit one guy with no roleplay behind it.
Afterwards I was "metagaming" due to my friends being there which I had no clue of as I just flew in.
Why should we unban you: Hello, Thank you to whoever will be taking my appeal.
I would like to start off with me "metagaming", you can see I put the word metagaming in quotation marks because I have been wrongfully permanently banned, I say this because the staff team have no proof of me "metagaming", you say I was metagaming because I hit the guys my friends were hitting. I have told the staff team multiple times in a ticket and in a call, yet you guys still fail to believe me. I can see why but I have been honest throughout the whole ticket and call telling you I had no idea to who the people were. I didn't know who the people were because the only words spoken to me was "Who are you". My friend used a different voice which I could not recognize, sure you may be like you've been in the chippieones long enough to recognize but truthfully I had no idea it was my friend on a different character. And another reason to why I didn't recognize him is because I was after coming home from a mates birthday which he was celebrating so I was drunk. I mentioned this in the ticket so this isn't a last minute excuse.
Now onto the RDM side, honestly I take full blame for this there really isn't an amazing excuse other than me just hitting him, But as I did say to him when he downed me and brought me away "I do love a great fist fight". I know I have a past of rdming and I honestly just wasn't thinking at the time. Maybe I wanted to get involved in the scenario or maybe I wanted to see what was going to happen if I hit him, but I really don't know why I hit him and I do apologise for not providing some rp behind it, and or hitting him at all. I can assure you it wont happen as my rp has really improved since I've joined the city. Yes you may hear this a lot "I wont do it again" "I promise you I wont", and I'm not going to say that. I just promise to stay out of scenarios that don't involve me and definitely not involve myself into scenarios unless I get brought into it.
In the beginning I say wrongfully permanently banned because as I do take full responsibility for the RDM side but I don't for the metagaming, The staff team have no proof of me metagaming as it never did. My friends didn't come to save me. My friends asked "who I was", and I was barely communicated to. This is because my friends didn't know it was me either. I think I should have only received the ban for the RDM. This should have only caused me to have a 48 hour ban but instead I have received a permanent ban.
I really do hope that I get unbanned as I do enjoy the server and the community that comes with it,
Thanks for reading this appeal
Sincerely Emil.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes