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Unban Appeal - _rimin_ - GTA RP

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Active member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: emil roche morris
Steam ID: 76544198063832700
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17558
Ban Reason: G1.2 , G3.1
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for RDM and "Metagaming".

This is because I flew in and went into casino, there was an altercation going on between a few people and I was interested in seeing what was going on, I then proceed to hit one guy with no roleplay behind it.

Afterwards I was "metagaming" due to my friends being there which I had no clue of as I just flew in.
Why should we unban you: Hello, Thank you to whoever will be taking my appeal.

I would like to start off with me "metagaming", you can see I put the word metagaming in quotation marks because I have been wrongfully permanently banned, I say this because the staff team have no proof of me "metagaming", you say I was metagaming because I hit the guys my friends were hitting. I have told the staff team multiple times in a ticket and in a call, yet you guys still fail to believe me. I can see why but I have been honest throughout the whole ticket and call telling you I had no idea to who the people were. I didn't know who the people were because the only words spoken to me was "Who are you". My friend used a different voice which I could not recognize, sure you may be like you've been in the chippieones long enough to recognize but truthfully I had no idea it was my friend on a different character. And another reason to why I didn't recognize him is because I was after coming home from a mates birthday which he was celebrating so I was drunk. I mentioned this in the ticket so this isn't a last minute excuse.

Now onto the RDM side, honestly I take full blame for this there really isn't an amazing excuse other than me just hitting him, But as I did say to him when he downed me and brought me away "I do love a great fist fight". I know I have a past of rdming and I honestly just wasn't thinking at the time. Maybe I wanted to get involved in the scenario or maybe I wanted to see what was going to happen if I hit him, but I really don't know why I hit him and I do apologise for not providing some rp behind it, and or hitting him at all. I can assure you it wont happen as my rp has really improved since I've joined the city. Yes you may hear this a lot "I wont do it again" "I promise you I wont", and I'm not going to say that. I just promise to stay out of scenarios that don't involve me and definitely not involve myself into scenarios unless I get brought into it.

In the beginning I say wrongfully permanently banned because as I do take full responsibility for the RDM side but I don't for the metagaming, The staff team have no proof of me metagaming as it never did. My friends didn't come to save me. My friends asked "who I was", and I was barely communicated to. This is because my friends didn't know it was me either. I think I should have only received the ban for the RDM. This should have only caused me to have a 48 hour ban but instead I have received a permanent ban.

I really do hope that I get unbanned as I do enjoy the server and the community that comes with it,
Thanks for reading this appeal

Sincerely Emil.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
It's all quite convenient - you went into the casino within 10 seconds of logging in and started punching the people in a fight with the people you know. The claim here is that he used a different voice, which again, is quite convenient. Adding onto this, the reputation of the Chippieones has somewhat made you guilty by circumstance.

I see no other reason as to why you'd randomly get involved in a fight so quickly after logging on if it weren't to aid your friends, so pleading innocence isn't going to help you here.

You also stated you did not know who "The Gentlemen" were, despite calling yourself one in-game.

So, this isn't adding up. Why?
Its also quite convenient that there is no proof that I have metagamed, also helping my case since you say I was metagaming how come the people I "metagamed" with didn't come to save me when I was incapacitated, why didn't they bring me to pillbox. They didn't do that because I was not metagaming. It was all a coincidence. Yes I do know that this is extremely hard to believe and I wouldn't believe myself if this were to happed but then again there was no other metagaming that occurred afterwards.

Did I really aid my friends in it cause there was more than one of them and the guy I punched was alone so they didn't need my help with anything they had it all under control.

And when I stated that I didn't know who The Gentlemen were, that was because I didn't know who they were. Then I called myself one because I overheard them calling themselves that. I'm not sure why I called myself that but I did, But it was most likely to confuse them or to spice up the scenario that was going on.
What would you define as proof of metagaming?
Good morning,
There isn't really a way to define it other than the staff having no proof to me metagaming. Usually there are certain times where there is proof, for example if someone got dumped and they metagamed to get saved or if a scenario occurred without any communication inside rpuk.

Your using me loading in and assisting my friends in a scenario as your reason for banning me for metagaming. This wouldn't make sense though since if I was metagaming how come I wasn't saved when I was killed. The whole scenario was a coincidence, I came on the game to speak to people and to see whats happening in the city.
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Do you recognise how suspect it looks from our point of view though?
Surely what was witnessed is the same as the example of proof you gave.

You logged on and intentionally or not found your friends in a fight and joined in.

Tell me about your character and their goals/long term plan :)
I get what your saying and I'm glad you can kind of understand that the coincidence can occur albeit as suspect as it looks.

My character Emil Roche Morris comes from a polish and russian side. He has lived in Ireland from birth but can speak both languages. This knowledge of different languages can help him get out of certain situations by acting as a different person. Emil has a secret identity he uses, he's known as Oleg. Oleg is a very interactive and friendly person who likes to go around and help others, he likes to fix cars and pretend to be a mechanic.

My long term plan is to continue being a chippieone and to host events. I've always had the plan to host a boxing event but unfortunately it never came to life as when time was coming something always got in the way. If I were to rejoin the city I would attempt to host the boxing event and continue hosting them. I personally am interested in the criminal life, With that I would also like to explore more of the criminal side instead of fighting people, Possibly like robbing banks and the stores.
Good afternoon @_rimin_

I hope all is well today?

Now I have been reading over this appeal and your ban notes, when you were asked in the chat "why did you call yourself one of the gentleman" all you said was you don't have an answer but in this appeal you have said that you must have heard it from one of them and said it to them to "confuse" them.

Based on a lot that has been looked at and from your answers/ attitude in this appeal, I still do not believe that this was not influenced in anyway at all by any OOC information. You have been saying about "proof", I ask have you provided any proof that you didn't use any OOC information? Have you given any convincing information that goes against what we have? Some of your answers have already gone against what you have said in the chat.

These bans aren't handed out without reason

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