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Unban Appeal - 5tutterh - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for 5tutterh 

In-game Name: HarryCraze

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199233606243

Ban ID: exploiting

Reason given for your ban: Exploiting

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned for exploiting i jumped to act out a mental suspect and it pushed me through the bars and i punched officers

Why should we unban you ?: i have learned my mistake and want to return to my home of RP and to provide good RP to others im fully aware of all rules and have explored around city's to pick up new experience im ready to return to RPUK and show you im more that ready to be in city im deeply sorry for the problem i coursed to the officers and wish to make a return please <3

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Ban after ban after ban...

Why do you want to return after such a long time? 
What changed? 

Why the lack of effort into your appeal? - Surely given your history you'd want to go "all out".

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I was Permanently Banned for Exploiting and where RPUK was the first city I ever entered I was new to a lot of stuff and I did brake a Few Rules and yes I received Ban after Ban In which I understand was just a learning curve  I have been in other city's since my ban and iv adjusted my RP experience and I have provided amazing RP but nothing is like RPUK - RPUK has always meant Home to me the people I met the RP that was in city everything about the city was just amazing and I have never been able to find a city like this I Accept my mistakes on my behalf and I send my deepest apologies I just wish to come Home To RPUK  and meet back with many friends in city and Provide my RP experience to this beautiful City 

Is your attitude as rotten as it was back then? 
What changed? How have you improved? 

Will you tell me to "suck a fat one" as well if I deny this appeal? 
Will you call me naughty words like you did to others? 

I swear I remember you talking on Cozney's stream I believe it was saying; "You know what, fuck RPUK" / "The admins are really fucking disgusting on this game" / and being an over all toxic. 

What changed....? 
Why should we entertain this...? 

I was going through a lot back then my mental health wasn't pleasant and I deeply apologise for the way I attacked you all I expect my actions was disgusting and when I look back at it all it was so childish and I haven't had any emotional brake downs since iv managed my anger and my issues with courses and managed to improve on y in my life ii understand this action coursed me to loose the best part of RP gaming in my life and the people I met in city have still checked in on me and made sure I'm ok which has helped me a lot to overcome my mental health battle and I feel like I'm ready to return and prove to you all that I'm a different person and wish to come Home I'm

deeply sorry for my previous actions and I hope you all forgive me and accept me back into your community 

RPUK is the best looked after well kept a most friendly community iv ever been apart of the people have always messaged me and even came into my stream and asked when im Coming back I always loved and will always love RPUK I miss this place so much and I would really like the chance to show you how much iv changed 

Now would you look at that... I am very confused about this appeal, as 7 months ago you said something along the lines of
"I will never come back"
"power hungry admins"
"I will not beg publicly because they find it funny"
"they are all scum"

that in addition to calling one of our staff members a "spastic" and telling him to "suck a fat one" and overall calling our staff "disgusting", does not strike me as someone who is mature, let alone has their emotions even remotely under control. 

You are currently telling us what you think we would like to hear - but people don´t change from all the above within 7 months.

RPUK has always meant Home to me
RPUK is the best looked after well kept a most friendly community iv ever been apart of
Frankly, I am not buying a single word you are saying. Give me one good reason why I should not immediately bin this appeal off and send you away... change my mind. 

because i have had long and hard enough thought on everything and yes i was childish and i am begging for forgiveness as i said this was the first ever city i went into and i was fresh and was still pretty mentally messed up but iv been sorting all my life out which i have done and can honestly say how much of a diffrent person i am i regret everything i said and sorry if i offended anyone i feel so bad for my actions and i wish to make things right i understand if you dont allow me to come back i do understand why but i wish i can come back and become part of this beautiful family once again i miss everyone in this city and i hope you can accept my deepest apologizes  

Let's say I give you a chance @5tutterh
I do believe in second chances, but yours is difficult one given all that you've caused. 
How do I know you won't end up here again in let's say a month? 

What are your plans IF you were to return? 
What is the lore, goals for your character? 


i wish to be in city with my wife and just RP with her make money hope to get legit work and hoping to have a second person to learn Police force which helps to increase and engage with others providing good RP i have spent long time in other city and become really good at RP i enjoy just chilling with the wife in city and just grinding having fun and RP with others i deeply am sorry for my childish behavour before and i wish to prove to you i have changed 

Do you still hold the same sour taste in your mouth for Members of Staff for simply doing their role in this community? And if banned again in future, for something that is and was entirely your fault will you continue to spread hate and false information across various social media platforms?

i have been in plenty of cities and all i have done it talk the highest of RPUK and say how much i miss it like i said i have matured and learned so much in my time being banned and i wish to come back to where i call home and make up for all the wrongs i made im sorry for my childish behavior i hope and wish you let me prove myself  

You can understand the doubt a lot of us have with previous statements you had made,

When you were reading your last appeal, this one to be specific:

What did you mean when you said towards a staff member "Suck a fat one" or when you called people "spastics"

Your appeal here, in addition to all your answers, is still less than we'd normally entertain for an unban appeal.
I appreciate the sentiment in you may have changed but we have denied people that have done a lot less with A LOT more effort put into their appeal.

Now I want to see you really show how much you want to come back. If you don't give a lengthy effort-filled response on WHY we should unban you then it'll be another 6 month cooldown. Please don't disappoint. Two sentences isn't enough.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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