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Unban Appeal - 4Sale - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for 4Sale 

In-game Name: Matty Byford

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 1157067437

Ban ID: rpuk#4255

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned for using a racist term whilst in character.

Why should we unban you ?: It has come to my attention this morning that yesterday whilst playing roleplay.co.uk I used a racist term against a person in the gymnasium. This is not like me to do so as usually no matter the situation I keep my vocabulary clear of any racist or sexist words. During the situation in character yesterday, I got very carried away and used a racist term which I know is NEVER acceptable to do so. I am ashamed of this action and I would like to personally apologise to anyone I offended and anyone who heard me say it at all. I love playing this server and if you consider to unban me I can give you my personal guarantee I will never use a racial slur again. I have re-read some of the rules to make sure I keep the standard of good roleplay in the server. Once again, I am truly so sorry for using this slur. Please forgive me. Thank you for reading, -Matt Byford

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I would also like to add that I did not mean to be racist in any way at all, I just said a random word that slipped out but of course I now acknowledge that it is not acceptable whether you mean to be racist or not.^

Just to make sure that you understand the rules now since this is the 2 time you getting banned 

Find the rule you broke and quote it to us then explain the rule in your own words and then explain why we have that rule in place

@DELETER (C1.2) Discrimination - Committing an offensive view of something about a person which can result in people becoming upset due to the offenders expression of their view in a negative way. This can be being homophobic, sexist, racist or disability discrimination.

This rule is in place to keep roleplay.co.uk a safe place for all people to ensure nobody feels threatened and/or ashamed of who they are. 

I can assure you, I will never commit this offence again. I know you only have my word for it, but I know what I did was wrong and there is absolutely no need to do what I did. 


Do you typically spout discriminatory words when you're angry or 'in the heat of the moment'? 

How can we be sure that this sort of stuff won't happen again?  

@George HarrisNo, I do not typically spout discriminatory words when I'm angry or in the 'heat of the moment.'

Like I said, I guess at this point you only have my word that I will not do something like this again. I genuinely have a love for this server and I have had an exceptional amount of fun playing the past few weeks. I can assure you, I will not do such a thing again. For the benefit of everybody, and for myself who loves to play this server and does not want to get banned again. This is a great community that I do NOT want to fail again. I promise I will not do this again.

-Matt Byford 

I'm going to go ahead and issue an unban. 

Let me be abundantly clear though, you are fully expected to follow our server rule to a T. Failure to do so and you'll end up back here with far less of a chance to return. 


Now that you're apart of our community again, please ensure you're fully up-to date with our Community Rules and our game specific rules depending which one(s) you play;
Altis Life Rules & GTA RP Rules

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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