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Unban Appeal - 13YearsASlave - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Yellow Jacks
Unban Appeal for 13YearsASlave 

In-game Name: Kane Knight

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198158524118

Ban ID: RPUK11583

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned when i opened a ticket due to a money transfer i had done about 2 years ago which after digging the sum somehow ended up alot bigger 650k

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly i want to start with thank you for taking the time for reading through my appeal.
After being on this server since it first started and being apart of the community for about 6/7 years when i was banned the other day i decided that was it my time has come and now done but having a few days to think and now seeing as im here now writing an appeal its quite clear that i want to stay in the community and the server its self . What i had done was rather stupid of myself and honestly i dont even know how it racked up to 650k . I originally opened a ticket disclosing and wanting to resolve the fact i transfered 80k from 1 character to another for a truck which after stuart done some more digging it was alot more somehow , I personally cannot remember transfering a total of 650k even if it was a little here a little there if i did i would of mentioned this in my ticket and tried resolving it there . I know my actions are wrong and no matter what i say can justify doing what has done but it was a good 2 years ago roughly and at that time i was unaware of of the said G2.9 due to playing via the old arma rules but also the people i was around with at the time wasnt much of a role model but yet again these are genuine excuses but i take full accountabilty for and in result has gotten me removed from a place i enjoy and has been a part of my life . So many memory's have been made here and so many friends these somethings i wish to continue doing the interactions you get here are something different from father going around spraying people with a fire truck giving free baptisms and to the baldies trying to rob you figuring out how to put zippies on yourself . This is a place like no other and to not be able to return is a big kick in the balls and with recently starting my own organisation i see alot of potential there for the people included and for the server itself would be a shame if i could not be apart of that still . I never condone breaking any rules weither its a cheeky meta game here or a cheecky RDM there . I am embarrassed to be writing this appeal as ive always tried to lead my Organization and other community members in the correct path and try to make sure they follow the rules . Since the arma days ive made sure to straighten myself out discluding the G2.9 but at the time of the rule break i was genuinely unaware of the rule and i can see why the rule is in place it should of been my common sense to think to check but at the time i didnt think . I never intentionally broke this rule and hoped id get away with it . Going forward if i was unbanned theres no alot i can really do to prevent this from happening again other than think before i act , the fact i wouldnt even be given another chance and personally having my characters deleted again would be an arse after all the progression made but i am more aware then i was before and know the DO's and DONT's given said this i know it will be brought up but how do you know i will follow the server rules when i cannot even follow community rules as you can see on my profile this month i have been warned twice for commenting on reports 1 of them i was trying to help staff by linking my report with someone elses due to it including the same people was just trying to help and had spoke to staff about and they understood the intention and explained to me why it is in place . Secondly the one i received the other day i was involved as you could hear me in the video itself so confused about that i have reached out but no reply.
But thank you again for taking the time and reading im hopeful that you will accept and see me on a straight and narrow life in the server again

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Before we get dug into this appeal, are you aware these sorts of bans come with a full deletion of all your characters except one which will receive a full wipe including houses, vehicles, cash in bank, cash in hand, lock ups etc...

Do you agree to these terms?

Initially it was cause I was going to use 1 char for mining and another char for smelting this was an idea brought to me.via someone whom I played with at the time so the money was used for a truck  I am unsure on how the sum reached about 650k as when this was brought to my attention I was rather confused and still am ... but knowing if it was a rule back then I wouldn't of done it as said previously I joined continuing from the arma server rules 

Initially it was cause I was going to use 1 char for mining and another char for smelting this was an idea brought to me.via someone whom I played with at the time so the money was used for a truck  I am unsure on how the sum reached about 650k as when this was brought to my attention I was rather confused and still am ... but knowing if it was a rule back then I wouldn't of done it as said previously I joined continuing from the arma server rules 
If one character was going to be used for mining, and the other for smelting. Would they mine and smelt the same materials?

If one character was going to be used for mining, and the other for smelting. Would they mine and smelt the same materials?
Yes this was something suggested to me over 2 years ago and at the time the rule I wasn't aware of as stated previously I just played from the arma rules it was o ly untill I disassociated myself with the people at that time I found out stuff more and reread the ruleS

If someone suggests you to do something in future, will you take this as truth?

How can we trust you going forward if you broke one of the main rules that protect our economy?

Please respond soon or the appeal will be timed out. @13YearsASlave

Currently restricted from posting on the forums

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hello liam sorry for the long wait 
If someone suggests something that i know is 100% against the rulesi know full well to not be apart of it and if im unsure i know to contact staff . Additionally i am always making sure to keep up to educate myself on player reports and unban appeals , as i have done more so recently. i am more self aware and for me to follow peoples stupid ideas is something in the past especially when im trying to get my gang its whitelisting which is something i know people are going to have to look up to me as not only a gang leader but also a community leader . Given this rulebreak it is something that happend about 2 years ago forwarding from that time i knew my mistake a few months after and made sure to stick to the rules i think we both know i wouldnt break this rule again given the fact i stated from day 1 it was a mistake but also i am not willing to risk so much not only does it affect myself but my people look up to me and need guidence and following that im not willing to risk all my hard work all the hours ive spent on the server to get wiped again and thats even if i was to get unbanned again after that id assume it would be very hard to get unbanned for the rule break again but as i can say look at my history when i was on arma when i done something wrong i made sure to correct my pathway and do better and i have done so
my time in the city has been great and im hoping with this appeal i can continue on a fresh clean pallet and get on with my roleplay and future development of myself and my characters

Alright, I am willing to give you another chance on the server. Please do not fuck it up because you will be straight back here trying to convince us to let you play.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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