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Unable to connect ? - Read this

Oh no,my polish pirat approved ip is of not allowed,since when is that problem occuring? I've not been able to connect to the servers last evening which made me remove my 50 GB Arma 3 install,gotta love redownloading with my stronk internet ;__;

I had this problem aswell. Downloaded CyberGhost (VPN) it has some cons such as DC every 3 hours. Other than that its free to use and haven't had any probs with it.

Gotta love skiddies. "hey guiz luuk at meh i canz ddos a serba cuz i dl'd this rlly cul script from da interwebz"

Hopefully this doesn't last too long and ALUK provider actually supports you rather than making you spend thousands on DDOS "protection".

Hello, I have a static IP adress and I'm looking to join the server. Are you able to fix it for me? thank you. @Wilco

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Could I be added to the list? tried the 2302 setting, still get kicked after picking a slot.

@WilcoSent you a PM of my static IP Address cheers. Keeps getting no message received every 20 mins and never had it before this stuff got implemented..
