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un-ban request

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Earlier this evening I have been banned for RDMing on the server. I understand that the roleplay aspect is what the Altis Life is all about..

I wasn't aware of RDMing being bannable (or even familiar with the term for that matter), which is my bad. I'm new to Altis Life and I should have more carefully read the rules on the forum before I joined the server.

I hope I can get a second chance to play on this server and redeem myself towards you guys.

well even with you are new to arma 3 AND altis life.

you should have read the rules more clearly your self before you started to play.

if you did read them properly than this dint happen.

aswell if dont know the term: RDM for example you can always ask others what it means or try google it.

so according to what happend:

your ban will not be undone i think as you did not read the rules clearly.

so im afraid you have to wait for the ban time to go pass before can join again.

(but again its up to the admins)

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Earlier this evening I have been banned for RDMing on the server. I understand that the roleplay aspect is what the Altis Life is all about..

I wasn't aware of RDMing being bannable (or even familiar with the term for that matter), which is my bad. I'm new to Altis Life and I should have more carefully read the rules on the forum before I joined the server.

I hope I can get a second chance to play on this server and redeem myself towards you guys.
To be fair, i think everyone deserves a second change, but RDM and VDM are the taboo of this server, it's one of the only things the staff does not take lightly.

That being said, i think you should try to write down more arguments than just i like the server, because i saw you twice yesterday, you got arrested 2 in the same location, by the same cop, doing the same thing after being warned.

So to be fair, i didn't like that.

i only killed some cops the first time i got arrested

the 2e time i got shoots going past my head so i picked up a gun to defend my self

i know what i did is wrong now and if it was possible i would have done it diffrently 

but sadly i cant 

Yeah dude the only thing you can do is wait, other people keep on annoying the admins and thats not recieved well. Just sit back and do some other activities, watching paint dry is a good one.

dude you shot the ******* admin

i didn't even know that

and i was not fully aware of the rules yet

buyed arma 3 just today

Sorry to be a grammar nerd but if your willing to put the ' in didn't you should keep the same tense throughout ie bought instead of buyed

Can anyone clarify how long his ban will last? That would be quite helpful.. 

Also (@ Ravosk), the thing about reading rules for mods.. Killzone and me are used to play mods like DayZ, which don't really require reading rules other than the obvious don't spam in sidechat, no swearing etc. which all show up on the loading screen of most servers. 

We genuinely did not know picking up a gun and shooting the cops was bannable. I participated in this as well and as soon as I heard about RDMing and it being bannable I dropped my gun. Sadly, by this time Killzone was already banned so it was too late for him. 

So its quite clear we did not read up on the rules and whatnot before we joined a server, partly due to the fact that we actually didn't expect there to be so many and such strict rules.

@Mr. Cardoso there were tons of people suiciding with cars constantly and picking up guns/shooting people at that place in the few hours that I've played. Nothing really indicated that it was bannable to stir things up in the city as quite a few people were doing it. 

@Price not everyone is a native english speaker and for some people it's harder than others. He said he now knows he was wrong and would have done differently if he had the chance. I guess grammar matters more than the actual argument..

I understand we were wrong, just hope it's not a permaban!

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sorry man forgot this is a multi-national community if in fact english is not your first language, then I would say considering that your english is very good

If you understand the rules and are willing to role-play rather than kill on sight on every occasion then i am willing to give you a second chance.

Please connect to the server and tell me when you  have so i can capture your guid to unban you.

Many Thanks

No responce to my post back in April

Ban request denied, please contact me linking this post if you revisit and ill discuss.

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