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Un-Ban request SCAR

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Hi, I got banned today for what i understand now is called VDM. Which at the time I had no idea that you weren't allowed to do it since i am new to Altis Life and I regret not completely reading the rules first. I have now read the rules and I understand them. So I am asking for a second chance to prove myself. I tried playing on different Altis Life servers but yours seems to be one of the best.

Thanks for your time and I hope I will be allowed to join this awesome community again.


The cops were about to take away my friends and impound their chopper cause one of them bumped their car into them at 1km/h

I paniced and wanted to stop it all so i rammed my truck into the police officers and their car, they all died.

It seemed like something a cornered criminal would do.

Well me and one of my guys was the ones that you VDM'd. We stopped as a heli was crashed in the middle of Syrta we went to investigate we seen you guys trying to free the downed heli that was not blown up at the time by knocking down trees, we then asked if you wanted the vehicle impounded and you took off with the hemmt, whilst I was talking to one of your friends, and then I turn around and you crash into us killing about 5 people blowing up a heli, hemmt, a building and my police cruiser.

This was unacceptable, and was blatant VDM.

Not to mention multiple RDM's, Robbing from Vehicles, VDM's Combat logging - All at the same time in some cases

Noone here believes in seconds chances?
I'm willing to give you a second chance, but if you are caught out again you will be permanently banned, but then again it's not my decision it's Wilco's or any other Admins.

Good luck. 

Hi i got banned the 08/06/2014.

Ingame name: mads

Why i got banned.

I was going to jail with my friend becuse we were speeding, then we were sitting in the police car the game chrash for us, we joind again. We faund a cop there were telling us,the most of the peaple in the server was chrast. a half hour later, it pops op on my screen i got banned for combat logging, when i was sitting in a police car. so pleace help me out i have played alot on the server and i dont want to lose all that hard work/money.

Hi i got banned the 08/06/2014.

Ingame name: mads

Why i got banned.

I was going to jail with my friend becuse we were speeding, then we were sitting in the police car the game chrash for us, we joind again. We faund a cop there were telling us,the most of the peaple in the server was chrast. a half hour later, it pops op on my screen i got banned for combat logging, when i was sitting in a police car. so pleace help me out i have played alot on the server and i dont want to lose all that hard work/money.
What are you doing?

Comon man, rob who i killed said its ok for me to get a second chance.

Can i get an unban now please?

I've known scar for a while - he's a very big player in the GMOD community and is an all round nice person. Definitely deserves a second chance. 

good luck for unban bro!

We will give you a second chance but please note there will be no further unbans for you.

Please PM me your GUID and a link to this thread for an unban.

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