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UN-Ban Request by ATWA Cenkap (Denied)

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New member
I may be looking like destroying the community's peace. But I didn't want to do that on purpose. As a 2nd in Command of ATWA being in here so shame. But Dragonfly suggested me reading the server rules again and he makes me understand these laws very well. You can be sure I read all the rules and accept it as a RP player of Altis Life Co Uk and member/former of ATWA. I am sorry for my behaivors this won't never happened again. I'm pretty enjoying to being part of this family. I hope the community forgive my crimes. 
For reference, you were banned for killing two medics and shooting an officer on top of the Kavala hospital, which is also a green zone.

It's not on purposal. Thats my bad. We just tracked that CI ranked police officer and spotted on the roof of hospital. I sent the Cenkap for take him alive. And told him yell "Surrender or I will shot" But I didn't told him killing medics are bannable. My man is under my responsibility. I'm didn't warned him and suggested for reading the rules or I didn't explain him how he act agaisnt the medics.

When while there, Cenkap's mic cable was out. And he yelled but nobody hear even me. I was shocked when he killed the medics from hill but then we realise his mic cable was out.

But I heard of Cenkap didn't banned for this situation. You guys saying he banned for combat logging. As I said, especially Cenkap allways stick with me. And I never witnessed such a acting like this.

If he is really banned for killing medics in green zone, thats my bad not him. He did and followed what I told him.   

Due to Dragonfly bumping this topic and continuation of PMing me on teamspeak this will be looked at no earlier than 2/12/2014

Cenkap... this is the third time .... you should of been perm banned now

Combat logging, Killing Medics, Killing in the safe zone and another event i cannot remember a few weeks ago.

It seems to be you do not care about our rules or do not understand them ?

A.T.W.A Dragonfly 

Yes i am saying combatlogging because that is what was observed by an admin ingame who was spectating and reported it to me.

This appeal has nothing to do with you so please stay out of it, As you can see its been denied as Cenkap has not even bothered to return.

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