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Un-Ban me (Not Apparent breach of rules) (Denied)

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Hi my in game name is (Leslie Chow). I was banned for apparently killing in a blue spawn point near Athira. I was breaking out my friend and asked the Police officer to drop their weapon so i could lockpick my friends handcuffs off to get out. As i did more Police officers arrived (2 more) without saying anything they opened fired on me without me firing first. They opened fire on me so i killed them both. Hence why i am here now. In the rules it says nothing about not going into these zones it just says no killing. I would have not killed in this zones if they did not fire on me (ROE-Rules Of EngagementNumber one do not fire unless fired upon) Here is the rules list for this:

VDM = Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for run is banable and considered VDM)
Killing = Instant Ban, No killing in the safezone... no killing from outside the safezone if someone is inside it and no killing people outside the safezone from the safezone.

Robbing = You are not allowed to rob a person who is inside the greenzone, these are considered safe heavens for players to meet and have friendly meets/chats

Flying = You may land in the greenzone however, The police will send any choppers found to the crusher, Landing in the greenzone is against the server law (not rules), The police will however open fire.

Weapons = Your weapon must be holstered inside the greenzone, If not then you will not doubt get in a spot of trouble by the police.

Police Stations = The police stations are police spawn points therefore are marked in blue, Any killing here will result in a ban.

VIP/Donator area = This is a safezone all the rules above apply to this area.

As i said at the top i would have not fired unless fired upon. The blue spawn point that is called Athira police HQ and had no blue netting area around it to mark its radius.

Please un-ban me as i enjoy the server and the players that are in it.



I was the officer you tried to hold up. You were in athira HQ while i was processing someone.
The officers opened fire because my life was in danger. 


Rule 4A: Safe Zones
Police Stations = The police stations are police spawn points therefore are marked in blue, Any killing here will result in a ban.


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I was the officer you tried to hold up. You were in athira HQ while i was processing someone.

The officers opened fire because my life was in danger. 


Rule 4A: Safe Zones

Police Stations = The police stations are police spawn points therefore are marked in blue, Any killing here will result in a ban.
Check and mate. Don't try to outrule this community with its own rules, just admit you are wrong and say sorry.

I'm sorry but that doesn't make sense? As you have stated saying your "life was in danger" and they opened fired first, they are in breach of the rules and must be banned as well if my ban isn't lifted seeing as there is no killing the these points. Please don't tell me either that Police are allowed to fire in these zones either because that is definitely RDM as they did not ask questions first, they asked questions later after they shot. The rule that you put up is void in the situation as you fired first. I would have not fired as i have read the rules and would have be taken to jail or fined. As i said at the end of the last post i like the server and the players that are in it. Just don't want to be banned for a "misunderstanding in the rules".



okay so,

1) I recorded the whole thing

2) I'm pretty sure you RDMed me in Athira around 10 mins earlier (Will re-look at video later on just to be sure)

3) When you take a Zafir into the Police HQ and hold a police officer up, in my eyes, it's pretty much an attack on the HQ.

4) Although officers may have shot first, we do have rubber bullets which only disable and do very rarely kill

5) You shot one officer, and instead of saying "oh shit what have i done?!" and give up, you decide to to keep killing multiple police officers in the HQ.

6) The night you were banned was a holiday for RDMers and rule breakers alike (Basically multiple RDMers all over the place), DSGT Levi and I had frankly had enough of it. I attempted to roleplay with people at the athira garage but got shot in the back....

7) We take police hostages VERY seriously, it's a top priority to us. So when we hear "I'm being taken hostage in the HQ" every single police officer is going to gather there immediately. So when we see there's someone in the HQ holding a Zafir to a police officers head, it's obvious you didn't just bring it in there for the roleplay.

So basicallly, next time you want to try "breaking out my friend", do it from the jail.

Hahaha those videos are quite funny i have to admit. For several reasons:

1) The first video complains about RDM while there is no RP on the second video as you shoot me straight away?

2) The person you had in handcuffs was my friends and gang member were he told you that he had guys there to set him free so there is an element of RP being he warned you while arresting him.

I'm not disagreeing with you on the topic i shot 3 Officers but the rules dont state that your no allowed to go into these areas and your not allow to hold people up in them. Just says no killing.

For there to be a "Holiday for RDM's" is really unfair to pin that on me seeing that this was my first offense against these rules and i have only been on the server for a week or so? I would hvae preferred to speak to the admin on the night of the incident rather than banning me and telling my friend to tell me to go here to sort things out? 

I do apologize for killing the 3 Officers and the wall i destroyed in doing so but it was a MK 200 and i sprayed all over the place. The bit where i am annoyed about is it doesn't say your not allowed to go to these areas and not allowed to hold anyone up, i wouldn't of fired at the officers if they didnt fire first. (Presuming they knew the rules as well for no killing in the blue dot area, despite the fact they fired first never mind the rubber points) if it was real life i wouldn't shoot rubber bullets at a guy with a light machine gun with a 200 round mag.



Nothing said that convinces me you will be good for the server.


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