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Un-ban Appeal - Wolfy-Altis - 07/18/2016 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
[LA] Pvt. Wolfy

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Metagame looked at my keys in firefight

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I recorded a video of someone in a firefight breaking NLR and said I wanted compensation but he got me banned with my own video while I was offline because I looked at my keychain during the firefight to metagame.

Why should we unban you ?
When ArrogantBread told me he banned me for attempting to metagame with keychain I was confused because I never remembered doing it. I look at the video and I do clearly look at my keychain at 00:20 to see who is around me, I admit to that and shouldn't have done that.

To be honest I didn't even realize or remember I had done this and I only do it once in the whole 12 minute video so I'm not actively trying to cheat or abuse it. It didn't effect the firefight either because I don't even take any action as a result of checking my key chain, not that it changes anything. Metagaming is very hard to prove and I could so easily lie and invent a reason for looking at my keychain but I'm just going to admit to it because I honestly do try hard to follow the rules and on so many other occasions people powergame and accuse me of things I haven't done which is why I think its better to admit when you've done wrong rather than lie your way out.

I don't think the punishment fits the infraction here, 1 week or 1 month ban as a warning maybe, nor do I think you solve the issue of metagaming because you can't really prove that someone looked at their keys. That's why I'm just coming out to admit to it to prove a point that you should admit when you've done wrong rather than invent lies to try and get out of it.

I'm hoping that this can be reducing from a permaban to a smaller ban because I do enjoy this server much more than others.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I don't think the punishment fits the infraction here, 1 week or 1 month ban as a warning maybe
Every single ban on our servers is a permanent one until appealed, it is your own responsibility to follow our rules.

I can't actually find the report that got you banned, therefore I will ask @ArrogantBreadwhat happened.

Do you remember this person?

There was a video in which Wolfy uses the keychain to metagame in a gun fight. A couple of others were banned for the same video

Yes it was my own video I took because in the video someone in the enemy gang kills himself by accident and 11 minutes later the person with that name kills me breaking NLR. I thought we had resolved it on teamspeak because he and his gang members told me it had been well over 20 minutes since that death so I said forgive him.... then I look at the video and saw he came back 11 minutes later not after 20 minutes.

So I took the whole 11 minutes of video from my screen with all teamspeak audio included and sent it to the guy I believed broke NLR to say he lied and it wasn't 20 minutes as he assured me earlier (the guy being Qetz who is actually now banned himself) I told him it wasn't cool that he lied to me but I need to go offline and we'll resolve it when we're next both online and I won't post a forum report. I login the next day and I'm banned so he didn't message me and try to come to an agreement on the situation his response is basically to try and go through the whole video and message admins directly to try and get people in my gang banned. I know I shouldn't have looked at my keys, I only do it once in the whole 11 minutes but as I've said I shouldn't have done it at all because RP games are about trust.

I just wish I had a chance to resolve this on teamspeak, but instead he messaged the admins directly and didn't even make a forum report. He could have asked for compensation for all deaths and argued that checking my keys gave an unfair advantage. I was willing to forgive him for breaking NLR but I posted that video after he lied to me, as a result I got banned from my own video, he got my friend Humzah banned for talking OOC in teamspeak arguing it was metagame and then the guy who gets us banned Qetz is permabanned himself a day later. The situation is quite ridiculous but I won't say its Qetz fault for breaking NLR, it's my own fault for metagaming with keychain and I do apologise for that.

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Can you quote the rule that you broke via the rules page 

I understand metagaming is against the rules so that is the rule I broke. But I can't quote which section of metagaming rule I broke because there is nothing about looking at keychain during firefight.

Please quote the rule.
Section 4 Metagaming

[SIZE=medium](4.1) Side Chat - Using intelligence gained on side chat to influence actions in game. Punishment is a kick/ban. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](4.2) Name Tags - You are not allowed to identify players in game via nametags. Police, NHS and UNMC ranks (only ranks!) are fine, as they “wear clothing with the rank on” unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.) (Punishment is a kick/ban) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](4.3) Scouting teamspeak - Searching through Teamspeak to see what police/rebels are doing (e.g. Seeing police are in Bank/Hostage operation room, then acting on this information) (Punishment is a ban) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](4.4) If you are restrained and communications have been removed you must not be active on any other forms of communications other than direct chat. (Punishment is a ban) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](4.5) Using the stats.Roleplay.co.uk stats page to gain information about players or gangs and then use that information ingame is considered metagaming. (Punishment is a ban) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](4.6) Stream Sniping - If you are on the server or have a friend on the server do not watch someone who is live streaming on our server and use their location information or information from that stream to meet up with them/kill them etc (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

Follow the rules going forward. Any reoffense of our rules in the next 3 months and you will be automatically permanently banned from all RPUK ArmA Services.

Good luck.

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