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Un-ban Appeal - Tuplajuusto - 04/18/2017 (Denied 04/05/2017)

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Papa John

Well-known member
none of your business kiddo
In-game Name
Papa John

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Long Beard

Reason given for your ban.
Robbing in greenzone

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was walking in Kavala until i saw a house with a crate, then i go to the market to buy a boltcutter. After that i was breaking in to the house and i fill my backpack with weapons that were in the crate. I run to the garage and there i take a vehicle out and drive to the house where i saw Long Beard. I asked Long Beard to put his hands up. Long Beard was constantly telling me that "you should re-think that" which thought he was trying to say Hey, dont rob me that would be bad for you. I ziptied Long Beard and I was asking him for his house keys. Then Long Beard told me that he did not have the keys. I was panicking that he would have armed friends in the area. Because i was scared for that he might have friends in the area i unziptied him and drove away.

Why should we unban you ?
When i saw the crate in the house i did not think that might be in a greenzone because i tought houses in greenzone would be unbuyable. It was a honest mistake from me. When i noticed that i got banned i thought back in the situation and watching the footage it clicked to me that Long Beard saying "You might want to re-think that" Was him saying Hey, this is a greenzone check your map". I always try my best to follow the rules but sometimes i make stupid mistakes which i always resolve with the player and learn from it. I wish Long Beard would've talked to me about the situation or said //this is greenzone mate. I have been in this community for a long time and i do plan not to leave anytime soon.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Hi Papa John

A little explanation from my side so you understand why the ban was imposed.

The house thing isn't a problem. Up until last night when your friend spoke to me on TS, I had no idea you were the one to rob my house. I got there, there was no one there and the house had already been robbed. I was in there for a few mins checking what was missing when I came outside to make my way to Kavala Square. I encountered you and you ordered me to put my hands up at gunpoint.  I initially refused in the hope you would see you couldn't use your weapon there, but still had to RP value of life so I complied.  I tried to hint as strongly as possible that what you were doing was a rule break without actually saying the words greenzone however, I do accept in hindsight you could easily misconstrue the warning as something else, i.e. I have friends in the area.

My problem was that whilst this took place in the greenzone (bad enough), you zip-tied me then moved me out of the greenzone where you demanded the keys to my house. To me, this suggested that you were aware you couldn't use your weapons in the GZ and moved me to a place where you could.  Not saying this is the case, simply that it's what I suspected at the time.  I was planning on sending you a note however, you abruptly ended the situation and ran off.  I also read back through your conversations from your session and noticed you had previously educated someone else on GZ rules so I knew this wasn't a case of not knowing the rules. 

I followed you around in admin cam trying to find an opportunity where you were alone so I could TP in and have a chat but I was tied up in a staff meeting and when I finally did get an opportunity, you logged off.  I always try to reach out to the players in game first.

Personally, after reading your side of the story and speaking to your friend, I accept you made an honest mistake and didn't realise you were in the GZ.  I would hope that in future, when doing any kind of illegal activities around greenzones, you first check your map to ensure you are well outside the zone. I'm sure you yourself now realise this and will take extra precautions next time.

Whilst I feel you should have this appeal accepted, I am however not in the position of dealing with it and it will be handled in due course by the team who deal with appeals. 

Your patience is greatly appreciated, good luck.


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Hi Papa John

A little explanation from my side so you understand why the ban was imposed.

The house thing isn't a problem. Up until last night when your friend spoke to me on TS, I had no idea you were the one to rob my house. I got there, there was no one there and the house had already been robbed. I was in there for a few mins checking what was missing when I came outside to make my way to Kavala Square. I encountered you and you ordered me to put my hands up at gunpoint.  I initially refused in the hope you would see you couldn't use your weapon there, but still had to RP value of life so I complied.  I tried to hint as strongly as possible that what you were doing was a rule break without actually saying the words greenzone however, I do accept in hindsight you could easily misconstrue the warning as something else, i.e. I have friends in the area.

My problem was that whilst this took place in the greenzone (bad enough), you zip-tied me then moved me out of the greenzone where you demanded the keys to my house. To me, this suggested that you were aware you couldn't use your weapons in the GZ and moved me to a place where you could.  Not saying this is the case, simply that it's what I suspected at the time.  I was planning on sending you a note however, you abruptly ended the situation and ran off.  I also read back through your conversations from your session and noticed you had previously educated someone else on GZ rules so I knew this wasn't a case of not knowing the rules. 

I followed you around in admin cam trying to find an opportunity where you were alone so I could TP in and have a chat but I was tied up in a staff meeting and when I finally did get an opportunity, you logged off.  I always try to reach out to the players in game first.

Personally, after reading your side of the story and speaking to your friend, I accept you made an honest mistake and didn't realise you were in the GZ.  I would hope that in future, when doing any kind of illegal activities around greenzones, you first check your map to ensure you are well outside the zone. I'm sure you yourself now realise this and will take extra precautions next time.

Whilst I feel you should have this appeal accepted, I am however not in the position of dealing with it and it will be handled in due course by the team who deal with appeals. 

Your patience is greatly appreciated, good luck.

Thank you for understanding and giving your side of the story. :)

1. You cannot rob/knockout people in greenzone.

2. Lethal weapons must be holstered in greenzone.

3. You cannot steal vehicle's or lockpick them in greenzone.

4. You cannot kill anyone or shoot in greenzone.

5. If you are being robbed/pursued you cannot run to safezone.

6. You cannot drag downed players in greenzone to avoid execution.

7. You cannot exploit greenzone to do illegal activity example parking a truck filled with drugs to greenzone to avoid it being stolen while you sell your drugs.

So you find yourself here, in the dispute a ban section under a month since your last ban. Had you not actually understood the rules when you claimed to have read and understood them? Why should YOU be given yet another chance when you were given one recently?

I think i deserve a another chance because i was banned for something i didn't know i was doing wrong. I know the rules really well but everyone makes mistakes. If i make a mistake i deal it with the person involved in it. I would've dealt with it with Long Beard but i logged off and it was protocol to ban me which is fine because i learned from this alot. In the future i will make sure this does not happend again and i promise to you that you won't see me in the dispute a ban section anymore.

There are only so many times "Mistakes" can be let slide when you have over 500 hours on this server alone. We as staff believe talking issues out with players before a ban is to make sure they understand that we take pride in the server we are here to help keep running. You should already know all of this with the experience you have here. How are you going to approach things differently in the future to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again?

I am going to start with making my roleplay less aggressive. I've made lots of friends in the community and i learned from them that talking to people casually is more amusing to me than robbing people for money/roleplay. I am going to move forward carefully and always making sure that it is allowed before i act.


First Unban you state you read the rules. Ban was for RDM on the 10/08/2016

Second Unban you state you read the rules. Ban was for Fail RP on the 05/03/2017

Third Unban you state you read the rules. Ban was from autoban for racist name 10/03/2017 - I do question why you selected the name you did, I honestly believe it was intentional.

and now we have the forth Unban, you again state you read the rules. Ban was for Robbing in GZ 17/04/2017 

Every time you have been banned you have stated that you have read the rules. However there has been no change, you still get banned for basic rules. Which is not good enough.

I can't take this risk with you at this moment in time.

Denied. Appeal in 2 months. 

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