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Un-ban Appeal - Trank - 03/27/2016 (Unbanned)

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Active member
In-game Name
F.E.A.R Trank

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Metagaming and staff abuse :p

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I didn't know what OOC meant, so i was telling someone to not go to the weed field because there was lots of cops there, the admin told me that was against the rules so i was like "oh, ok, my bad, i didn't know what OOC meant" so i stopped doing it. I carried on playing on the server as usual then about 25 minutes after i stopped typing in OOC chat i got perm banned. I had no idea why and it didn't say on the ban message why so i went into teamspeak and asked why where i got told why. I asked to speak to the admin which i shouldn't have and i understand why. The helper said i'm not allowed to speak to admins about ban appeals. Then the helper said it will take up to 7 days to get the request which made me a little bit annoyed so i asked to see the admin again and the helper refused, i then called the admin which banned me retarded because i thought that it was outrages that i got banned for warning someone where cops were, which didn't affect anything or anyone.

I would like to note that i understand i broke the metagaming rule and i understand what it is, i also knew what it was before i got banned but i didn't know what OOC stood for. I called the admin a retard which is completely out of order and disrespectful, but i need to emphasize that i was mad and i wanted to talk to him. I understand that i broke a rule and i was disrespectful to a member of staff.

Why should we unban you.
Because the server is a great server which i plan on playing on most days. I have reread the rules because apparently i didn't know them very well :p I am willing to come on the ts if this appeal is granted and i will personally apologize to the helper and the admin for being so disrespectful to them. I will never do this again because i understand what the consequences are.

Once again i apologize for my actions and if this appeal is granted i will never break a rule again!

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You got banned because after those 25 minutes you said to someone: Truck who is going to weed processing: STOP. STOP! you kept repeating it, and this was after my warning in sidechat to stop metagaming. I even said it is so blatant, if you continue I will kick and ban you.


You even had the nerve to ask: How is that metagaming?

It is because no one should have that knowledge except people who see it or who you tell it in character. Sidechat is strictly OUT OF CHARACTER, so anything like a warning in there, is metagaming.


I tried to kick you then and there, but I was setting up to rob someone and wasn't close enough to a player to do it. So, hence the delay.

Then you got banned on TS because one of the helpers notified me you were calling me a retard. Usually I'm okay with people calling me whatever, but in the position of a staff team member, being called that is unacceptable.

Now that I have explained myself, I will leave this to another member of staff to deal with, to make sure decisions are being made impartial and unbiased.

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Yeh, i understand what i did, i'm not arguing it at all, i was just explaining what i did. If you really want i can come onto the ts and apologize for my attitude and what i said towards you and the other staff members

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Explain the metagaming rule in your own words

The metagaming rule is using things like OOC chat to influence on the roleplay of the game or influencing on peoples knowledge on the game. Or using outside communications like a VOIP programe to communicate with people in the game when you're restrained or your comms have been taken away. 

Are you now ready to follow the rules going forward?

Yes i am! I apologize massively for my attitude towards the admins and the other staff members, it will never happen again. I will make sure it won't happen again because if there's a problem in the future it will be resolved with respect and if i do start to get the slightest bit annoyed i will just mute my self for a bit and come back with a better frame of mind. 

I fully understand why i got banned in the first place, i don't need any explanations because i have literally read the rules about 5 times, i know them better then the back of my hand ;) I'll carry on how i was before except i won't use OOC chat for in character stuff.

I have honestly learnt my lesson from using OOC chat for in character things such as cop locations. I understand what OOC is now as well as i have read the rules a lot of times. 

This will not happen again. 

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