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Un-ban Appeal - Throgrih - 10/12/18 <T>

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New member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Forum Report - By Ram on 02/12/2016

Reason given for your ban.
I don't really know

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
To be honest with you guys I am really not sure why I am banned, I stopped playing arma late 2016 and never came on the server or any in fact , I tried to login a few months back and then again today but it didn't allow me to join, the message said kick? Anyways I can imagine I broke a rule but didn't realize I was doing it , it could have been ill initiation of combat? Anyways it was a while back and I am struggling to remember what it was exactly. If you guys could find that out for me It would be great I already tried to find out why but struggled.

Why should we unban you ?
I haven't played actively on a roleplay server for a while and I have only good memories on your server, I made some progress on your server and always loved the little scenarios that happened on my travels whilst playing. It has been just over 2 years since I last played on the server and I think I can be a better member than ever, I believe that my role play skills have got better as I'm now 18(I was 16 when I last played) I know that may not mean much but its just time to appreciate why your server has the rules it does, I would love to return to the server and make some more memories with my friends. I believe I can be a better player and also follow the rules strictly to make it fair for those I come across. Thank you.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

please find the rule you broke and quote it to us, then explain the rule in your own words and then explain why we have that rule in place

Why did it take you this long time to appeal ?

Rule 2.2 : Random deathmatch :

This rule means that it is wrong to randomly start combat or initiating it in an ill manner, of course this is wrong. It also means that no extreme aggression should be shown without a just initiation

The reason you have this rule in place is because the want to assure other players a fun and enjoyable experience on your server without their fun being ruined, it is also in place to hold a good and healthy role play experience and this rule stands to prevent bad RP. As in real life this wouldn't happen.

The reason it took me so long is because I haven't actively played on an Altis life or any server at all for quite a while and I am only just coming back now.  I have had time away from the game and I am ready to come back to be a better member.

this is the report that was made against you. 

now the video is not av anymore. but from what is descibed you can understand what you have done wrong. 
so look inot this then also quote me the greenzone rule you broke. And explain that rule in your own words. 

We cant keep the appeals open for ever. 
Feel free to reappeal whenever. 
Timed out.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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