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Un-ban Appeal - Theldrax - 05/10/2016 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Fail RP / RDM

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
From your point of view, especially because I did not post a video on the report thread, the case might have looked like me RDMing someone, I would like to explain in my own words what exactly came through my mind to act like I did.

Why should we unban you ?
Now, as I explained in a private message to the staff member who banned me, I come from a hardcore RPing community, in which reactions to actions are led by common sense, as it would happen in a real life scenario. I understand this is another game and where I used to RP was maybe more in-depth, but I thought it was unnecessary to explain exactly and in details what would happen to someone if he refuses to comply while I am holding a gun against him. Now that I know, I will make sure to state what the reaction will be in all details..

As I told the admin, my part of the video is missing, but if you saw it from my perspective you would admit that it was nothing more than an accident. Basically he came out of the car with a weapon, if you look at the video, I did not shoot him immediatly, but you can see me hesitating for a moment and stop talking when I shot him. This happened because, after he said what he said in an aggressive tone, he walked backwards, which triggered an animation that looks exactly like the one when you aim your gun up. Now, when I saw that gun being aimed at me, I shot before giving further warnings. I only later on noticed, from his video, that he didn´t actually zoom in at me, but on my screen it seemed like he did so.
If I didn´t see the gun aiming, I wouldn´t have shot him in the first place.

I love RP and this server seems well monitored, you guys banning the RDMers and whatnot is good and shows the effort of the staff team, but this ban, given the circumstances, I feel its a little exagerated, after all I don´t think I am a RDMer myself, I was simply misled by the circumstances. I made sure to read the rules once again just for the sake of it, but what happened was not because of me not knowing about RDM, just wanted to make this clear.

If I get unbanned I will make sure to warn people with specific words instead of assuming they are using their common sense to understand what would happen to them if failing to comply.. no offense given, of course.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I'll reiterate the point I made in the report @Theldrax

Even if he was coming at you with a weapon, and about to RDM you, you cannot RDM him in order to prevent it. As soon as he initiates or explicitly threatens you life, then by all means defend yourself. Unless he does however you are in no position to shoot/kill unless you offer initiation of you own. This must be more than just 'keep doing' etc.

If you wouldn't mind answering a few questions I have we can move this appeal forward.

What did you do wrong in the situation that led to your ban, and how do you think you could have improved it?

What should you do if you suspect someone is going to RDM you, or if someone you rob runs to the green zone?

Please respond as this will time out shortly 

Alright, here are the answers in a list..

1. "What did you do wrong in the situation that led to your ban, and how do you think you could have improved it?"

1. Basically I did not give enough time to the guy to react / respond to the roleplay, and I guess I should have gave him more details on what was gonna happen to him.

2.  "What should you do if you suspect someone is going to RDM you, or if someone you rob runs to the green zone?"

2. I guess I should wait and see if I am actually going to be RDMed before shooting, and instead report the guy with evidence if he does. If the guy runs in the green zone, report him aswell with the evidence.

I see how it runs here now, so it was my bad, just want to state once again that there was no grief intended, nor willing to break the rules intentionally.

Your answers are spot on! Excellent.

Before I unban you, are there any leftover rules/procedures you have questions about?

If you do have any questions feel free to connect to our Teamspeak and get in contact with one of our staff members, they´re more than happy to help you out

Unbanned 16/05/2016

Don't do it again!

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