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Un-ban Appeal - TheEnglishCrumpet - 10/04/19

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Shaniqua Davis

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
The reason why I was banned was for vdming an officer. While one night my friend and I were driving down the road in my ifrit stacked with illegal guns, we passed two prowlers full of cops. When they saw us the decided to chase up when suddenly they ran into each other and everyone but two officers died. Finding this a bit funny I drove past honking my horn at then and accidentally ended up running over one of them which killed them.

Why should we unban you ?
I think that I should be unbanned because after being off of the server for a good while now I have cleaned up my act and have matured a lot more. While not being on this server I have been playing on ******* as a cop. On there I rose up in the ranks all the way to senior constable. Through this I was able to have excellent roleplay with others. Another reason why I should be banned was because I have had more than enough time to re read the handbook even though I did know what I did wrong and I should not have done it, sorry. And after all of this time of waiting, I feel like a have majorly matured as a person and can't wait to get back on the server again!

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

The reason why I was banned was for vdming an officer. While one night my friend and I were driving down the road in my ifrit stacked with illegal guns, we passed two prowlers full of cops. When they saw us the decided to chase up when suddenly they ran into each other and everyone but two officers died. Finding this a bit funny I drove past honking my horn at then and accidentally ended up running over one of them which killed them.
Odd. The way you described it here isn't anywhere near how its written on file, I suggest you have a bit of a think and try make sure you're telling the full story.

Yeah so what happened was that after being chased by the police in my iffrit me and my friend turned a corner where another cop car came and crashed into the other officers and killed them. When coming round that bend then not paying too much attention I did end up running over one of the officers which I fully regret.

Seems like you forgot a few details about your ban. You forgot the following:

You ran over 7 members of poseidon and killed one of them while in your ifrit. When spoken to at first you said you did not see them but then you decided to change your story and say that you them but didn't think running them over would kill them. 

Care to explain? @TheEnglishCrumpet

Yeah at the time I was not thinking about to situation too well but after being banned for as long as I have, I do admit to running over the officers and I sincerely regret it.

On this other community you have played on that generally has very low standards of roleplay you managed to get a permanent ban for insulting staff and argue with staff. After getting unbanned from this you get banned for soft-logging then you get banned for being toxic and calling someone a "fucking spastic" and after that you get banned for ban evading. And after that you finally get banned for Poor RP. And not to forget after getting unbanned from that you get banned AGAIN 6 days later for Poor RP. 

So to sum it up on a community that has a very low quality of roleplay in general you manage to get banned 6 times of which 1 include a permanent ban for assaulting a staff member, 2 for poor RP, 1 for combat logging, 1 for being toxic and 1 for ban evading. 

"Through this I was able to have excellent roleplay with others" Quote from your appeal which is clearly wrong. You also lie about the details on your own ban on this community. And have been banned 3 previous times here and have 3 warnings and 1 including because you were toxic towards someone. 

Not a single chance in the world I'm letting you back on this community. If you ever wish to appeal you can make a permanent ban appeal. 


Denied - permanent ban issued.

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