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Un-ban Appeal - Stano - 26/01/18(Denied)

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Active member
South Africa
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
I was in the police and NHS force whilst under age.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Well it's pretty simple, I enjoyed the server and wanted to become and Cop and a NHS member because I enjoy that part of roleplay. I probably chilled for about 4 months and I was doing well about to get promoted and all and a NHS member ran into a old Staff application I had for another server which displayed my real birth date and he asked me my age, I was honest and told him. At first I was taken out of the NHS but then the information got into a staff members hands and I got banned.

Why should we unban you ?
Many people would do what I did to become a PC or a NHS member in such a great community, many people have done what I did. Why I did this is because i'm mature and thought I wouldn't get caught to be honest, I was caught and i'm totally in the wrong for that.

I admit what I did was wrong and I take blame for it obviously as I was dumb enough to try something such as what I did, If there is one thing I have learnt in life it's that you can't lie about things, It always catches up to you in the end. I found this out just yesterday.

I really like this server, I'm sure you can ask many people on the server that I played with and they can tell you I wasn't a bad guy. I made a few friends and I tried my best to fit in and help the community which ended this way. I have learnt from what I did and all I want back is the ability to play on the Roleplay.co.uk server again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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We have the age restriction in place for a good reason, you've lied in your applications so how can we be certain you are not doing so now?

My current age is 14 turning 15 on the 6th of march. I am not yet the right age to apply and I will not lie about that since I have learnt from my mistakes.

We have the age restriction in place for a good reason, you've lied in your applications so how can we be certain you are not doing so now?
Why should we consider giving you another chance if you've tried to abuse our trust once before?

Why should we consider giving you another chance if you've tried to abuse our trust once before?
I am currently asking for forgiveness for what I have done with the trust that you will forgive me. I have also been part of this community for more than the past two years and I wouldn't want to mess up again.

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Sorry i've been unable to type replies and just fixed it by contacting an admin.

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So you not also breached the steam account agreement but also the rule on our server twice.

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