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Un-ban Appeal - SoundLogic17 - 03/07/18 (Denied)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Jefke V

Reason given for your ban.
Uncuff Glitch

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Right so, I've watch Malula video which can be seen here https://youtu.be/lVj4nuxs7a0
First I'd like to apologise for the language I used in the first unban appeal, I was just angry that I got ban and I knew I was innocent and I realise the staff does have better things to do.. Second, I'd like to state that I had no idea that it was the uncuff glitch. I genuinely thought that I was lock picked but now I know that it was the uncuff glitch. At 4:42, I tell Maldula :Thanks mate" because I did indeed think he uncuffed me like he tried to do the first time. Third, If I had known what had actually happened I would have definitely stayed still and let the officer come back and cuff me again. Forth, at the end of the video, you hear me talking to PC Seth and I told him that I would go to the station. I did indeed go to the station after this in Kavala, but no one could help me because I forgot the officers name. I typed in the general chat after the restart for the police to come to the station and help me resolve this issue but I guess they weren't paying attention.

Why should we unban you ?
I am sorry for the language I've used in the first appeal and if I had seen this video beforehand I would have no problem in saying that it was indeed my fault. However, I have only been playing Arma 3 for a little over a week now, I had and still have no idea what the uncuff glitch is. If I had known about it and saw what actually happen, I would have waited for the officer to restrain me again. I hope you take all this into consideration and tbh, if I ever get uncuffed again, I'll think twice and look around first before I know I was actually uncuffed.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I'm glad you now understand that what you did was wrong and that you should not do it.
What i would like you to now do is prove that you have read the rules and quote me the rule you have broken?

2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of its intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls and windows,and locking doors that have been broken into before 10 minutes have passed, IE those that have been bolt-cut. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not be abused in the future.

If you think of another rule please let me know this is insufficient as I do not see any other rule really applying to this situation.

I have read and understand the unban appeal processYes

Apperantly not. You've bumped your appeal, unfortunately you will not be unbanned by tomorrow then. 3 days lock applied.

So, rather than wait, you say,

Can u unban me please by tmr? 
That is not how we work you made the mistake of breaking our communities rules and you have been punished for it. 

The next part is even more concerning. You decide the best course of action to take after you appeal was locked. Is to message that staff member who has locked it saying

“You guys have some serious hate for something that was clearly a mistake and I have apologized for” 

I am really not sure which part was the mistake. So, I will do you a favor and allow you some more than to learn from all these mistakes you have made. 

Your appeal is Denied you may appeal again in a month (09/08/2018)


Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

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